Labour Law (MD)

Labour Law of the Republic of Moldova

<p>в силе с</p> 2020-08-31, <p>действителен до</p> 2022-08-26



Remuneration for additional work

(1) In the case of remuneration of work per unit of time (with tariff salary or with the salary of the position), additional work (art. 104), for the first two hours, shall be remunerated in the amount of at least 1.5 basic salaries established to the employee on unit of time, and for the next few hours - at least twice the size.

(2) In case of remuneration of work in accordance with the application of the tariff system of remuneration, for additional work is paid an addition of at least 50 percent of the tariff salary of the employee of the respective category, remunerated per unit of time for the first 2 hours. at least 100 percent of this tariff salary - for the following hours, and with the application of non-tariff salary systems - of 50 percent for the first 2 hours and, respectively, 100 percent of the minimum guaranteed amount of salary per unit of time in the real sector - for the next few hours.

(2.1) (Repealed)

(3) (Repealed)

<p>в силе с</p> 2022-08-26



Remuneration for additional work

(1) In the case of remuneration of work per unit of time (with tariff salary or with the salary of the position), additional work (art. 104), for the first two hours, shall be remunerated in the amount of at least 1.5 basic salaries established to the employee on unit of time, and for the next few hours - at least twice the size.

(2) In the case of remuneration for work in accordance with the application of the tariff system of wages, an additional amount of at least 50 per cent of the tariff wage of the employee in the category concerned shall be paid for overtime work, remunerated per time unit for the first 2 hours, and at least 100 per cent of this tariff wage - for the following hours, and with the application of non-tariff wage systems - 50 per cent for the first 2 hours and 100 per cent of the guaranteed minimum wage per time unit in the real sector - for the following hours.

(2.1) (Repealed)

(2.2) For overtime work performed in accordance with Article 104 paragargh (8), the employee shall receive the ordinary pay per time unit and a number of hours off, remunerated according to the basic salary, equal to the number of hours of overtime worked.

(3) (Repealed)