LAW No. 139

LAW No. 139 of 02-07-2010 (Repealed by LP230 of 28.07.22)

LAW No. 139 of 02-07-2010 on copyright and related rights

<p>в силе с</p> 2011-01-01



Protection conditions

(1) According to this Law, all works expressed in a certain objective form in the literary, artistic and scientific field are protected, regardless of whether they have been made known to the public or not.

(2) The author benefits from copyright protection of his work by the very fact of its creation. The creation and exercise of copyright shall not require the registration of the work or any other act of notification or other formalities.

(3) Copyright consists of patrimonial rights and moral rights (personal non-pecuniary rights).

(4) Copyright does not depend on the right of ownership of the material object in which the work has found expression. The acquisition of such an object does not confer on its owner any of the rights granted to the author by this Law.

(5) The patrimonial rights may belong to the author or to another natural or legal person who legally owns the rights (the rights holder).

(6) Copyright protection shall extend to the form of expression, but shall not extend to ideas, theories, scientific discoveries, processes, methods of operation or mathematical concepts as such, nor to inventions contained in a work, regardless of the manner of their acquisition, explanation or expression.