BPO-LAW (draft)

Law on International Business Services (draft)

Law on International Business Services Park (draft)

În vigoare din data de 2022-12-31

Articol 6
Park residents

(1) The registration of park residents shall be carried out by the park administration in accordance with the Regulations for the registration of park residents, approved by the Government, which shall expressly and exhaustively indicate the procedure and requirements for registration, as well as the model contract for carrying out activities in the park.

(2) The person registered as a park resident shall conclude a contract with the Park Administration on the activity in the park and shall be entered in the Register of Park Residents on the date of signing the contract. The term of the contract may not exceed the term of operation of the park.

(3) The contract shall indicate:

 a) the types of activity carried out;

 b) the rights and obligations of the park resident and the park administration;

 c) the amount of the compulsory membership fee;

 d) the types of reports to be submitted by the Park Resident to the Park Authority;

 e) the liability of the parties in case of breach of the contractual provisions;

 f) other clauses negotiated by the parties.

(4) Park residents shall keep accounts, draw up and submit financial statements, reports, statements and declarations in the manner prescribed by law.

(5) Park residents shall not be liable for the obligations of the Park Administration.

(6) The Park Administration shall keep a register of Park residents and issue certificates confirming that they are Park residents.