Labour Law (MD)

Labour Law of the Republic of Moldova

În vigoare din data de 2016-04-22, valabil până înainte de 2022-01-10

Articol 199
Content of the unit 's rules of procedure

(1) The internal regulations of the unit must contain the following provisions:

a) occupational safety and health within the unit;

b) observance of the principle of non-discrimination, elimination of sexual harassment and any form of violation of dignity at work;

c) the rights, obligations and liability of the employer and of the employees;

d) work discipline in the unit;

e) disciplinary offenses and sanctions applicable according to the legislation in force;

f) disciplinary procedure;

g) work and rest regime.

(2) The internal regulation of the unit may include other regulations regarding the labor relations in the unit.

(3) The internal regulation of the unit is brought to the knowledge of the employees, under signature, by the employer and produces legal effects for them from the date of notification.

(4) The obligation to familiarize the employees, under signature, with the content of the internal regulation of the unit must be fulfilled by the employer within 5 working days from the date of approval of the regulation.

(5) The manner of familiarization of each employee with the content of the internal regulations of the unit is established directly in its text.

(6) The internal regulations are displayed in all the structural subdivisions of the unit.

(7) Any modification or completion of the internal regulation of the unit shall be made in compliance with the provisions of art. 198 and shall be brought to the notice of the employees within the term and in the manner provided in par. (4) and (5).

În vigoare din data de 2022-01-10

Articol 199
Content of the unit's internal rules

(1) The internal rules of the establishment must contain the following provisions:

a) health and safety at work in the establishment;

b) respect for the principle of non-discrimination, elimination of sexual harassment and any form of injury to dignity at work;

c) the rights, obligations and liability of the employer and employees;

d) work discipline in the establishment;

e) disciplinary offences and the penalties applicable under the legislation in force;

f) disciplinary procedure;

g) work and rest arrangements.

(2) The unit's internal rules may also contain other regulations concerning employment relations in the unit.

(3) The internal rules of the establishment shall be brought to the attention of the employees, under signature or by any other means that allows confirmation of receipt/notice by the employer, and shall have legal effect for them from the date of their acknowledgement.

(4) The obligation to acquaint employees with the content of the internal rules of the establishment shall be fulfilled by the employer within 5 working days from the date of approval of the rules.

(5) The manner of familiarisation of each employee with the content of the internal rules of the establishment shall be determined directly in the text of the rules.

(6) The internal regulations shall be posted in all structural subdivisions of the establishment.

(7) Any amendment or addition to the internal rules of the unit shall be made in accordance with the provisions of Article 198 and shall be notified to the employees within the time limit and in the manner provided for in paragraph (4) and (5).