Labour Law (MD)

Labour Law of the Republic of Moldova

<p>в силе с</p> 2010-09-07, <p>действителен до</p> 2017-08-25





<p>в силе с</p> 2017-08-25



Main notions

For the purposes of this Code, the following notions are defined:

unit - enterprise, institution or organization with the status of legal person, regardless of the type of property, the legal form of organization and the departmental subordination or branch affiliation;

employer - legal entity (unit) or natural person that employs employees on the basis of an individual employment contract concluded according to the provisions of this code;

assignor - natural or legal person who, in the process of reorganizing the unit, changing the type of property or its owner, involving the change of employer, loses his status as an employer in relation to the unit or part of it;

assignee - natural or legal person who, in the process of reorganizing the unit, changing the type of property or its owner, involving the change of employer, acquires the status of employer in relation to the unit or part of it;

employee - a natural person (male or female) who performs a job according to a certain specialty, qualification or in a certain position, in exchange for a salary, based on the individual employment contract;

employees' representatives - trade union body that operates, as a rule, within the unit in accordance with the legislation in force and with the statutes of trade unions, and in its absence - other representatives elected by the unit's employees in the manner established by this code (art. 21);

pregnant woman - any woman who notifies the employer in writing of her physiological state of pregnancy and attaches a medical certificate issued by the family doctor or specialist, attesting to this condition;

woman who has recently given birth - any woman who resumed her work after the expiry of the postnatal leave and asks the employer, in writing, for the protection measures provided by law, attaching a medical certificate issued by the family doctor, but not later than 6 months from the date of birth;

breastfeeding woman - any woman who, when resuming her work after postnatal leave, breastfeeds her child and notifies the employer, in writing, about it;

young specialist - graduate of the higher education institution, specialized medium or professional secondary in the first three years after its graduation;

sexual harassment - any form of physical, verbal or nonverbal behavior of a sexual nature that harms a person's dignity or creates an unpleasant, hostile, degrading, humiliating or insulting atmosphere;

dignity at work - a comfortable psycho-emotional climate in employment relationships that excludes any form of verbal or nonverbal behavior on the part of the employer or other employees that may harm the moral and mental integrity of the employee.