Information Technology Parks Law

Law regarding the information technology parks

Chapter I


  1 - Scope of regulation and purpose of the law

(1) This law regulates the process of creating and operating Information Technology Parks.

(2) The purpose of this law is to create the necessary prerequisites for boosting the development of the Information Technology Industry, Research and innovation, based on information technology in various fields, didactic activity in the field of information technology, as well as creating jobs with high added value and attracting domestic and foreign investments.

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See the original = Romanian


  2 - Terms used

For the purposes of this law, the following terms are defined as follows:

Park administration - administrative authority set up by the Government for the management of an information technology park;

park for information technology (park) - organizational structure whose residents practice the activities stipulated in Art. 8;

resident of the park - a legal or natural person, registered in the Republic of Moldova as a subject of entrepreneurial activity, which is included in the Registry of Residents of the Park and who, as the main activity, practice one or more of the activities stipulated in art. 8, based on a contract with the Park administration;

main activity - activity that generates 70% or more of the sales income of the resident of the park.


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  3 - Main goals of information technology parks

The creation of parks has the following main goals:

a) improving the competitiveness of enterprises in the information technology industry;

(b) supporting small and medium-sized enterprises in the information technology industry; 

c) attracting domestic and foreign investment; and 

d) implementing activities that create high-value-added products;

(e) development of research, innovation and production in the field of information technology;

(f) establishing partnerships with multinational companies in the field of information technology in order to share positive experiences and best practices in this field;

g) attracting qualified personnel;

(h) creation of highly qualified jobs.

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See the original = Romanian


  4 - Principles of creation and operation of information technology parks

The establishment and operation of parks is based on the following principles:

a) impartiality and objectivity towards Park applicants;

b) transparency in the process of initiating the creation of the Park;

c) equal treatment of all potential residents in the registration process;

d) non-interference of public authorities and Park administration in the activities of Park residents, except within the limits provided for by this law, current regulations and the agreement on the implementation of activities in the Park;

e) implementation of the main goals of the Park.


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See the original = Romanian