Information Technology Parks Law
Law regarding the information technology parks
8 - Main activities carried out in the ParkThe following main types of activities can be carried out in information technology parks (in accordance with the CAEM-2 and CSPM rev.2):
a) activities in the field of computer programming of custom software (customer-oriented software) (62.01);
b) computer game production (58.21);
c) other software production (58.29);
d) computer hardware management activities (62.03);
e) data processing, web page management and related activities (63.11);
f) activities of web portals (63.12);
g) consulting services in the field of information technology (62.02);
h) other information technology activities (62.09).
i) other types of education not included in other categories (85.59), limited to computer training;
j) other research and development in the field of natural Sciences and engineering (72.19) based on the use of high – performance specialized computing equipment, limited to:
- services related to scientific research and experimental development in the field of mathematics (72.19.11);
– services related to scientific research and experimental developments in the field of computer science and information technology (72.19.12);
– services related to scientific research and experimental developments in the field of physics (72.19.13);
– services related to scientific research and experimental developments in the field of nanotechnology (72.19.21);
– other services related to scientific research and experimental development in the field of technical Sciences and technologies, other than biotechnology (72.19.29);
– original works of scientific research and experimental developments in the field of natural and technical Sciences, except for biotechnology (72.19.50);
k) research and development in the field of biotechnology (72.11), limited:
– scientific research and experimental developments in the field of bioinformatics: creation of databases of genomes, protein sequences, modeling of complex biological processes, including system biology;
– scientific research and experimental developments in the field of nanobiotechnology: the use of tools and processes of nano - and micro-production for the creation of devices for the study of Biosystems and their use in the creation of medicines, diagnostics, etc.;
l) production of electronic components (modules) (26.11), limited to:
– production of microprocessors;
– production of integrated circuits (analog, digital or mixed);
m) post - production stage of production of movies, video and television programs (52.12), based on the use of high – quality specialized computer equipment, limited to:
- services for creating video effects (59.12.14);
- services in the field of animation (59.12.15);
n) specialized design services (74.10) based on the use of high-performance specialized computing equipment.
(o) Motion picture, video and television programme post-production activities (59.12), exclusively for the computer games industry, limited to the following services:
- digital color correction and rewrapping services (59.12.13);
- sound editing and design services (59.12.17);
(p) sound recording and music publishing activities (59.20), exclusively for the computer game industry, limited to original sound recordings (59.20.13).
9 - Creating an "Information Technology Park"(1) The park is created on the basis of a government decree at the proposal of the Ministry of Economic Development and Digitization.
(2) The term of operation of the park is established by a governmental decree, but may not exceed 10 years.
10 - Application for the creation of the park(1) For the creation of the park, the applicant shall submit an application to the Ministry of Economic Development and Digitization indicating the purposes of the creation of the park, its functional orientation and the activities to be carried out in the park. The application shall be accompanied by copies of the articles of association of the legal or natural person applying for the creation of the park, as well as a feasibility study.
(2) The feasibility study for the creation of the park shall contain:
a) a description of the park concept and the aims of its creation;
b) a justification of the possibility of carrying out permitted activities and attracting potential residents;
c) indication of the degree to which the potential residents of the park will be provided with specialists;
d) the stages and deadlines for setting up the park;
e) the amount of investment required for the creation of the park and its sources.
11 - Examination of the application for the creation of the park(1) The Ministry of Economic Development and Digitization shall examine the application for the establishment of the park and the attached documents within 30 calendar days of their submission.
(2) If several applicants submit applications at the same time, they shall be examined in the order of submission, taking into account the date and time of receipt.
(3) If the documents submitted do not meet the requirements stipulated in Article 10, the Ministry of Economic Development and Digitization may request the submission of corrected documents and information. In this case, the time limit referred to in para. (1) shall be extended by 15 calendar days from the date of the additional request made by the Ministry of Economic Development and Digitization.
(4) If the applicant fails to submit the corrected documents and information within the time limit provided for in paragraph (3) or repeatedly submits documents that do not meet the requirements stipulated in Article 10, the Ministry of Economic Development and Digitization shall inform him/her, in a written notice, of the refusal to satisfy his/her request for the establishment of the park, with the mandatory indication of the reasons for refusal.
(5) In the event that a preventive decision on the establishment of the park is taken following the examination of the application, the Ministry of Economic Development and Digitization shall submit to the Government for approval the draft of the respective decision, together with the draft Regulation on the organization and functioning of the Park Administration and the draft Regulation on the registration of park residents, and shall inform the applicant in a written notice about the initiation of the procedure for the establishment of the park.