Labour Law (MD)

Labour Law of the Republic of Moldova

<p>в силе с</p> 2003-10-01, <p>действителен до</p> 2006-06-02





<p>в силе с</p> 2006-06-02



Work organization

(1) Workplaces must be organized in such a way that:

a) to ensure the conditions of protection and hygiene of work;

b) to avoid the forced and unnatural positions of the employee's body and to ensure the possibility to change the position of the body during work by arranging the workplace, by using the appropriate technical equipment, by optimizing the technological flow.

(2) For the jobs that require an increased physical or neuropsychic effort or where there are harmful factors of physical, chemical or biological nature, measures will be provided to ensure a rhythm and work regime that would prevent the injury to the health of the employees.

(3) Employees who work in a warm microclimate (above 300 C) or in a cold one (below 50 C) will benefit from breaks to restore the body's thermoregulatory capacity, the duration and frequency of which are established according to the intensity of the effort. and the values ​​of the microclimate components. For this purpose, fixed or mobile spaces with appropriate microclimate will be provided.

(4) The distribution of employees by jobs shall be made so that the demands imposed by the specifics of work, the work environment, the human - machine relations and the psychosocial ones of the work team correspond to the psychophysiological particularities of the employees. When assigning women to jobs, the morphofunctional features and their specific physiological conditions will be taken into account.

(5) The jobs must be certified from the point of view of labor protection not less than once in 5 years.