Information Technology Parks Law

Law regarding the information technology parks

Inkraft seit 2018-06-15, gültig bis vor 2022-07-01

Artikel 10
- Application for the creation of the park

(1) For the creation of the park, the applicant shall submit an application to the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure indicating the purposes of the creation of the park, its functional orientation and the activities to be carried out in the park. The application shall be accompanied by copies of the articles of association of the legal or natural person applying for the creation of the park, as well as a feasibility study.

(2) The feasibility study for the creation of the park shall contain:

(a) a description of the park concept and the aims of its creation; 

b) a justification of the possibility of carrying out permitted activities and attracting potential residents; 

c) indication of the degree to which the potential residents of the park will be provided with specialists;

d) the stages and deadlines for setting up the park;

e) the amount of investment required for the creation of the park and its sources.

Inkraft seit 2022-07-01

Artikel 10
- Application for the creation of the park

(1) For the creation of the park, the applicant shall submit an application to the Ministry of Economy indicating the purposes of the creation of the park, its functional orientation and the activities to be carried out in the park. The application shall be accompanied by copies of the articles of association of the legal or natural person applying for the creation of the park, as well as a feasibility study.

(2) The feasibility study for the creation of the park shall contain:

a) a description of the park concept and the aims of its creation; 

b) a justification of the possibility of carrying out permitted activities and attracting potential residents; 

c) indication of the degree to which the potential residents of the park will be provided with specialists;

d) the stages and deadlines for setting up the park;

e) the amount of investment required for the creation of the park and its sources.

Monitorul Oficial (MD)
Nr. 1

Artikel I

Art. CCXIX - In the Law No. 77/2016 on Information Technology Parks (Official Monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2016, No. 157-162, Art. 318),

as amended, the phrase "Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure" in any grammatical form shall be replaced by the phrase "Ministry of Economy" in the corresponding grammatical form.