Constitution of Moldova

Constitution of the Republic of Moldova

În vigoare din data de 1994-08-19, valabil până înainte de 2019-01-14

Articol 51
Protection of disabled people.

(1) Disabled people receive special protection from the whole society. The state provides for them normal conditions of treatment, rehabilitation, education, training and social integration.

(2) No one may be subjected to any forced medical treatment, except in cases provided for by law.

În vigoare din data de 2019-01-14

Articol 51
Protection of disabled people.

1. Persons with disabilities shall enjoy special protection from society as a whole. The state ensures for them normal conditions of treatment, rehabilitation, education, training and social integration.

(2) No one may be subjected to any forced medical treatment, except in the cases provided by law.

Nr. 1

Articol I

Unique article. - The Constitution of the Republic of Moldova, adopted on June 29, 1994 (republished in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Moldova, 2016, no. 78, art. 140), with subsequent amendments, shall be amended as follows:

1. In Article 50 (3), the word "disabled" is replaced by the words "disabled".

2. In Article 51:

in the name, the word "disabled" is replaced by the words "disabled";

in paragraph 1, the word "disabled" is replaced by the words "disabled".