Labour Law (MD)

Labour Law of the Republic of Moldova

<p>в силе с</p> 2003-10-01, <p>действителен до</p> 2006-06-02





<p>в силе с</p> 2006-06-02



Disciplinary actions

(1) For the violation of the work discipline, the employer has the right to apply to the employee the following disciplinary sanctions:

a) the warning;

b) reprimand;

c) harsh rebuke;

d) dismissal (on the grounds provided for in art. 86 para. (1) letter g) -r).

(2) The legislation in force may provide for some categories of employees and other disciplinary sanctions.

(3) It is prohibited to apply fines and other pecuniary sanctions for violation of labor discipline.

(4) Only one sanction may be applied for the same disciplinary violation.

(5) When applying the disciplinary sanction, the employer must take into account the gravity of the disciplinary violation committed and other objective circumstances.