Constitution of Moldova

Constitution of the Republic of Moldova

În vigoare din data de 1994-08-19, valabil până înainte de 2019-01-14

Articol 50
Protecting mother, children and young people

(1) The mother and child shall be entitled to special assistance and protection. All children, including those born out of wedlock, enjoy the same social protection.

(2) Children and young people shall enjoy a special scheme of assistance in the realization of their rights.

(3) The State shall grant the necessary allowances for children and aids for the care of sick or disabled children. Other forms of social assistance for children and young people are established by law.

(4) Exploitation of minors, their use in activities which would harm their health, morality or endanger their life or normal development are prohibited.

(5) Public authorities shall provide conditions for the free participation of young people in the social, economic, cultural and sporting life of the country.

În vigoare din data de 2019-01-14

Articol 50
Protecting mother, children and young people

(1) The mother and the child have the right to special help and protection. All children, including those born out of wedlock, enjoy the same social protection.

(2) Children and young people shall enjoy special assistance in the exercise of their rights.

(3) The state grants the necessary allowances for children and aid for the care of sick or disabled children. Other forms of social assistance for children and young people are established by law.

(4) The exploitation of minors, their use in activities that would harm their health, morality or that would endanger their life or normal development are prohibited.

(5) The public authorities ensure conditions for the free participation of young people in the social, economic, cultural and sports life of the country.

Nr. 1

Articol I

Unique article. - The Constitution of the Republic of Moldova, adopted on June 29, 1994 (republished in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Moldova, 2016, no. 78, art. 140), with subsequent amendments, shall be amended as follows:

1. In Article 50 (3), the word "disabled" is replaced by the words "disabled".

2. In Article 51:

in the name, the word "disabled" is replaced by the words "disabled";

in paragraph 1, the word "disabled" is replaced by the words "disabled".