Labour Law (MD)

Labour Law of the Republic of Moldova

Title XIV


  391 (No title)

(1) This law enters into force on October 1, 2003, except for the provisions regarding the granting of partially paid leave for child care until reaching the age of 3 years from art.124, point (2) and art.127, point (1), which will enter into force on 1 January 2004.

(2) Upon the entry into force of this law, the following shall be repealed:

a) The Labor Law of the Republic of Moldova, approved by the Moldovan R.S.S. Law of May 25, 1973 (News of the Supreme Soviet and of the Moldovan R.S.S. Government, 1973, no. 5, art. 46), with subsequent amendments;

b) Law no. 1296-XII of February 24, 1993 for the settlement of the individual labor disputes (Monitor of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova, 1993, no. 4, art. 91), with subsequent amendments;

c) Law no. 1298-XII of February 24, 1993 for the settlement of the collective labor disputes (Monitor of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova, 1993, no. 4, art. 93), with subsequent amendments;

d) Law no. 1303-XII of February 25, 1993 on the collective labor contract (Monitor of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova, 1993, no. 5, art. 123), with subsequent amendments.

(3) The legislative acts and other normative acts in force that regulate the labor relations and other relations directly related to them shall be applied insofar as they do not contravene this law.

This is a translation. No guarantees!

See the original = Romanian


  392 (No title)

(1) It is proposed to the President of the Republic of Moldova to bring his normative acts in accordance with this law.

(2) The Government, within one year from the date of publication of this law:

a) presents to the Parliament proposals for bringing the legislation in force in accordance with the provisions of this law;

b) presents to the Parliament the draft legislative acts regulating labor relations and other relations directly related to them that will replace the normative acts of the U.R.S.S. and R.S.S.M. in force;

c) will bring its normative acts in accordance with the provisions of this law;

d) will adopt the normative acts necessary for the execution of the provisions of present law;

e) will ensure the revision and abrogation by the ministries and departments of their normative acts that contravene this law;

f) will undertake other measures for the implementation of this law, for the study and application of its provisions by the subjects of law.

(3) The regulation and settlement of the legal situations related to the application of the labor legislation, unregulated or unresolved at the date of entry into force of this law, shall be carried out according to its provisions.


This is a translation. No guarantees!

See the original = Romanian