Labour Law (MD)

Labour Law of the Republic of Moldova

În vigoare din data de 2015-12-18, valabil până înainte de 2020-08-31

Articol 184


În vigoare din data de 2020-08-31

Articol 184
Guarantees in case of termination of the contract individual work

(1) The employer is obliged to give notice to the employee, by order (disposition, decision, decision), under signature, about his intention to terminate the individual employment contract concluded for an indefinite or determined period, in the following terms:

a) 2 months in advance - in case of dismissal in connection with the liquidation of the unit or the cessation of the activity of the natural person employer, the reduction of the number or of the personnel lists at the unit (art. 86 par.

b) one month in advance - in case of dismissal in connection with the finding that the employee does not correspond to the position held or the work performed as a result of insufficient qualification confirmed by the decision of the attestation commission (art. 86 paragraph (1) letter e)) ;

c) 14 calendar days in advance - in case of dismissal due to the employee holding the status of pensioner for old age (art. 86 paragraph (1) letter y1) and art. 301 para. (1) lit. c)).

(2) During the periods provided for in paragraph (1), the employee shall be granted at least one working day per week, with the maintenance of the average salary, in search of another job.

(3) Upon the termination of the individual employment contract as a result of the violation by the employee of his work obligations (art. 86 para. (1) letters g) -k), m), o) -r)), the notice does not it is mandatory.