Constitution of Moldova
Constitution of the Republic of Moldova
66Parliament has the following basic tasks:
a) adopt laws, decisions and motions;
b) declare referendums;
c) interpret the laws and ensure the unity of the legislative regulations throughout the country;
d) approve the main directions of the internal and external policy of the State;
e) approves the military doctrine of the state;
f) exercise parliamentary control over executive power, in the forms and within the limits laid down in the Constitution;
g) ratify, denounce, suspend and annul the action of international treaties concluded by the Republic of Moldova;
h) approve the State budget and exercise control over it;
i) exercise control over the granting of State loans, economic and other aid to foreign states, the conclusion of agreements on State loans and loans from foreign sources;
j) elect and appoint state officials, in cases provided for by law;
k) approves the orders and medals of the Republic of Moldova;
(l) declare partial or general mobilisation;
m) declare a state of emergency, siege and war;
n) initiate the investigation and hearing of any matters relating to the interests of the company;
o) suspend the activity of local public administration bodies, in cases provided for by law;
p) adopt acts on amnesty;
r)performs other duties, established by the Constitution and laws.