Constitution of Moldova

Constitution of the Republic of Moldova

Section 2
Superior Council of Magistracy
Artikel   122 Structure

(1) The Superior Council of Magistracy consists of 12 members: six judges elected by the General Assembly of Judges, representing all levels of the courts, and six persons who enjoy a high professional reputation and personal integrity, with experience in the field of law or in another relevant field, which does not operate within the bodies of the legislative, executive or judicial powers and are not politically affiliated.

(2) The procedure and conditions for the election, appointment and termination of the term of office of the members of the Superior Council of Magistracy shall be established by law. The members of the Superior Council of Magistracy may be revoked, in accordance with the law.

(3) The candidates for the position of member of the Superior Council of Magistracy who are not part of the judges are selected by competition, based on a transparent procedure, based on merit, and are appointed by the Parliament with the vote of three fifths of the elected deputies.

(4) If the appointment of candidates who are not part of the judges to the position of member of the Superior Council of Magistracy under paragraph 3 has failed, the procedure and conditions for their appointment shall be established by law.

(5) The members of the Superior Council of Magistracy are elected or appointed for a term of 6 years, without the possibility of holding two terms.

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Artikel   123 Powers

(1) The Superior Council of Magistracy ensures the appointment, transfer, secondment, promotion and application of disciplinary measures against judges. The Superior Council of Magistracy exercises its attributions directly or through its specialized bodies.

(2) The way of organization and functioning of the Superior Council of Magistracy is established by organic law.

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