Labour Law (MD)

Labour Law of the Republic of Moldova

Inkraft seit 2017-04-28, gültig bis vor 2019-01-01

Artikel 124 .1


Inkraft seit 2019-01-01

Artikel 124 .1
Paternity leave

(1) Paternity leave shall be granted under the conditions provided for in this article in order to ensure the effective participation of the father in the care of the newborn child.

(2) The father of the newborn child benefits from the right to a paternity leave of 14 calendar days.

(3) Paternity leave is granted on the basis of a written request, in the first 56 days from the birth of the child. A copy of the child's birth certificate shall be attached to the application.

(4) During the paternity leave, the employee benefits from a paternity allowance which cannot be lower than the average monthly income insured for the respective period and which is paid from the state social insurance budget.

(5) The employer is obliged to encourage the employees in order to benefit from paternity leave.

(6) The cases in which the employer creates situations with disadvantage effect of the employees who take paternity leave are considered cases of discrimination on the part of the employers and are sanctioned according to the law.