Information Technology Parks Law
Law regarding the information technology parks
12In connection with the application of this law, the Ministry of economy and infrastructure performs the following functions:
a) monitors the activities of parks, promotes their development through the implementation of policies in this area;
b) ensure that the performance of parks is evaluated annually;
c) cooperate with Central and local public administration bodies, non-governmental organizations and independent experts, organizations in the field of science and innovation in order to support and develop activities carried out in parks;
d) inform the public about projects implemented in parks.
12In connection with the application of this law, the Ministry of economy performs the following functions:
a) monitors the activities of parks, promotes their development through the implementation of policies in this area;
b) ensure that the performance of parks is evaluated annually;
c) cooperate with Central and local public administration bodies, non-governmental organizations and independent experts, organizations in the field of science and innovation in order to support and develop activities carried out in parks;
d) inform the public about projects implemented in parks.
IArt. CCXIX - In the Law No. 77/2016 on Information Technology Parks (Official Monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2016, No. 157-162, Art. 318),
as amended, the phrase "Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure" in any grammatical form shall be replaced by the phrase "Ministry of Economy" in the corresponding grammatical form.