Constitution of Moldova
Constitution of the Republic of Moldova
68 Representative mandate(1) In the exercise of the mandate, the deputies are at the service of the people.
(2) Any mandatory mandate shall be void.
69 Mandate of deputies(1) Deputies shall enter the office subject to validation.
(2) The capacity of a deputy shall cease on the date of the legal meeting of the newly elected parliament, in case of resignation, lifting of the mandate, incompatibility or death.
70 Incompatibilities and immunities(1) The quality of deputy is incompatible with the exercise of any other remunerated function, except for the didactic and scientific activity.
(2) Other incompatibilities are established by organic law.
(3) The deputy may not be detained, arrested, searched, except in cases of flagrant crime, or sent to trial without the consent of the Parliament, after his hearing.
71 Independence of viewsThe member may not be persecuted or held legally liable for votes or opinions expressed in the exercise of his or her mandate.