IT-Park Yasa

Bilgi teknolojisi parkı yasa

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8 IT-Park Yasa/

Articol 8

Yürütülen ana faaliyet türleri parkta

 ( În vigoare din data de 2018-07-20valabil până înainte de 2024-05-31

, click aici pentru modificare


Bilgi teknolojisi parklarında, aşağıdaki ana faaliyet türleri gerçekleştirilebilir:

a) Talep üzerine yazılımın bilgisayar programlaması (müşteri odaklı yazılım);

b) bilgisayar oyunlarının yayınlanması;

c) diğer yazılım sürümü;

d) bilgisayar ekipmanı yönetim faaliyetleri;

e) veri işleme, web sayfası yönetimi ve ilgili faaliyetler;

f) web portalları;

g) bilgi teknolojisi alanında danışmanlık hizmetleri;

h) diğer bilgi teknolojisi faaliyetleri .

i) bilgisayar eğitimiyle sınırlı, başka yerde sınıflandırılmamış diğer eğitim; 

j) doğa bilimleri ve mühendislik alanındaki diğer araştırma ve geliştirme, aşağıdakilerle sınırlı, yüksek performanslı özel bilgi işlem ekipmanının kullanımına dayalı:

- matematik alanında bilimsel araştırma ve deneysel geliştirmeyle ilgili hizmetler; 

- bilgisayar bilimi ve bilgi teknolojisi alanında bilimsel araştırma ve deneysel geliştirmeyle ilgili hizmetler ;

- fizik alanında araştırma ve deneysel geliştirmeyle ilgili hizmetler;

- Nanoteknoloji alanında araştırma ve deneysel geliştirmeyle ilgili hizmetler;

- biyoteknoloji hariç olmak üzere teknik bilimler ve teknoloji alanında araştırma ve deneysel geliştirmeyle ilgili diğer hizmetler;

 - Biyoteknoloji hariç, doğa ve teknik bilimler alanında özgün bilimsel araştırma ve deneysel geliştirme çalışmaları;

k) biyoteknolojide araştırma ve geliştirme aşağıdakilerle sınırlıdır:

- biyoinformatik alanında bilimsel araştırma ve deneysel geliştirme: genom veri tabanlarının oluşturulması, protein dizileri, sistem biyolojisi dahil olmak üzere karmaşık biyolojik süreçlerin modellenmesi;

- Nanobiyoteknoloji alanında bilimsel araştırma ve deneysel geliştirme: biyosistemlerin incelenmesi için cihazların oluşturulması için nano ve mikro üretim araçlarının ve işlemlerinin kullanılması ve bunların ilaçların yaratılmasında, tanılamada vb.

l) elektronik bileşenlerin (modüllerin) imalatı;

- mikroişlemcilerin üretimi; 

- entegre devrelerin üretimi (analog, dijital veya karışık); 

m) Sinema filmi, video ve televizyon program prodüksiyonunun post prodüksiyon aşaması, yüksek kaliteli özel bilgisayar ekipmanının kullanımına dayalı, aşağıdakilerle sınırlı: 

- video efektleri oluşturma hizmetleri;

- animasyon alanındaki hizmetler ;

n) yüksek performanslı özel amaçlı bilgi işlem ekipmanının kullanımına dayalı özel tasarım hizmetleri.

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Franz-Anton Plitt (President of the supervisory board)
MDW - Moldova´s Germanspeaking Business Association
Chisinau Moldova -
din data de:   2021-11-12
<p>This is a seria of explanations to some important laws for investors in Moldova.</p> <p>The authors are members of the MDW, Moldova&acute;s Germanspeaking Business Association.</p> <p>We hope this will help to get more investments to Moldova.</p> <p>Btw, the membership in our association does not require German language skills (though we see our special task in assistance in relations between Moldova and German speaking business people). Thus if you like our work for Moldova and want to further it: Contact us!</p>

Some info about the activities in Art. 8 IT-Parc-Lex

 The black text below is a translated part of the official CAEN. Explanations by me will be blue!

The text of the list is obviously a translation from a text of the EU. Here the link to the full original text of the English version of the EU-document.


We have it nevertheless here, as not the whole document is relevant, we can show it more readerfriendly and here we can add some additional remarks (blue).


 Information technology service activities

This division includes activities that provide expertise in the field of information technology: writing, modifying, testing and assistance in the field of software, planning and design of electronic computing systems that integrate computers, software and communication technologies, software administration and on-site operation of customer computing systems and / or data processing facilities, other professional and technical activities related to computing equipment.


 26.11 Manufacture of electronic components (modules)


This class includes the manufacture of semiconductors and other components for electronic installations.

This class includes:

  • manufacture of electronic capacitors

  • manufacture of electronic resistors

  • manufacture of microprocessors

  • manufacture of electronic tubes

  • manufacture of electronic connectors

  • manufacture of microassemblies with non-insulated printed circuits

  • manufacture of integrated circuits (analog, digital or hybrid)

  • manufacture of diodes, transistors and similar semiconductor devices

  • manufacture of inductors (eg impedance coils, transformers), of the electronic components type

  • manufacture of crystals and electronic crystal assemblies

  • manufacture of solenoids, switches and transducers for electronic applications

  • manufacture of semiconductor, finished or semi-finished printed circuit boards

  • manufacture of components for screens / displays (plasma, polymers, LCD)

  • manufacture of light emitting diodes (LEDs)

This class also includes:

  • manufacture of printer cables, monitor cables, USB cables, various connectors, etc.

This class excludes:

  • printing "smart cards", see 18.12

  • manufacture of computer and television screens, see 26.20, 26.40

  • manufacture of modems (transmission equipment), see 26.30

  • manufacture of X-ray tubes and similar radiation devices see 26.60

  • manufacture of optical equipment and instruments, see 26.70

  • manufacture of similar devices for electrical applications, see 27

  • manufacture of starters, see 27.11

  • manufacture of electrical relays, see 27.12

  • manufacture of electrical cable connection devices, see 27.33

  • the manufacture of complete equipment is classified elsewhere, based on the classification of the entire equipment.

58.21 Computer game editing activities

This class includes:

  • computer game editing for all platforms.

58.29 Other software publishing activities

This class includes:

  • publishing end-use software, including translating or adapting general-purpose software for a particular market:

  • operating systems

  • enterprise applications and other applications

This class excludes:

  • reproduction of software products, see 18.20

  • retail sale of general purpose software, see 47.41

  • production of software not associated with editing, including transposition or adaptation of non-specialized software for a particular market, on a fee or contract basis, see 62.01

  • providing online software programs (hosting applications and services for providing them), see 63.11

59.12 Film, video and television post-production activities

This class includes post-production activities such as: editing, film-to-cassette transfers, captioning, computer-generated graphic subtitles, animation and special effects, and the development and processing of motion pictures. Also included here is the activity of cinematographic film laboratories and the activities of special laboratories for cartoon films.

This class also includes:

  • film archive activities, etc.

This class excludes:

  • copying films (except reproducing motion pictures for distribution in cinemas) and reproducing audio and video magnetic tapes, CDs or DVDs after the original, see 18.20

  • wholesale of recorded video tapes, CDs and DVDs, see 46.43

  • wholesale of unrecorded video tapes and CDs, see 46.52

  • retail sale of video tapes, CDs, DVDs, see 47.63

  • film processing, other than for the film industry, see 74.20

  • rental of videotapes, general public DVDs, see 77.22

  • independent activities (self-employed) of actors, cartoonists, directors, consultants and other specialists in the field, see 90.0

62.0 Information technology service activities

62.01 Custom software development activities (customer-oriented software)

This class includes writing (programming), editing, testing, and software support activities.

This class includes:

     - designing the structure and content and / or writing the computer code needed to create and implement:

                - software systems

                - software applications

                - Database

                - web pages

     - adapting the software according to specific requirements, ie modifying and configuring an existing application so that it becomes compatible and functional, according to the environment of the client's computer system

This class excludes:

     - publishing software packages, see 58.29

     - transposing or adapting non-specialized software for a particular market, on its own, see 58.29

     - planning and design of electronic computing systems that integrate communication equipment, software and technologies, even if the software provided is an integral component, see 62.02

62.02 Information technology consultancy activities

This class includes the planning and design of computer systems that integrate hardware, software, and communications technologies. Consulting services may also include user training.

62.03 Management activities (management and operation) of the means of calculation

This class includes: activities of management and operation of customers' computer systems and / or data processing facilities (centers), as well as ancillary services therefore.

62.09 Other information technology service activities

This class includes other information technology activities and related activities not elsewhere classified, such as:

  • computer information recovery services in the event of a disaster

  • installation of personal computers

  • software installation services

This class excludes:

  • installation of high-speed computers and storage capacity (mainframe) and similar equipment, see 33.20

  • computer programs, see 62.01

  • computer consultancy, see 62.02

  • means of management activities, see 62.03

  • data processing and web page administration, see 63.11

63 Information service activities

This division includes web search portal activities, data processing and web hosting activities, and other related activities.

63.1 Web portal activities, data processing, web page administration and related activities

This group includes the provision of infrastructure for: hosting web pages, data processing and related activities, as well as providing search facilities and other Internet portals.

63.11 Data processing, web page administration and related activities

This class includes the provision of infrastructure for web hosting, data processing and related activities. Specialized hosting activities are included, such as hosting web pages, streaming services (organizing feeds), or hosting applications. Data processing activities include the complete processing and preparation of specialized reports based on data provided by customers or the provision of automatic data processing and data entry services, including database running activities (execution of functions).

This class excludes:

  • activities where the provider uses the computer only as a working tool (tool) are classified according to the nature of the services provided.

63.12 Activităţi ale portalurilor web

This class includes:

  • operating websites that use a search engine to generate and maintain extensible databases with Internet addresses in an easy-to-search format

  • operating other websites that act as Internet portals, such as media sites that provide regularly updated content.

This class excludes:

  • the activity of publishing books, newspapers, journals on the Internet, see division 58

  • Internet broadcasting activity, see division 60

63.9 Other information service activities

This group includes the activities of news agencies and all other information service activities not previously classified.

This class excludes:

  • library and archive activities, see 91.01

63.91 Activities of news agencies

This class includes:

  • activities of news consortia and activities of news agencies providing news, images and articles to the media.

This class excludes:

  • activities of independent photojournalists, see 74.20

  • activities of freelance journalists, see 90.03

63.99 Other information service activities n.e.c.

This class includes other information service activities not elsewhere classified, such as:

  • computer based telephone information services

  • information search services, on a fee or contract basis

  • news gathering services, newspaper information, etc.

This class excludes:

  • call center activities, see 82.20

72.11 Research and development in biotechnology

This class includes research and development in biotechnology:

  • experimental research-development in the field of DNA / RNA: pharmaco-geonomics, genetic research, genetic engineering, ordering / synthesis / amplification of DNA / RNA, etc.

  • experimental research and development in the field of proteins and other molecules: ordering / synthesis / engineering of proteins and peptides (including hormone molecules), improvement of molecule transmission methods for drugs, proteomics, protein isolation and purification, signaling and identification of receptor cells

  • experimental research and development on cell and tissue cultures and engineering:

  • cell / tissue cultures, cell tissue engineering (including biomedical and skeletal tissue engineering), cell fusion, vaccines / immune stimulants, embryo manipulation

  • research-experimental development on biotechnological processes: fermentation using bioreactors, bioprocessing, biosolubilization, biobleaching, biodesulfurization, bioremediation, biofiltration and phytoremediation

  • experimental research and development on RNA genes and vectors: gene therapy, viral vectors

  • research and experimental development in the field of bioinformatics: database constructions in geonomics, protein ordering, complex biological modeling processes, including biological systems

  • research-experimental development in the field of nanobiotechnology: nano / microfabrication tools and processes used in the construction of devices for the study of biosystems and applications in medication, diagnostics, etc.

72.19 Research and development in other natural sciences and engineering

This class includes:

  • experimental research and development in natural sciences and engineering, other than biotechnological experimental research and development:

  • research and development in natural sciences

  • research and development in engineering and technology

  • research and development in the medical sciences

  • research and development in agricultural sciences

  • interdisciplinary research and development, predominant in natural sciences and engineering

74.10 Specialized design activities

This class includes:

  • design of textiles, clothing, footwear, jewelry, furniture, interior decoration, fashion, as well as other personal or household goods

  • industrial design, ie the creation and development of plans and specifications that optimize the use, value and appearance of products, including the establishment / determination of materials, mechanisms, shapes, colors and finished surfaces of products, taking into account human characteristics and needs, safety and preferences the market for the production, distribution, use and maintenance of these products

  • services of graphic designers

  • activities of interior design designers

This class excludes:

  • design and programming of web pages, see 62.01

  • design in architecture, see 71.11

  • design activities in engineering, ie the application of physical engineering principles and laws in the design of machines, materials, tools, structures, processes and systems, see 71.12

85.59 Other forms of education n.c.a.

This class includes:

  • education that cannot be included in one of the CAEM classes 85.10-85.53

  • services of academic leaders

  • educational centers offering therapeutic courses

  • professional knowledge verification courses

  • training in the field of foreign languages and the acquisition of conversational skills

  • computer training

  • religion training

This class also includes:

  • training of lifeguards and mountain rescuers

  • training in survival methods

  • oratory training

  • quick reading training etc.

This class excludes:

  • adult literacy programs, see 85.20

  • general secondary education, see 85.31

  • technical and vocational secondary education, see 85.32

  • higher education, see 85.4