Constitution of Moldova
Constitution of the Republic of Moldova
126(1) The economy of the Republic of Moldova is a market economy, of social orientation, based on private property and public property, engaged in free competition.
(2) The State shall ensure:
a) the regulation of economic activity and the administration of public property belonging to it under the law;
b) freedom of trade and entrepreneurial activity, protection of fair competition, creation of a favourable framework for the exploitation of all factors of production;
c) the protection of national interests in economic, financial and foreign exchange activity;
d) stimulating scientific research;
e) the rational exploitation of land and other natural resources in accordance with national interests;
f) the restoration and protection of the environment and the maintenance of ecological balance;
g) increasing the number of jobs, creating conditions for increasing the quality of life;
h) the inviolability of investments of natural and legal persons, including foreign ones.