Labour Law (MD)

Labour Law of the Republic of Moldova

În vigoare din data de 2003-10-01, valabil până înainte de 2008-12-31

Articol 130


În vigoare din data de 2008-12-31

Articol 130
Salary structure, conditions and salary systems

(1) The salary includes the basic salary (tariff salary, function salary), the supplementary salary (additions and increases to the basic salary) and other incentive and compensation payments.

(2) The remuneration of the employee's work depends on the demand and supply of labor on the labor market, the quantity, quality and complexity of work, working conditions, professional qualities of the employee, the results of his work and / or the results of economic activity of the unit. .

(3) The work is remunerated per unit of time or in agreement both in the tariff system and in the non-tariff salary systems.

(4) Depending on the specifics of the activity and the concrete economic conditions, the units from the real sector apply, for the organization of the remuneration, the tariff system and / or the non-tariff systems of remuneration.

(5) The choice of the salary system within the unit is made by the employer after consulting the employees' representatives.