Labour Law (MD)

Labour Law of the Republic of Moldova

Chapter X
Artikel   293 Hiring a job directly related to traffic means of transport

(1) Only persons with professional training, established by the Government, who have an appropriate document (certificate, driving license, etc.) may be employed in a work directly related to the circulation of means of transport.

(2) The employment of persons to a work directly related to the circulation of means of transport takes place only on the basis of the medical certificate issued following the medical examination performed in the manner established by the Government.

(3) The nomenclature of professions (functions) and works directly related to the circulation of means of transport shall be approved by the Government after consulting the employers' associations and trade unions in the respective branch.


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Artikel   294 The work and rest regime of the employees whose work is directly related to the circulation of the means of transport

The duration, the particularities of the work and rest regime for certain categories of employees whose work is directly related to the circulation of means of transport are established by this code, other normative acts, as well as the international agreements to which the Republic of Moldova is a party.


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Artikel   295 The rights and obligations of employees whose work is directly related to the movement of means of transport

The rights and obligations of employees whose work is directly related to the movement of means of transport are regulated by this code, by the regulations (statutes) for different types of transport, approved in the established manner, by other normative acts in force.


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