Labour Law (MD)

Labour Law of the Republic of Moldova

Inkraft seit 2008-05-30, gültig bis vor 2008-07-01

Artikel 229


Inkraft seit 2008-07-01

Artikel 229
Correspondence of units, buildings and other constructions to labor protection norms

(1) Units, buildings and other constructions must be designed, executed and used in such a way as to correspond to the requirements of labor protection and not to endanger the life or health of employees.

(2) The technical documentation for the execution of the units, buildings and other constructions shall be kept with the employer throughout their operation.

(3) Workplaces, characterized by harmful releases, regardless of where they are, indoors or outdoors, shall be located, arranged, equipped and equipped so as to avoid pollution or impact on nearby workplaces. and the adjacent sanitary-social spaces.

(4) The units, buildings and other constructions will be provided with sanitary-social spaces and endowments depending on the physiological needs of the employees, on the characteristics of the work processes and of the work environment.

(5) The reception and commissioning of new, reconstructed or re-equipped units, sections, production sectors, technological lines, buildings and other constructions shall be admitted only with the approval of the Labor Inspectorate and the State Sanitary-Epidemiological Service and with the agreement of the unions. The manner and conditions required for issuing this opinion. are established by law.