Labour Law (MD)

Labour Law of the Republic of Moldova

În vigoare din data de 2006-06-02, valabil până înainte de 2010-07-30

Articol 236


În vigoare din data de 2010-07-30

Articol 236
Committee on Occupational Safety and Health

(1) The Committee for the Protection and Hygiene of Work shall be constituted, on the basis of the principle of parity, by the proxies for the protection and hygiene of work of the employer and, respectively, of the employees. The initiator of the establishment of the committee for occupational safety and health may be either party.

(2) The Committee for labor protection and hygiene ensures the collaboration of the employer and the employees in the process of elaboration and realization of the measures for the prevention of work accidents and occupational diseases.

(3) The framework regulation for the organization and functioning of the committees for labor protection and hygiene shall be approved by the Ministry of Labor, Social Protection and Family in agreement with the employers' associations and trade unions.