Labour Law (MD)

Labour Law of the Republic of Moldova

<p>в силе с</p> 2016-09-09, <p>действителен до</p> 2020-08-31





<p>в силе с</p> 2020-08-31



Daily working time

(1) The normal daily working time is 8 hours.

(2) For employees up to 16 years of age, the daily duration of working time may not exceed 5 hours.

(3) For employees aged 16 to 18 years and employees working in harmful working conditions, the daily duration of working time may not exceed 7 hours.

(4) For persons with disabilities, the daily duration of working time shall be established according to the medical certificate, within the limits of the normal daily duration of working time.

(5) The maximum daily working time may not exceed 10 hours within the limits of the normal working time of 40 hours per week.

(6) For certain types of activity, units or professions, a daily working time of 12 hours may be established by collective agreement, followed by a rest period of at least 24 hours.

(7) (Repealed)

(8) For works where the special character of the work requires it, the working day may be segmented, in the manner provided by law, provided that the total duration of working time is not longer than the normal daily working time.

(9) (Repealed)