Labour Law (MD)

Labour Law of the Republic of Moldova

<p>в силе с</p> 2010-09-07, <p>действителен до</p> 2017-08-18





<p>в силе с</p> 2017-08-18



Technical unemployment

(1) Technical unemployment represents the temporary impossibility of the continuation of the production activity by the unit employer or by an internal subdivision of it for objective economic reasons.

(2) The duration of the technical unemployment may not exceed 4 months during a calendar year.

(3) During the technical unemployment, the employees will be at the disposal of the employer, who will always have the possibility to order the resumption of the activity.

(4) During the period of technical unemployment, the employees benefit monthly from an indemnity that cannot be less than 50 percent of their basic salary, except for the cases of suspension of the individual employment contract according to art. 77 letter c).

(5) The manner in which the employees will execute the obligation to be available to the employer, as well as the concrete amount of the indemnity that the employees benefit during the period of technical unemployment, are established by the order (disposition, decision, decision) of the employer. labor and collective agreements.