Labour Law (MD)

Labour Law of the Republic of Moldova

Inkraft seit 2003-10-01, gültig bis vor 2008-07-01

Artikel 210


Inkraft seit 2008-07-01

Artikel 210
Application of the disciplinary sanction

(1) The disciplinary sanction is applied by order (disposition, decision, decision), in which it is obligatorily indicated:

a) the factual and legal grounds for applying the sanction;

b) the term in which the sanction can be challenged;

c) the body in which the sanction can be challenged.

(2) The sanctioning order (disposition, decision, decision), except for the disciplinary sanction in the form of dismissal according to art.206 paragraph (1) letter d) which is applied in compliance with art.81 paragraph (3), shall be communicates to the employee, under signature, within maximum 5 working days from the date of issue, and if it operates in an internal subdivision of the unit (branch, representative office, decentralized service, etc.) located in another locality - within for a maximum of 15 working days and takes effect from the date of communication. The employee's refusal to confirm by signature the communication of the order is fixed in a report signed by a representative of the employer and a representative of the employees.

(3) The sanctioning order (disposition, decision, decision) may be challenged by the employee in court under the conditions of art. 355.