Labour Law (MD)

Labour Law of the Republic of Moldova

În vigoare din data de 2017-08-25, valabil până înainte de 2017-10-20

Articol 33


În vigoare din data de 2017-10-20

Articol 33
The action of the collective labor contract

(1) The collective labor contract enters into force from the moment of signing by the parties or from the date established in the contract. A copy of the collective labor contract shall be submitted by one of the signatory parties, within 7 calendar days from the date of conclusion, to the territorial labor inspection.

(1.1) The duration of the collective labor contract shall be established by the parties and may not be less than one year.

(2) The collective labor contract also produces effects in case of changing the name of the unit or of terminating the individual labor contract with the head of the unit.

(3) In case of reorganization of the unit by merger (merger and absorption), dismemberment (division and separation) or transformation or in case of liquidation of the unit, the collective labor contract continues to produce its effects throughout the reorganization or liquidation process.

(4) In the event of a change in the type of ownership of the unit or its owner, the collective bargaining agreement shall continue to take effect until the date of its expiry or the entry into force of another collective bargaining agreement.

(5) In case of reorganization, change of ownership of the unit or its owner, either party may propose to the other party to conclude a new collective bargaining agreement or to extend the previous contract.

(6) (Repealed)

(7) Under the incidence of the collective labor contract concluded per unit as a whole fall the employees of the unit, its subsidiaries and representations, who empowered their representatives to participate in collective bargaining, to draw up and conclude the collective labor contract on their behalf.