Labour Law (MD)

Labour Law of the Republic of Moldova

Title VI
Chapter I
Artikel   172 The notions of guarantee and compensation

(1) The guarantee means the means, the methods, the conditions by which the realization of the rights granted to the employees in the field of labor relations and of other social relations related to them is ensured.

(2) Compensation means the monetary rights established for the purpose of compensating the expenses incurred by the employees in connection with their execution of the work obligations and other obligations provided by the legislation in force.


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Artikel   173 Cases of granting guarantees and compensations

In addition to the general guarantees and compensations provided by this code (guarantees for employment, transfer, in the field of remuneration, etc.), employees are granted guarantees and compensations in case of:

a) travel in the interest of work;

b) transfer to work in another locality;

c) combining work with studies;

d) termination of the individual employment contract; as well as

e) in other cases provided by this code and by other normative acts.


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