Labour Law (MD)

Labour Law of the Republic of Moldova

Inkraft seit 2019-01-01, gültig bis vor 2020-08-31

Artikel 10


Inkraft seit 2020-08-31

Artikel 10
Rights and obligations of the employer

(1) The employer has the right:

a) to conclude, modify, suspend and terminate individual employment contracts with employees in the manner and under the conditions established by this code and other normative acts;

b) to ask the employees to fulfill the work obligations and to manifest a household attitude towards the employer's goods;

c) to stimulate employees for efficient and conscientious work;

d) to hold employees to disciplinary and material liability in the manner established by this code and other normative acts;

e) to issue normative acts at unit level;

f) to create patronages for the representation and defense of its interests and to adhere to them.

(2) The employer is obliged:

a) to comply with the laws and other normative acts, the clauses of the collective labor contract and of the collective agreements;

b) to comply with the clauses of individual employment contracts;

b.1) to approve and / or modify the staff statements of the unit under the conditions established by this Code;

c) - repealed;

d) to offer to the employees the work provided by the individual employment contract;

e) to ensure to the employees the working conditions corresponding to the occupational safety and health requirements;

f) to provide employees with equipment, tools, technical documentation and other means necessary for fulfilling their work obligations;

f.1) to ensure equal opportunities and treatment for all persons in employment according to the profession, in vocational guidance and training, in promotion in the service, without any discrimination;

f.2) to apply the same criteria for evaluating the quality of work, for sanctioning and dismissal;

f.3) to take measures to prevent sexual harassment at work, as well as measures to prevent persecution for filing complaints about discrimination in the competent body;

f.4) to ensure equal conditions, for women and men, of combining work and family obligations;

f.5) to introduce in the internal regulations of the unit provisions regarding the prohibition of discrimination on the basis of any criteria and sexual harassment;

f.6) to ensure the observance of the work dignity of the employees;

g) to ensure an equal payment for a work of equal value;

h) to pay in full the salary within the terms established by the present code, by the collective labor contract and by the individual labor contracts;

i) to carry out collective bargaining and to conclude the collective labor contract, providing to the employees' representatives the complete and truthful information necessary for this purpose, as well as the information necessary for the control over the execution of the contract;

j) to inform and consult the employees regarding the economic situation of the unit, occupational safety and health and other issues related to the operation of the unit, in accordance with the provisions of this code;

k) to fulfill in time the prescriptions of the state supervisory and control bodies, to pay the fines applied for the violation of the legislative acts and other normative acts containing norms of the labor law;

l) to examine the notifications of the employees and of their representatives regarding the violations of the legislative acts and of other normative acts containing norms of the labor law, to take measures for their removal, informing about this the persons mentioned within the terms established by law;

m) to create conditions for the participation of employees in the administration of the unit in the manner established by this code and other normative acts;

n) to ensure to the employees the social-sanitary conditions necessary for the fulfillment of their work obligations;

o) to carry out the compulsory social and medical insurance of the employees in the manner provided by the legislation in force;

p) to repair the material and moral damage caused to the employees in connection with the fulfillment of the work obligations, in the manner established by the present code and by other normative acts;

r) to fulfill other obligations established by the present code, by other normative acts, by the collective agreements, by the collective contract and by the individual labor contract.