
Working hours contract II

Contract II about working hours and vacations

În vigoare din data de 2004-07-16, valabil până înainte de 2015-06-26

Articol 2

Normal working hours include:

-preparing the job to start the activity;

- fulfillment of work obligations;

- restoring the work capacity during the work schedule in connection with the special climatic conditions, physical efforts and other factors, which are established in the normative acts of the unit, in the collective or individual labor contracts;

-staying time waiting for the disposition about the beginning of the activity;

- time spent in the unit in case of organized travel to work.

Collective agreements (territorial or branch level) and collective labor agreements may provide for other periods of time that are included in the normal duration of working time.

În vigoare din data de 2015-06-26

Articol 2
(No title)

Normal working hours include:

-preparing the job to start the activity;

- fulfillment of work obligations;

- restoring the work capacity during the work schedule in connection with the special climatic conditions, physical efforts and other factors, which are established in the normative acts of the unit, in the collective or individual labor contracts;

-staying time waiting for the disposition about the beginning of the activity;

- time spent in the unit in case of organized travel to work.

- time for personal hygiene in case of unhealthy work, with the duration established in the internal regulations of the unit or in the collective labor contract ”;

- the time intended for wearing and undressing the personal protective equipment, with the duration established in the internal regulations of the unit or in the collective labor contract.

Collective agreements (territorial or branch level) and collective labor agreements may provide for other periods of time that are included in the normal duration of working time.