Information Technology Parks Law

Law regarding the information technology parks

Inkraft seit 2018-06-15, gültig bis vor 2022-07-01

Artikel 11


Inkraft seit 2022-07-01

Artikel 11
- Examination of the application for the creation of the park

(1) The Ministry of Economy shall examine the application for the establishment of the park and the attached documents within 30 calendar days of their submission. 

(2) If several applicants submit applications at the same time, they shall be examined in the order of submission, taking into account the date and time of receipt.

(3) If the documents submitted do not meet the requirements stipulated in Article 10, the Ministry of Economy may request the submission of corrected documents and information. In this case, the time limit referred to in para. (1) shall be extended by 15 calendar days from the date of the additional request made by the Ministry of Economy. 

(4) If the applicant fails to submit the corrected documents and information within the time limit provided for in paragraph (3) or repeatedly submits documents that do not meet the requirements stipulated in Article 10, the Ministry of Economy shall inform him/her, in a written notice, of the refusal to satisfy his/her request for the establishment of the park, with the mandatory indication of the reasons for refusal.

(5) In the event that a preventive decision on the establishment of the park is taken following the examination of the application, the Ministry of Economy shall submit to the Government for approval the draft of the respective decision, together with the draft Regulation on the organization and functioning of the Park Administration and the draft Regulation on the registration of park residents, and shall inform the applicant in a written notice about the initiation of the procedure for the establishment of the park.

Monitorul Oficial (MD)
Nr. 1

Artikel I

Art. CCXIX - In the Law No. 77/2016 on Information Technology Parks (Official Monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2016, No. 157-162, Art. 318),

as amended, the phrase "Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure" in any grammatical form shall be replaced by the phrase "Ministry of Economy" in the corresponding grammatical form.