Information Technology Parks Law

Law regarding the information technology parks

Inkraft seit 2023-05-14, gültig bis vor 2024-02-12

Artikel 8
- Main activities carried out in the Park

The following main types of activities can be carried out in information technology parks (in accordance with the CAEM-2 and CSPM rev.2):

a) activities in the field of computer programming of custom software (customer-oriented software) (62.01);

b) computer game production (58.21);

c) other software production (58.29);

d) computer hardware management activities (62.03);

e) data processing, web page management and related activities (63.11);

f) activities of web portals (63.12);

g) consulting services in the field of information technology (62.02);

h) other information technology activities (62.09).

i) other types of education not included in other categories (85.59), limited to computer training;

j) other research and development in the field of natural Sciences and engineering (72.19) based on the use of high – performance specialized computing equipment, limited to:

- services related to scientific research and experimental development in the field of mathematics (72.19.11);

– services related to scientific research and experimental developments in the field of computer science and information technology (72.19.12);

– services related to scientific research and experimental developments in the field of physics (72.19.13);

– services related to scientific research and experimental developments in the field of nanotechnology (72.19.21);

– other services related to scientific research and experimental development in the field of technical Sciences and technologies, other than biotechnology (72.19.29);

– original works of scientific research and experimental developments in the field of natural and technical Sciences, except for biotechnology (72.19.50);

k) research and development in the field of biotechnology (72.11), limited:

– scientific research and experimental developments in the field of bioinformatics: creation of databases of genomes, protein sequences, modeling of complex biological processes, including system biology; 

– scientific research and experimental developments in the field of nanobiotechnology: the use of tools and processes of nano - and micro-production for the creation of devices for the study of Biosystems and their use in the creation of medicines, diagnostics, etc.;

l) production of electronic components (modules) (26.11), limited to:

– production of microprocessors;

– production of integrated circuits (analog, digital or mixed);

m) post - production stage of production of movies, video and television programs (52.12), based on the use of high – quality specialized computer equipment, limited to:

- services for creating video effects (59.12.14);

- services in the field of animation (59.12.15);

n) specialized design services (74.10) based on the use of high-performance specialized computing equipment.

(o) Motion picture, video and television programme post-production activities (59.12), exclusively for the computer games industry, limited to the following services:

- digital color correction and rewrapping services (59.12.13);

- sound editing and design services (59.12.17);

(p) sound recording and music publishing activities (59.20), exclusively for the computer game industry, limited to original sound recordings (59.20.13).

Inkraft seit 2024-02-12

Artikel 8
