IT-Parker-Lag MD

Lagen om parker för informationsteknik MD

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2 PIT-Lag/ 6 PIT-Lag/

Articol 2

- Begrepp som används

 ( În vigoare din data de 2017-01-01 )

I denna lag definieras följande begrepp enligt följande:

Parkförvaltning - administrativ myndighet som inrättats av regeringen för att förvalta en IT Park;

Informationsteknologipark (IT Park eller Park) - organisatorisk struktur vars medlemsföretag (medlemmar) bedriver den verksamhet som anges i artikel 8;

Parkens invånare - en juridisk eller fysisk person som är registrerad i Republiken Moldavien och bedriver affärsverksamhet, som är upptagen i registret över parkens medlemmar och som i huvudsak bedriver en eller flera av de verksamheter som anges i artikel 8, på grundval av ett avtal med parkens förvaltning;

Huvudsaklig verksamhet - omsättning som till 70 % eller mer kommer från IT verksamhet enligt denna lags definition.

Profile Image
Franz-Anton Plitt (President of the supervisory board)
MDW - Moldova´s Germanspeaking Business Association
Chisinau Moldova
franz-anton.plitt@mdw-moldova.org - www.mdw-moldova.org
din data de:   2022-06-29
<p>This is a seria of explanations to some important laws for investors in Moldova.</p> <p>The authors are members of the MDW, Moldova&acute;s Germanspeaking Business Association.</p> <p>We hope this will help to get more investments to Moldova.</p> <p>Btw, the membership in our association does not require German language skills (though we see our special task in assistance in relations between Moldova and German speaking business people). Thus if you like our work for Moldova and want to further it: Contact us!</p>

To the law as a whole

This regulation of taxes and social contributions for companies seems to me uniquely simple in the world.

Apparently, it really is an idea born in Moldova.

Unfortunately, it is not so clearly written. It mixes tax law issues with administrative law aspects, etc. without separating this in chapters as clearly as it would be possible, at least in my opinion.

A. Three facts in advance that are initially difficult to imagine for Western Europeans and North Americans alike:

a.) This tax of 7% (of the turnover) also includes the wage tax and all social security contributions of all employees including any own salary of the owner! Otherwise 7% would not be so favorable internationally.

b.) You can have your office anywhere in the republic! So you don't have to move to some special building, where you might have to pay very high rents.

c.) The fees for the park administration are very low.

B. The most relevant for entrepreneurs are Art. 8 and 15. Art. 15 sets the total tax burden.

Art. 8 states which activities must be performed in order to benefit from these regulations.

Art. 15 states the amounts. This is

EITHER 7% of the turnover

OR a payment per employee of 30% of the average wage in the whole country, based on an estimate of the government  (for 2023: average wage = 11.700, 30% = 3510 MDL = approx. 175 €).

The higher amount has to be paid.

C. The rest of the law concerns procedural issues (simple) and regulations for the park administration.