Constitution of Moldova

Constitution of the Republic of Moldova

Chapter VIII
Articol  107 Specialized central public administration

(1) The central specialized bodies of the state are the ministries. They translate into life, according to the law, the government's policy, its decisions and provisions, lead the areas entrusted and are responsible for their work.

(2) For the purposes of management, coordination and control in the field of economic organisation and in other areas not directly within the powers of ministries, other administrative authorities shall be established, under the law.


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Articol  108 Armed forces

(1) The armed forces are subordinated exclusively to the will of the people to guarantee sovereignty, independence and unity, the territorial integrity of the country and constitutional democracy.

(2) The structure of the national defence system shall be established by organic law.


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Articol  109 Basic principles of local public administration

(1) Public administration in territorial administrative units is based on the principles of local autonomy, decentralisation of public services, eligibility of local public administration authorities and consultation of citizens on local issues of special interest.

(2) Autonomy concerns both the organization and functioning of local public administration, as well as the

the communities they represent.

(3) The application of the principles set out may not affect the character of a unitary State.


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Articol  110 Administrative-territorial organization

(1) The territory of the Republic of Moldova is organized, from an administrative point of view, in villages, cities, districts and the autonomous territorial unit of Gagauzia. Under the law, some cities can be declared municipalities.

(2) The localities on the left bank of the Dniester may be assigned special forms and conditions of autonomy in accordance with the special statute adopted by organic law.

(3) The status of the capital of the Republic of Moldova, the city of Chisinau, is regulated by an organic law.

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Articol  111 Gagauzia Autonomous Territorial Unit

(1) Gagauzia is an autonomous territorial unit with a special status which, being a form of self-determination of Gagauzia, is an integral and inalienable part of the Republic of Moldova and resolves independently, within the limits of its competence, according to the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova. the whole population, political, economic and cultural issues.

(2) On the territory of the autonomous territorial unit of Gagauzia are guaranteed all the rights and freedoms provided by the Constitution and the legislation of the Republic of Moldova.

(3) In the autonomous territorial unit Gagauzia activates representative and executive bodies according to the law.

(4) The land, the subsoil, the waters, the vegetal and the animal kingdom, other natural resources located on the territory of the autonomous territorial unit of Gagauzia are the property of the people of the Republic of Moldova and at the same time constitute the economic base of Gagauzia.

(5) The budget of the autonomous territorial unit of Gagauzia shall be formed in accordance with the norms established in the law governing the special status of Gagauzia.

(6) The control over the observance of the legislation of the Republic of Moldova in the autonomous territorial unit of Gagauzia is exercised by the Government, in accordance with the law.

(7) The organic law regulating the special status of the autonomous territorial unit of Gagauzia may be amended by the vote of three-fifths of the number of deputies elected to Parliament.

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Articol  112 Village and city authorities

(1) The public administration authorities, through which local autonomy is exercised in villages and towns, are

elected local councils and elected mayors.

(2) Local councils and mayors act, under the law, as autonomous administrative authorities and solve public affairs in villages and towns.

(3) The choice of local councils and mayors, as well as their powers, shall be determined by law.


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Articol  113 District Council

(1) The district council shall coordinate the work of the village and town councils with a view to carrying out public services of district interest.

(2) The district council shall be elected and shall operate in accordance with the law.

(3) Relations between local public authorities are based on the principles of autonomy, legality and collaboration in solving common problems.


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