Labour Law (MD)

Labour Law of the Republic of Moldova

<p>в силе с</p> 2003-10-01, <p>действителен до</p> 2010-09-07



Prohibition of discrimination in the field of work

(1) The principle of equal rights of all employees acts within the labor relations. Any discrimination, direct or indirect, of the employee on grounds of sex, age, race, ethnicity, religion, political choice, social origin, domicile, disability, membership or trade union activity, as well as other criteria not related to his professional qualities, is prohibited.

(2) The establishment of differentiations, exceptions, preferences or rights of employees, which are determined by the specific requirements of a job, established by the legislation in force, or by the special care of the state towards persons in need of increased social and legal protection, does not constitute discrimination. .

<p>в силе с</p> 2010-09-07



