Labour Law (MD)

Labour Law of the Republic of Moldova

Chapter VIII
Artikel   283 Peculiarities of the individual employment contract concluded between the employee and the individual employer

(1) At the conclusion of the individual employment contract with the natural person employer, the employee undertakes to perform a work not prohibited by the legislation in force, provided by the contract.

(2) The individual employment contract, concluded in written form, shall include, obligatorily, all the clauses provided in art.49.

(3) The natural person employer is obliged:

a) to draw up, in written form, the individual employment contract with the employee and to register it with the local public administration authority, which sends a copy of it to the territorial labor inspection;

b) to pay the state social insurance premiums and other obligatory payments in the manner and amounts provided by the legislation in force;

c) to complete the documents necessary for the registration, in the established manner, as a taxpayer in the public social insurance system, of the employee employed for the first time.

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Artikel   284 Term of the individual employment contract

At the agreement of the parties, the individual employment contract between the employee and the natural person employer can be concluded for both an indefinite and a fixed term.


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Artikel   285 Work and rest regime

The work regime, the way of granting the rest days and the annual rest stipulations are stipulated in the individual employment contract concluded between the employee and the natural person employer. At the same time, the duration of working time cannot be longer, and the duration of the annual rest leave - shorter than those established by this code.


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Artikel   286 Modification of the clauses of the individual contract for work

About the modification of the clauses of the individual employment contract, the employer, the natural person, warns the employee, in written form, at least 14 calendar days in advance.


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Artikel   287 Termination of individual employment contract

(1) An employee who has concluded an individual employment contract with a natural person employer is obliged to notify the employer of his resignation at least 7 calendar days in advance.

(2) The employer is obliged to notify the employee, in writing, under signature or by another means that allows confirmation of receipt/notice, of the forthcoming dismissal (Art. 82 (f) and Art. 86) at least 7 calendar days in advance.

(3) The concrete term of the notice given under the conditions of paragraph (2), the cases of payment and the amount of severance pay, other payments and compensations due to the employee upon termination of the individual employment contract shall be determined by the parties in the contract.

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Artikel   288 Settlement of individual labor disputes

Individual labor disputes that have not been resolved by the employee and the natural person employer amicably are resolved by the court under the conditions of this code (Title XII).


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Artikel   289 Documents confirming the work at the employer

(1) The individual employment contract concluded in written form and registered according to art. 283 paragraph (3) shall serve as a document confirming the work of the natural person employer.

(2) (Repealed)

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