Labour Law (MD)

Labour Law of the Republic of Moldova

<p>в силе с</p> 2017-08-18, <p>действителен до</p> 2022-01-10



General notions

(1) The suspension of the individual employment contract may occur in circumstances that do not depend on the will of the parties, by the agreement of the parties or at the initiative of one of the parties.

(2) The suspension of the individual employment contract implies the suspension of the performance of the work by the employee and of the payment of the salary rights (salary, bonuses, other payments) by the employer.

(3) Throughout the suspension of the individual employment contract, the rights and obligations of the parties, except those provided in paragraph (2), shall continue to exist if by normative acts in force, by collective agreements, by collective agreement and by individual work is not otherwise provided.

(4) The suspension of the individual employment contract and the resumption of the employment activity, except for the cases provided in art. 76 lit. a) and b) and art. 78 para. (1) lit. d1) and e), is made by order (disposition, decision, resolution) of the employer, which is brought to the notice of the employee, against signature, at the latest on the date of suspension of the individual employment contract or resumption of employment.

<p>в силе с</p> 2022-01-10



General notions

(1) Suspension of the individual employment contract may occur in circumstances beyond the control of the parties, by agreement of the parties or at the initiative of one of the parties.

(2) Suspension of the individual employment contract means suspension of the employee's work and of the payment of wages (salary, bonuses, other payments) by the employer.

(3) Throughout the period of suspension of the individual employment contract, the rights and obligations of the parties, other than those provided for in paragraph (2), shall continue to exist unless otherwise provided by the regulations in force, collective agreements, collective contract and individual employment contract.

(4) The suspension of the individual employment contract and the resumption of the employment activity, except for the cases provided in art. 76 lit. a) and b) and art. 78 para. (1) lit. d.1) and e), is made by order (disposition, decision, resolution) of the employer, which is brought to the employee's notice, under signature or in another way that allows confirmation of receipt / notification, at the latest on the date of suspension of the individual employment contract or resumption of work.