Labour Law (MD)

Labour Law of the Republic of Moldova

În vigoare din data de 2003-10-01, valabil până înainte de 2006-06-02

Articol 142


În vigoare din data de 2006-06-02

Articol 142
Terms, periodicity and place of payment of salary

1) The salary is paid periodically, directly to the employee or to the person authorized by him, based on an authenticated power of attorney, at the employee's place of work, on the working days established in the collective or individual employment contract, but:

a) not less than twice a month for employees remunerated per unit of time or in agreement;

b) not less than once a month for the remunerated employees based on the monthly salaries of the position.

(2) The employer is obliged to inform the employee about the size of the salary, the form of remuneration, the method of calculating the salary, the periodicity and the place of payment, the deductions, other conditions regarding the salary and their modifications.

(3) Upon payment of the salary, the employer is obliged to inform in writing each employee about the component parts of the salary due to him for the respective period, about the size and grounds of the deductions made, about the total amount to be received, as well as to ensure making the respective entries in the accounting records.

(4) The payment of the salary for an occasional work, which lasts less than 2 weeks, is made immediately after its execution.

(5) In case of death of the employee, the salary and other payments due to him shall be paid in full to the spouse, adult children or parents of the deceased, and in their absence - to other heirs, in accordance with the legislation in force.