Labour Law (MD)

Labour Law of the Republic of Moldova

Title I
Chapter I


  1 Basic concepts

For the purposes of this Code, the following terms are defined:

Establishment - an enterprise, institution or organisation with the status of a legal person, irrespective of the type of ownership, legal form of organisation and departmental subordination or branch affiliation;

employer - a legal person (establishment) or natural person employing employees on the basis of an individual employment contract concluded in accordance with the provisions of this Code;

transferor - a natural or legal person who, in the process of reorganisation of the unit, change of ownership or of its owner, involving a change of employer, loses the status of employer in relation to the unit or part of it;

transferee - a natural or legal person who, in the process of reorganisation of the unit, change of ownership or of its owner involving a change of employer, acquires the status of employer in relation to the unit or part of it;

employee - a natural person (man or woman) who performs work according to a certain speciality, qualification or in a certain function, in return for a salary, under an individual employment contract;

employees' representatives - trade union body which usually operates within the establishment in accordance with the legislation in force and the statutes of trade unions, and in its absence - other representatives elected by the employees of the establishment in the manner laid down in this Code (Article 21);

pregnant woman - any woman who notifies her employer in writing of her physiological state of pregnancy and encloses a medical certificate issued by the family doctor or specialist doctor attesting to this state;

woman who has recently given birth - any woman who has resumed work after the expiry of her postnatal leave and requests the employer, in writing, the protective measures provided for by law, enclosing a medical certificate issued by the family doctor, but not later than 6 months from the date of giving birth;

breastfeeding woman - any woman who, on returning to work after taking postnatal leave, breastfeeds her child and notifies her employer in writing;

young specialist - a graduate of an institution of higher, intermediate or secondary vocational education within the first three years after graduation;

sexual harassment - any form of physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of a sexual nature that offends the dignity of the person or creates an unpleasant, hostile, degrading, humiliating or insulting atmosphere;

dignity at work - a comfortable psycho-emotional climate in the working relationship which excludes any form of verbal or non-verbal behaviour on the part of the employer or other employees which may harm the moral and psychological integrity of the employee;

written form - information (certificate, document, contract, etc.) in letters, figures, graphics on paper or in electronic form; holographic writing on paper; information transmitted by fax or other means of communication, including electronic means, which allow the information to be read;

acknowledgement of receipt/notification - receipt/notification shall be deemed to be acknowledged when at least one of the following conditions is met, whichever is the earlier:

a) the notification is delivered to the addressee;

b) the notification is delivered to the postal address indicated by the addressee for this purpose or, failing that, to the registered office of the addressee who is a legal person or to the domicile of the addressee who is a natural person;

c) the notification is transmitted by electronic mail or other means of individual communication, when it can be accessed by the addressee, including in accordance with the rules for sending and receiving electronic documents laid down by law;

d) the notification is otherwise made available to the addressee at a place and in a manner reasonably capable of being accessed by the addressee without delay;

remuneration - monetary remuneration including basic salary (tariff salary, function salary) and all allowances, bonuses, bonuses and other incentive and compensation payments granted to the employee by the employer under the individual employment contract for work performed;

salary level - gross annual pay and corresponding gross hourly pay;

gender pay gap - the difference between the average pay levels of female and male employees, expressed as a percentage of the average pay level of male employees;

equal work - work performed in the same job, according to the same educational, professional and training requirements, skills (abilities), effort, responsibility, work performed, nature of tasks involved and working conditions;

work of equal value - work performed in different functions or positions but which is considered to be of equal value on the basis of the same educational, professional and training requirements, skills (abilities), effort, responsibility, work performed, nature of tasks involved and working conditions;

flexible working arrangements - work schedules that allow employees to adapt their working hours, including through the use of teleworking, home working, flexible working arrangements, part-time working or compressed working weeks.




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  2 Regulation of labor relations and other relations directly related to them

(1) This code regulates the totality of individual and collective labor relations, the control of the application of the regulations in the field of labor relations, the labor jurisdiction, as well as other relations directly related to the labor relations.

(2) This code also applies to labor relations regulated by organic laws and other normative acts.

(3) If the court establishes that, through a civil contract, the labor relations between the employee and the employer are in fact regulated, the provisions of the labor legislation shall apply to these relations.


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  3 Scope of the code

The provisions of this code apply:

a) employees of the Republic of Moldova, employed on the basis of an individual employment contract, including those with a contract of continuous professional training or professional qualification, who perform work in the Republic of Moldova;

b) employees of foreign or stateless citizens, employed on the basis of an individual employment contract, who provide work for an employer who carries out his activity in the Republic of Moldova;

c) employees of the Republic of Moldova who work at the diplomatic missions of the Republic of Moldova abroad;

d) employers of natural or legal persons from the public, private or mixed sector who use salaried work;

e) employees from the apparatus of public, religious, trade union, employers' associations, foundations, parties and other non-commercial organizations that use salaried work


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  4 Labour legislation and other normative acts containing labour law rules

Labour relations and other relations directly related to them are regulated by the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova, the present Code, other laws, other normative acts containing labour law norms, namely:

a) decisions of the Parliament;

b) decrees of the President of the Republic of Moldova;

c) Government decisions and orders;

d) acts related to labour issued by the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, by other specialized central authorities, within the limits of the powers delegated by the Government;

e) acts of local public authorities;

f) normative acts at unit level;

g) collective labour contracts and collective agreements; and

h) treaties, agreements, conventions and other international acts to which the Republic of Moldova is a party.

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Chapter II


  5 Basic principles of the regulation of labor relations and other relations directly related to them

The basic principles of the regulation of labor relations and other relations directly related to them, principles arising from the norms of international law and those of the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova, are the following:

a) freedom of employment, including the right to work freely chosen or accepted, the right to dispose of one's work capacity, the right to choose one's profession and occupation;

b) prohibition of forced (compulsory) labor and discrimination in the field of labor relations;

c) protection against unemployment and assistance in employment;

d) ensuring the right of every employee to fair working conditions, including working conditions that meet the requirements of occupational safety and health, and the right to rest, including the regulation of working time, the granting of annual rest leave, rest breaks daily, holidays and non-working holidays;

e) equality in rights and opportunities of employees;

f) guaranteeing the right of each employee to pay in full and equitable time the salary that would ensure a decent existence for the employee and his family;

f.1) equal pay for equal work or work of equal value;

g) ensuring the equality of employees, without any discrimination, for advancement in the service, taking into account the labor productivity, qualification and seniority in work in the specialty, as well as for professional training, retraining and improvement;

h) ensuring the right of employees and employers to association to defend their rights and interests, including the right of employees to join unions and to be union members and the right of employers to associate in employers and to be members of employers ;

i) ensuring the right of employees to participate in the administration of the unit in the forms provided by law;

j) the combination of state regulation and contractual regulation of labor relations and other relations directly related to them;

k) the obligation of the full reparation by the employer of the material and moral damage caused to the employee in connection with the fulfillment of the work obligations;

l) establishing state guarantees for ensuring the rights of employees and employers, as well as exercising control over their observance;

m) ensuring the right of every employee to defend his or her labor rights and freedoms, including by notifying the supervisory and control bodies, of the labor jurisdiction bodies;

n) ensuring the right to resolve individual labor disputes and collective labor disputes, as well as the right to strike, in the manner established by this code and other normative acts;

o) the obligation of the parties to collective and individual employment contracts to respect the contractual clauses, including the employer's right to demand from the employee the fulfillment of work obligations and the manifestation of a household attitude towards the employer's goods and, respectively, the employee's right to demand employer fulfilling the obligations towards the employees, observing the labor legislation and other acts containing norms of the labor law;

p) ensuring the right of trade unions to exercise public control over compliance with labor legislation;

r) ensuring the right of employees to the defense of honor, dignity and professional reputation during the work activity;

s) guaranteeing the right to compulsory social and medical insurance of employees.

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  6 Non-restriction of the right to work and freedom of labor

(1) Freedom of labor is guaranteed by the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova.

(2) Any person is free to choose his job, profession, trade or activity.

(3) No one, throughout his life, may be obliged to work or not to work in a certain job or in a certain profession, whatever they may be.

(4) Any legal act concluded in breach of the provisions of paragraphs (1), (2) and (3) shall be null and void.


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  7 Prohibition of forced labor (mandatory)

(1) Forced (compulsory) labor is prohibited.

(2) Forced labor (compulsory) means any work or service imposed on a person under threat or without his consent.

(3) The use in any form of forced (compulsory) labor is prohibited, namely:

a) as a means of political or educational influence or as a punishment for supporting or expressing political opinions or beliefs contrary to the existing political, social or economic system;

b) as a method of mobilization and use of labor for economic purposes;

c) as a means of maintaining work discipline;

d) as a means of punishment for participating in the strike;

e) as a means of discrimination on the grounds of social, national, religious or racial affiliation.

(4) Forced labor (compulsory) includes:

a) violation of the established deadlines for payment of the salary or its partial payment;

b) the requirement of the employer towards the employee to fulfill his work obligations in the absence of collective or individual protection systems or in case the accomplishment of the required work may endanger the life or health of the employee.

(5) The following are not considered forced labor (compulsory):

a) military service or the activities carried out in its place by those who, according to the law, do not fulfill the compulsory military service;

b) the work of a convicted person performed under normal conditions during the period of pre-trial detention or parole;

c) the benefits imposed in the situation created by calamities or other danger, as well as those that are part of the normal civil obligations established by law.


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  7 .1 Prohibition of undeclared work

(1) Undeclared work is prohibited.

(2) Undeclared work means any work performed by a natural person for and under the authority of an employer without complying with the provisions of this code regarding the conclusion of the individual employment contract.

New to


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  8 Prohibition of discrimination in the sphere of work

(1) The principle of equal rights of all employees acts within the labor relations. Any discrimination, direct or indirect, of the employee on the grounds of sex, age, race, skin color, ethnicity, religion, political choice, social origin, domicile, disability, HIV / AIDS, membership or trade union activity, as well as other criteria unrelated to his professional qualities, is prohibited.

(2) The establishment of differentiations, exceptions, preferences or rights of employees, which are determined by the specific requirements of a job, established by the legislation in force, or by the special care of the state towards persons in need of increased social and legal protection, does not constitute discrimination. .

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  9 Basic employee rights and obligations

(1) An employee has the right:

a) to conclude, amend, suspend and terminate the individual employment contract in the manner laid down in this Code;

b) to work, in accordance with the terms of the individual employment contract;

c) to a job, under the conditions laid down in the state standards on organisation, safety and health at work, in the collective labour contract and in collective agreements;

d) timely and full payment of wages in accordance with his or her qualifications and the complexity, quantity and quality of the work performed;

d.1) to obtain, on request, information on rates of pay, broken down by sex, for categories of employees performing equal work or work of equal value;

e) to rest, ensured by the establishment of normal working hours, by the reduction of working hours for certain professions and categories of employees, by the granting of rest days and holidays, paid annual leave;

f) full and truthful information, prior to employment or transfer to another post, on the conditions of employment, in particular on the conditions of remuneration for work, including the salary of the post or tariff, supplements, bonuses and material allowances (where these form part of the establishment's pay system), the frequency of payments and the criteria used to determine pay levels;

f.1) to information and consultation on the economic situation of the establishment, occupational safety and health and other matters concerning the operation of the establishment, in accordance with the provisions of this Code;

g) to address the employer, employers, trade unions, central and local public administration bodies, labour jurisdiction bodies; 

h) training, retraining and further training in accordance with this Code and other regulations;

i) to freedom of association in trade unions, including the right to form and join trade unions for the protection of his or her labour rights, freedoms and legitimate interests;

j) to participate in the management of the establishment in accordance with this Code and the collective labour agreement;

k) to conduct collective negotiations and conclude collective agreements and collective agreements, through its representatives, to be informed about the execution of those agreements and agreements;

l) to defend, by means not prohibited by law, his employment rights, freedoms and legitimate interests;

m) to the settlement of individual labour disputes and collective labour disputes, including the right to strike, in the manner laid down in this Code and other normative acts;

n) compensation for material and non-material damage caused in connection with the performance of work obligations, in the manner laid down in this Code and other normative acts;

o) to compulsory social and medical insurance, as provided for by the legislation in force.  

(1.1) Employees may not waive their rights under this Code. Any agreement aimed at waiving or limiting the employee's labour rights shall be null and void.

(2) The employee shall be bound:

a) to conscientiously fulfil his or her employment obligations under the individual employment contract;

b) to comply with the established work rules;

c) to comply with the requirements of the internal regulations of the establishment and to carry the nominal permit for access to the workplace granted by the employer at all times;

d) respect work discipline;

d.1) behave in a non-discriminatory manner towards other employees and the employer;

d.2) respect the right to dignity at work of other employees;

e) comply with occupational safety and health requirements;

f) show good housekeeping towards the employer's and other employees' property;

g) immediately inform the employer or immediate supervisor of any situation that poses a danger to the life and health of people or to the integrity of the employer's property;

g.1) immediately inform the employer or immediate supervisor of the impossibility of reporting for work and present, within 5 working days after resuming work, the documents justifying the absence;

h) pay compulsory state social security contributions and compulsory health insurance premiums in the prescribed manner;

i) fulfil other obligations laid down by the legislation in force, the collective labour contract and collective agreements.

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  10 Employer's rights and obligations

(1) The employer has the right:

a) conclude, amend, suspend and terminate individual employment contracts with employees in the manner and under the conditions laid down in this Code and other regulations;

b) require employees to fulfil their work obligations and to show good housekeeping towards the employer's property;

c) to encourage employees to work efficiently and conscientiously;

c.1) provide employees with childcare services for children up to the age of 3;

d) to hold employees liable for disciplinary and material matters in the manner laid down in this Code and other regulations;

e) issue regulations at unit level;

f) to create and join employers' associations for the representation and defence of its interests.

(2) The employer is obliged:

a) comply with laws and other regulations, the terms of the collective labour contract and collective agreements;

b) comply with the terms of individual employment contracts;

b.1) to approve and/or amend the establishment's personnel lists under the conditions laid down in this Code;

c) (repealed)

d) provide employees with the work provided for in the individual employment contract;

e) provide employees with working conditions appropriate to the requirements of occupational safety and health;

f) provide employees with the necessary equipment, tools, technical documentation and other means to perform their work duties;

f.1) ensure equal opportunities and treatment for all persons in employment according to their profession, in vocational guidance and training, and in promotion in the service, without discrimination of any kind;

f.2) apply the same criteria for assessing the quality of work, for sanctions and for dismissal;

f.3) to take measures to prevent sexual harassment at work, as well as measures to prevent harassment for lodging complaints of discrimination with the competent body;

f.4) ensure equal conditions for women and men to combine work and family obligations;

f.5) introduce provisions in the internal rules of the unit prohibiting discrimination on any grounds and sexual harassment;

f.6) ensure respect for the dignity of employees at work;

g) ensure equal pay for equal work or work of equal value;

h) to pay wages in full within the time limits laid down in this Code, the collective labour agreement and individual employment contracts;

i) to conduct collective negotiations and conclude the collective labour contract, providing the employees' representatives with the complete and truthful information necessary for this purpose, as well as the information necessary to control the execution of the contract;

j) inform and consult employees on the economic situation of the establishment, occupational safety and health and other matters relating to the operation of the establishment in accordance with the provisions of this Code;

k) to fulfil in time the prescriptions of the state supervisory and control bodies, to pay the fines imposed for the violation of legislative and other normative acts containing the rules of labour law;

l) to examine the complaints of employees and their representatives on violations of legislative acts and other normative acts containing labour law norms, to take measures for their removal, informing the mentioned persons about it within the terms established by law;

m) to create conditions for the participation of employees in the management of the establishment in the manner established by this Code and other normative acts;

n) provide employees with the social and health conditions necessary for the fulfilment of their work obligations;

o) to carry out compulsory social and medical insurance of employees in the manner prescribed by the legislation in force;

p) compensate material and moral damage caused to employees in connection with the fulfilment of their work obligations, in the manner laid down in this Code and other normative acts;

r) to fulfil other obligations laid down in this Code, other legislation, collective agreements, collective and individual employment contracts.

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  11 Normative and contractual regulation of relations for work

(1) The minimum level of labor rights and guarantees for employees is established by this code and by other normative acts containing norms of labor law.

(2) Individual employment contracts, collective labor agreements and collective agreements may establish for employees rights and labor guarantees additional to those provided by this code and other normative acts.


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  12 Nullity of clauses in individual employment contracts,from collective labor agreements and conventions collective or from legal acts issued by the authorities public administration, which worsen the situation of employees

The clauses in the individual labor contracts, in the collective labor contracts and in the collective agreements or in the legal acts issued by the public administration authorities mentioned in art. 4 letters d) and e), which worsen the situation of the employees in comparison with the labor legislation they do not produce legal effects.

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  13 Priority of treaties, conventions, agreements and other international acts

If treaties, conventions, agreements or other international acts to which the Republic of Moldova is a party establish other provisions than those contained in this code, international regulations shall have priority.


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  14 Calculation of the terms provided by this code

(1) The expiration of the terms to which this code links the appearance or termination of employment shall begin on the day immediately following the day on which the appearance or termination of employment rights and obligations was determined.

(2) The terms calculated in years, months or weeks shall expire on the respective date of the last year, the last month or week. Non-working days are also included in the term calculated in weeks or calendar days.

(3) If the term calculated in months expires in the month that has a number of days greater or less than that of the month in which the term began to run, then the day of expiration of the term is considered the last day of the month in which the term expires.

(4) If the last day of the term is a non-working day, then the day of expiry of the term shall be considered the first working day immediately following.


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Title II
Chapter I


  15 The notion of social partnership

The social partnership represents a system of relations established between employees (employees 'representatives), employers (employers' representatives) and the respective public authorities in the process of determining and realizing the social and economic rights and interests of the parties.


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  16 Parts of the social partnership

(1) The parties of the social partnership at unit level are the employees and the employers, in the person of the empowered representatives in the established way.

(2) The parties of the social partnership at national, branch and territorial level are the respective trade unions, employers' associations and public authorities, in the person of the empowered representatives in the established manner.

(3) Public authorities are part of the social partnership in cases when they evolve as employers or their representatives empowered by law or by employers.


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  17 Basic principles of social partnership

The basic principles of social partnership are:

a) legality;

b) equality of the parties;

c) parity of the parties' representation;

d) the powers of attorney of the parties' representatives;

e) the interest of the parties for the participation in the contractual relations;

f) the observance by the parties of the norms of the legislation in force;

g) mutual trust between the parties;

h) evaluation of the real possibilities of fulfilling the commitments assumed by the parties;

i) the priority of conciliation methods and procedures and the obligatory consultation of the parties in matters related to the field of labor and social policies;

j) waiving unilateral actions that violate agreements (collective labor agreements and collective agreements) and informing each other of the parties about changes in the situation;

k) adopting decisions and taking actions within the limits of the rules and procedures coordinated by the parties;

l) mandatory execution of collective labor agreements, collective agreements and other agreements;

m) control over the fulfillment of collective labor contracts and collective agreements;

n) liability of the parties for non-compliance with the commitments assumed;

o) favoring by the state the development of the social partnership.


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  18 The social partnership system

The social partnership system includes the following levels:

a) national - establishes the bases for the regulation of socio-economic and labor relations in the Republic of Moldova;

b) branch - establishes the bases for regulating the relations in the sphere of labor and the social one in a certain branch (branches) of the national economy;

c) territorial - establishes the bases for regulating the labor and social relations in the administrative-territorial units of the second level and in the municipalities;

d) of unity - establishes the concrete reciprocal obligations between employees and employer in the sphere of work and the social one.

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  19 Forms of social partnership

The social partnership is achieved through:

a) collective bargaining regarding the elaboration of draft collective labor agreements and collective agreements and their conclusion on a bi- or tripartite basis, through the representatives of the parties of the social partnership;

b) participation in the examination of draft normative acts and proposals aimed at socio-economic reforms, in the improvement of labor legislation, in ensuring civic conciliation;

c) mutual consultations (negotiations) on issues related to the regulation of labor relations and relations directly related to them;

d) participation of employees (their representatives) in the administration of the unit;

e) the participation of the representatives of the parties of the social partnership in the process of out-of-court settlement of the collective labor dispute (conciliation procedure).

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Chapter II


  20 Employee representatives in the social partnership

(1) The representatives of the employees within the social partnership are the trade union bodies at national, territorial, branch and unit level, empowered in accordance with the statutes of the trade unions and with the legislation in force.

(2) The interests of the unit's employees within the social partnership - in collective bargaining, in concluding, amending and completing the collective labor contract, in controlling its fulfillment, as well as in exercising the right to participate in the administration of the unit - are represented by the trade union body. unit, and in its absence - by other representatives elected by the employees of the unit.

(3) Employees' interests in the social partnership at territorial, branch and national level - in collective bargaining, in concluding, amending and supplementing collective agreements, in resolving collective labor disputes, including in concluding, amending or supplementing collective agreements, when carrying out the control of their fulfillment - they are represented by the respective trade union bodies.


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  21 Elected employee representatives

(1) The employees who are not union members have the right to empower the union body to represent their interests in the labor relations with the employer.

(2) In the units in which no trade unions are established, the interests of the employees may be defended by their elected representatives.

(3) The employees' representatives are elected within the general assembly (conference) of the employees, with the vote of at least half of the total number of employees (delegates) in the unit.

(4) The number of elected representatives of the employees is established by the general assembly (conference) of the employees, taking into account the number of staff in the unit.

(5) The powers of the elected representatives of the employees, the manner of exercising them, as well as the duration and limits of their mandate, are established by the general assembly (conference) of the employees in a normative act at unit level.

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  22 Obligation of the employer to create conditions for the activity of the employees' representatives within social partnership

The employer is obliged to create conditions for the activity of the employees' representatives in accordance with this code, with the Trade Union Law, with other normative acts, with the collective agreements and with the collective labor contract.


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  23 Employers' representatives in the partnership social

(1) Representatives of the employer - in collective bargaining, in concluding, amending or supplementing the collective labor contract - are the head of the unit or the persons empowered by him in accordance with this code, other normative acts and the documents establishing the unit.

(2) In collective bargaining, in concluding, amending or supplementing collective agreements, as well as in resolving collective labor disputes related to their conclusion, modification or completion, the interests of employers are represented by the employers, as the case may be.


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  24 Other employers' representatives in the social partnership

State and municipal enterprises, as well as organizations and institutions financed from the national public budget, may be represented by the central and local public administration authorities empowered by law or by the heads of these enterprises, organizations and institutions.


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Chapter III


  25 Social partnership bodies

(1) In order to regulate the socio-economic relations in the sphere of social partnership, the following structures are created:

a) at national level - National Commission for collective consultations and negotiations;

b) at branch level - branch commissions for consultations and collective bargaining;

c) at territorial level - territorial commissions for consultations and collective bargaining;

d) at unit level - the commissions for social dialogue “employer - employees”.

(2) The formation and activity of the commissions at national, branch and territorial level are regulated by organic law, and of the commissions at unit level - by the standard regulation, approved by the National Commission for collective consultations and negotiations, which is published in the Official Gazette. Republic of Moldova.

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Chapter IV


  26 Conducting collective bargaining

(1) The representatives of employees and employers have the right to initiate and participate in collective bargaining for the elaboration, conclusion, modification or completion of the collective labor contract or collective agreements.

(2) The representatives of the parties to whom the proposal in written form for the beginning of the collective bargaining has been sent are obliged to proceed to them within 7 calendar days from the date of the approval.


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  27 How to conduct collective bargaining

(1) The participants in the collective bargaining are free to choose the issues that will be the object of regulation of the collective labor contracts and of the collective agreements.

(2) In the units where a part of the employees are not union members, they have the right, according to art. 21 paragraph (1), to empower the union body to represent their interests in negotiations.

(3) In the units where no unions are constituted, the interests of the employees are expressed, according to art. 21 paragraph (2), by the elected representatives of the employees.

(4) The right to participate in collective bargaining, to sign collective agreements on behalf of employees at national, branch or territorial level belongs to the corresponding trade unions (trade unions). If, at national, branch, territorial or unitary level, there are several trade union bodies, a single representative body is created for the conduct of collective bargaining, the elaboration of the draft collective agreement and its conclusion. The establishment of the representative body is carried out based on the principle of proportional representation of the trade union bodies, depending on the number of trade union members. In the absence of an agreement on the creation of a single representative body for the organization of collective bargaining, the right to conduct them will revert to the trade union (trade union association) with the largest number of members.

(4.1) The right to participate in collective bargaining, to sign collective agreements on behalf of employers at national, branch or territorial level, belongs to the appropriate employers' associations. If, at national, branch or territorial level, there are several employers, a single representative body is created for the conduct of collective bargaining, for the elaboration of the draft collective agreement and for its conclusion. The establishment of the representative body is carried out based on the principle of proportional representation of the employers, depending on the number of their members. In the absence of an agreement on the creation of a single representative body for the organization of collective bargaining, the right to conduct them will revert to the employer with the largest number of members.

(5) (Repealed)

(6) The parties are obliged to provide each other with the information necessary for the conduct of collective bargaining at the latest within 2 weeks from the moment of the request.

(7) The participants in the collective bargaining, other persons involved in the collective bargaining have the obligation not to disclose the information received if it constitutes a state or commercial secret. The persons who disclosed the respective information bear disciplinary, material, administrative, civil or criminal liability, in the manner established by the legislation in force.

(8) The terms, place and manner of conducting the collective bargaining shall be established by the representatives of the parties participating in the respective negotiations.

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  28 Regulating differences

If, in the course of the collective bargaining, no coordinated decision has been taken on all or some of the issues addressed, a report shall be drawn up on the existing differences. The regulation of the divergences appeared in the process of collective bargaining for the conclusion, modification or completion of the collective labor contract or of the collective agreement takes place in the manner established by the present code.


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  29 Guarantees and compensations for participants in collective bargaining

(1) The persons participating in the collective bargaining, in the elaboration of the project of the collective labor contract or of the collective agreement shall be released from the basic work, with the maintenance of the average salary for the term established by the agreement of the parties.

(2) All expenses related to the participation in the collective bargaining shall be compensated in the manner established by the legislation in force, by the collective labor contract or by the collective agreement. The work of experts, specialists and mediators shall be remunerated by the inviting party, unless the collective bargaining agreement or the collective agreement provides otherwise.

(3) During the collective bargaining period, the representatives of the employees participating in them may not be disciplined, transferred to another job or dismissed, without prior consultation of the trade union bodies that empowered them.

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Chapter V


  30 The collective labor agreement

(1) The collective labor contract is the legal act that regulates the labor relations and other social relations in the unit, concluded in written form between the employees and the employer by their representatives.

(2) The collective labor contract may be concluded both per unit as a whole and in its branches and representative offices.

(3) At the conclusion of the collective labor contract within a branch or representative office of the unit, part of it is the head of the respective subdivision, empowered for this purpose by the employer.


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  31 Content and structure of the collective labor agreement

(1) The content and structure of the collective labor contract are determined by the parties.

(2) The collective labor contract may provide for mutual commitments of the employees and the employer regarding:

a) the forms, systems and amount of remuneration;

b) payment of allowances and compensations;

c) the mechanism for regulating the remuneration of labor, taking into account the level of inflation and the achievement of the economic indices provided by the collective labor contract;

d) working time and rest time, as well as issues related to the granting and duration of holidays;

e) improving working conditions and labor protection of employees, including women, youth and people with disabilities;

f) observance of the employees' interests in case of privatization of the unit and of the housing fund on its balance sheet;

g) ecological security and protection of employees' health in the production process;

h) guarantees and facilities for employees who combine work and studies;

i) recovery of health, rest of employees and members of their families;

j) the control of the execution of the clauses of the collective labor contract, the procedure of its modification and completion;

k) ensuring normal working conditions for employees' representatives;

l) liability of the parties;

m) renunciation of the strike in case of fulfilling the clauses of the collective labor contract; as well as

n) other commitments determined by the parties.

(3) The collective labor contract may provide, depending on the economic and financial situation of the employer, facilities and benefits for employees, as well as more favorable working conditions in relation to those provided by applicable law and collective agreements.

(4) Normative clauses may be included in the collective labor contract, if they do not contravene the legislation in force.

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  32 Elaboration of the draft collective labor contract and its conclusion

(1) The draft collective labor contract is elaborated by the parties in accordance with the present code and with other normative acts.

(2) If, within 3 months from the day of the negotiations, no agreement has been reached on some provisions of the draft collective labor contract, the parties are obliged to sign the contract only for the coordinated clauses, drawing up, at the same time, a report on existing divergences.

(3) Unresolved differences shall be the subject of subsequent collective bargaining or shall be resolved in accordance with this Code and other normative acts.


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  33 The action of the collective labor contract

(1) The collective labor contract enters into force from the moment of signing by the parties or from the date established in the contract. A copy of the collective labor contract shall be submitted by one of the signatory parties, within 7 calendar days from the date of conclusion, to the territorial labor inspection.

(1.1) The duration of the collective labor contract shall be established by the parties and may not be less than one year.

(2) The collective labor contract also produces effects in case of changing the name of the unit or of terminating the individual labor contract with the head of the unit.

(3) In case of reorganization of the unit by merger (merger and absorption), dismemberment (division and separation) or transformation or in case of liquidation of the unit, the collective labor contract continues to produce its effects throughout the reorganization or liquidation process.

(4) In the event of a change in the type of ownership of the unit or its owner, the collective bargaining agreement shall continue to take effect until the date of its expiry or the entry into force of another collective bargaining agreement.

(5) In case of reorganization, change of ownership of the unit or its owner, either party may propose to the other party to conclude a new collective bargaining agreement or to extend the previous contract.

(5.1) In the event of the opening of insolvency proceedings of the establishment, the collective labour agreement concluded prior to the opening of such proceedings shall continue to have effect for the entire period of its validity. The amendment, supplementing of the contract in force or the conclusion of a new collective labour contract in the establishment under insolvency proceedings shall be made only by joint agreement of the parties.

(6) (Repealed)

(7) Under the incidence of the collective labor contract concluded per unit as a whole fall the employees of the unit, its subsidiaries and representations, who empowered their representatives to participate in collective bargaining, to draw up and conclude the collective labor contract on their behalf.

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  34 Modification and completion of the collective agreement for work

(1) The modification and completion of the collective labor contract takes place in the manner established by this code for concluding the contract.

(2) Any modification or completion of the collective labor contract shall be brought to the notice of the unit's employees by the employer within 5 working days from the date of operation by means of a:

a) notice sent by electronic mail or other means of communication, which may be accessed by each employee; and/or

b) public notice placed on the establishment's website, as appropriate; and/or

c) a public notice placed on a publicly accessible notice board at the establishment's premises, including at each of its branches or representative offices.

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  35 Collective agreement

(1) The collective agreement is a legal act which establishes the general principles governing the employment and socio-economic relations directly related to them, which are concluded by the empowered representatives of employees and employers at national, territorial and branch level, within the limits of their competence.

(2) The collective agreement may include clauses regarding:

a) remuneration for work;

b) working conditions and labor protection;

c) work and rest regime;

d) development of the social partnership;

e) other issues determined by the parties.

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  36 Content and structure of the collective agreement

The content and structure of the collective agreement are established by the agreement of the representatives of the parties, who are free to choose the circle of issues to be negotiated and included in the agreement.


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  37 How to prepare and conclude the project of the collective agreement

(1) The draft collective agreement shall be drawn up in the framework of collective bargaining.

(2) The negotiation, conclusion and modification of the clauses of the collective agreement at the respective level, clauses that provide for the allocation of budgetary means, are usually carried out by the parties before the draft budget for the financial year corresponding to the term of the agreement.

(3) The manner and terms of elaboration of the draft collective agreement and of its conclusion shall be established by the social partnership body of the corresponding level.

(4) Unresolved differences shall be the subject of subsequent collective bargaining or shall be resolved in accordance with this Code and other normative acts.

(5) The collective agreement shall be signed by the representatives of the parties.


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  38 Collective agreement action

(1) The collective agreement concluded at national level (General Agreement) shall enter into force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Moldova.

(2) Collective agreements at branch and territorial level shall enter into force at the time of signing by the parties or at the date set in the agreement. A copy of the collective agreement at branch or territorial level shall be submitted by one of the signatory parties to the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection within 7 calendar days from the date of its conclusion.

(3) The term of the collective agreement shall be determined by the parties and may not be less than one year.

(4) If employees are covered by more than one collective agreement at the same time, the more favourable provisions of the collective agreements shall have priority.

(5) The collective agreement shall apply to employees and employers who have authorised their representatives to take part in collective bargaining and to draw up and conclude the collective agreement on their behalf, to public authorities within the limits of the commitments entered into, and to employees and employers who have acceded to the agreement after its conclusion.

(6) The collective agreement shall apply to all employers who are members of the employer concluding the agreement. Termination of the employer's membership shall not release the employer from the obligation to comply with the provisions of the agreement concluded during the period of its membership. An employer who joined the employer organisation during the period of the collective agreement is obliged to comply with the provisions of that agreement.

(7) The manner of publication of collective agreements concluded at branch and territorial level, as well as amendments and additions thereto, shall be determined by the parties.

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  39 Modification and completion of the collective agreement

The modification and completion of the collective agreement takes place in the manner established by this code for the conclusion of the agreement.


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  40 Repealed


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  41 Control over the fulfillment of the collective agreement labor and collective agreement

(1) The control over the fulfillment of the collective labor contract and of the collective agreement is exercised by the parties of the social partnership, through their representatives, and by the State Labor Inspectorate, according to the legislation in force.

(2) When performing the respective control, the representatives of the parties are obliged to exchange information necessary for this purpose.

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Chapter VI


  42 The right of employees to administer the unit and the forms of participation

(1) The right of employees to administer the unit, directly or through their representative bodies, and the forms of participation in it are regulated by this code and other normative acts, by the establishment documents of the unit and by the collective labor contract.

(2) The participation of the employees in the administration of the unit can be achieved by:

a) participation in the elaboration of draft normative acts at unit level in the socio-economic field;

a.1) participation in the approval of normative acts at unit level in the cases provided by this code and by other legislative or normative acts;

b) informing and consulting the employees regarding the issues mentioned in art. 421;

c) collaboration with the employer within the social partnership;

d) (repealed)

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  42 .1 Informing and consulting employees

(1) In order to ensure the right of employees to manage the establishment provided for in Article 42, the employer is obliged to inform and consult them on matters relevant to their work in the establishment.

(2) The obligation to inform covers:

a) the recent and probable development of the activities and economic situation of the establishment;

b) the situation, structure and probable development of employment in the establishment and any anticipatory measures envisaged, in particular where there is a threat to jobs;

c) decisions likely to lead to significant changes in work organisation or contractual relations, including those relating to collective redundancies or change of ownership of the establishment;

d) the occupational safety and health situation at the establishment and any measures likely to affect their provision, including the planning and introduction of new technologies, the choice of work and protective equipment, the training of employees in occupational safety and health, etc;

e) the average remuneration by category of employee or function, broken down by sex.

(3) The information shall be provided by sending to the employees' representatives, in written form, the relevant, complete and truthful data on the subjects listed in para. (2) in good time to enable employee representatives to prepare for consultation if necessary.

(4) Information shall be provided whenever necessary in the circumstances and periodically at intervals laid down in the collective labour agreement. Regular information on the subjects referred to in paragraph (2) may be held not less frequently than once a year, but not later than in the first half of the year following the year of management.

(5) If certain measures are envisaged with regard to employees, the information shall be made at least 30 calendar days before the implementation of the relevant measures. In case of liquidation of the establishment or reduction in the number or status of staff, the employees shall be informed at least 30 calendar days before the initiation of the procedures referred to in Article 88.

(6) If there is neither a trade union nor elected representatives in the establishment, the information referred to in para. (2) shall be made known to employees by means of a public notice on a notice board with general access at the establishment's premises (including at each of its branches or representative offices) and, where appropriate, by means of the website or electronic messages.

(7) Consultation shall take place:

a) in meetings with representatives of the employer at the level relevant to the subject matter discussed;

b) on the basis of the information submitted in accordance with paragraph (3) and the opinion which the employee representatives are entitled to formulate in this context;

c) with a view to reaching a consensus on the matters referred to in paragraph 2. (b) to (d) which fall within the competence of the employer.

In the process of consultation, the employees' representatives shall have the right to meet the employer and to obtain a reasoned response to any opinion they may formulate. Where certain measures are envisaged in respect of employees, consultation shall be carried out in such a way as to give the employees' representatives the opportunity to negotiate and reach a consensus with the employer before the envisaged measures are implemented. In all cases, provided for in this Code, where the employer is obliged to consult employees/employee representatives before taking a decision affecting the rights and interests of employees, the employer shall notify the trade union body/employee representatives and request their consultative opinion in writing. The deadline for submitting the opinion is 10 working days from the date of receipt of the notification. If the opinion is not submitted within the period indicated, the communication of the advisory opinion by the trade union/employee representatives shall be presumed.

(8) If the establishment has an occupational safety and health committee established in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Occupational Safety and Health No. 186/2008, the information and consultation on the matters referred to in para. (2)(d) of this Article shall be conducted within this committee.

(9) Employees' representatives and any expert assisting them shall not disclose to employees or third parties information which, in the legitimate interests of the establishment, has been provided to them in confidence following the signing of a written undertaking. This restriction shall apply wherever such representatives or third parties may be, even after the expiry of their mandate. In turn, employees will not disclose confidential information received in the same way from their employer. Failure to respect confidentiality entails an obligation on the part of the persons responsible to make good the damage caused.

(10) By way of derogation from the provisions of paragraph. (1) to (8), the employer shall not be obliged to communicate information or undertake consultations if such actions may have the effect of disclosing a state or trade secret. Refusal by the employer to provide information or to consult on the matters referred to in para. (2), may be challenged in court.

(11) When informing and consulting employees in connection with the reorganisation of the establishment, change of ownership or change of ownership, the particulars provided for in Article 197.1 shall be taken into account.

(12) Collective agreements and/or collective labour contracts may establish any information and consultation procedures, which shall not diminish the rights of employees in relation to the provisions of this Code.

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  43 Responsibility for dodging to participate to collective bargaining and for refusing to present the information necessary for the conduct of collective bargaining and exercising control over the execution of the contract collective bargaining agreement and the collective agreement

(1) The representatives of the parties that evade the participation in the collective negotiations regarding the conclusion, modification and completion of the collective labor contract or the collective agreement or who refuse to sign the collective bargaining contract or collective bargaining agreement shall be liable according to the legislation in force.

(2) The persons guilty of failing to present the information necessary for conducting collective bargaining and exercising control over the execution of the collective labor agreement or collective agreement, as well as those guilty of presenting incomplete or untrue information, shall be liable in accordance with applicable law.


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  44 Liability for violation or non-execution the collective labor contract or the collective agreement

The persons guilty of violating or not executing the clauses of the collective labor contract or of the collective agreement are liable in accordance with the legislation in force.


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Title III
Chapter I


  45 The notion of individual employment contract

The individual employment contract is the agreement between the employee and the employer, through which the employee undertakes to perform a job in a certain specialty, qualification or position, to comply with the internal regulations of the unit, and the employer undertakes to ensure the working conditions provided by this code, other normative acts containing norms of labor law, the collective labor contract, as well as to pay the salary on time and in full.


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  46 Parties to the individual employment contract

(1) The parties to the individual employment contract are the employee and the employer.

(2) The natural person acquires the capacity to work at the age of 16.

(3) The natural person may conclude an individual employment contract also at the age of 15, with the written consent of the parents or legal representatives, if, consequently, his health, development, training and professional training will not be endangered.

(4) It is prohibited the employment of persons up to 15 years of age, as well as the employment of persons deprived by the court of the right to hold certain positions or to exercise a certain activity in the respective positions and activities.

(5) As an employer, part of the individual employment contract can be any natural or legal person, regardless of the type of property and the legal form of organization, which uses salaried work.

(6) The legal person employer may conclude individual employment contracts from the moment of acquiring the legal personality.

(7) The natural person employer may conclude individual employment contracts from the moment of acquiring the full capacity to exercise.

(8) It is forbidden to conclude an individual employment contract for the purpose of performing a work or an illegal or immoral activity.

(9) The citizens of the Republic of Moldova, foreign citizens and stateless persons may be part of the individual employment contract, except for the cases provided by the legislation in force.


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  47 Employment guarantees

(1) Unfounded refusal of employment is prohibited.

(2) It is prohibited any limitation, direct or indirect, in rights or the establishment of some advantages, direct or indirect, at the conclusion of the individual employment contract depending on sex, race, ethnicity, religion, domicile, political option or social origin.

(3) The refusal of the employer to hire shall be drawn up in writing, with the indication of the data provided in art. 49 paragraph (1) letter b), and may be challenged in court.

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  48 Information on working conditions

(1) Prior to employment or transfer to a new post, the employer shall inform the person to be employed or transferred of the conditions of employment in the proposed post, giving him the information referred to in Article 49 (1). This information shall be the subject of a draft individual employment contract or an official letter, signed by the employer with an electronic signature or a holographic signature. The obligation to inform the person selected for employment or the employee, in the event of transfer, shall be deemed to have been fulfilled by the employer when the contract or the supplementary agreement to the individual employment contract is signed.

(2) Upon hiring, the employee shall be provided with the collective agreements applicable to him/her, the collective labour agreement, the internal regulations of the establishment, as well as information on occupational safety and health requirements related to his/her work.

(3) If the employee is to work abroad, the employer shall provide him in good time with all the information referred to in Article 49 (1) and, in addition, information concerning:

a) the duration of work abroad;

b) the currency in which the work will be remunerated and the method of payment;

c) the compensation and benefits in cash and/or in kind related to going abroad;

d) the specific insurance conditions;

e) accommodation conditions;

f) tour and return travel arrangements.

(4) When employing foreign nationals in the Republic of Moldova, the provisions of the labour migration legislation as well as the relevant provisions of international treaties to which the Republic of Moldova is a party shall also be taken into account.

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  49 Content of the individual employment contract

(1) The content of the individual employment contract is determined by agreement between the parties, taking into account the provisions of the legislation in force, and includes:

a) the name and surname of the employee;

b) the identification data of the employer;

c) the duration of the contract;

d) the date from which the contract is to take effect;

d.1) speciality, profession, qualification, position;

e) the duties of the post;

f) the risks specific to the post;

f.1) the name of the work to be performed (in the case of an individual employment contract for the period of performance of a specific work - Art. 312-316);

g) the rights and obligations of the employee;

h) the rights and obligations of the employer;

i) the conditions of remuneration of the work, including the salary of the position or the tariff one, the supplements, the prizes and the material aids (in case they are part of the salary system of the unit), as well as the periodicity of the payments;

j) compensations and allowances, including for work performed in difficult, harmful and / or dangerous conditions;

k) the workplace. If the job is not fixed, it is mentioned that the employee may have different jobs and the legal address of the unit or, as the case may be, the employer's domicile is indicated;

l) the work and rest regime, including the duration of the employee's working day and week;

m) probationary period, as the case may be;

n) the duration of the annual rest leave and the conditions for granting it;

o) (repealed)

p) social insurance conditions;

r) medical insurance conditions;

s) the specific clauses (art. 51), as the case may be.

(2) The individual employment contract may also contain other provisions tha do not contravene the legislation in force.

(3) It is forbidden to lay down conditions for the employee in the individual employment contract that are lower than those laid down in the regulations in force, in collective agreements and in the collective employment contract.

(4) (Repealed)

(5) (Repealed)


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  50 Prohibition to require the performance of work that it is not stipulated in the individual employment contract

The employer is not entitled to require the employee to perform work that is not stipulated in the individual employment contract, except in cases provided by this code.


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  51 Specific clauses of the individual employment contract

(1) Apart from the general clauses provided in art. 49, the parties may negotiate and include in the individual employment contract specific clauses, such as:

a) the mobility clause;

b) the confidentiality clause;

c) clauses regarding the compensation of transport expenses, the compensation of communal services, the granting of housing space;

d) other clauses that do not contravene the legislation in force.

(2) In exchange for the observance of some of the clauses provided in paragraph (1), the employee may benefit from the right to a specific indemnity and / or from other rights, according to the individual employment contract. In case of non-compliance with these clauses, the employee may be deprived of the rights granted and, as the case may be, obliged to repair the damage caused to the employer.

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  52 Mobility clause

The mobility clause allows the employer to have an activity that does not require a stable job within the same unit.

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  53 Confidentiality clause

(1) By the confidentiality clause, the parties agree that, for the entire duration of the individual employment contract and for a maximum of 2 years after its termination, not to disclose data or information of which they became aware during the execution of the individual employment contract. established by the internal regulations of the unit, by the collective or individual employment contract.

(2) The non-observance of the confidentiality clause entails the obligation of the guilty party to repair the caused damage.

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  53 .1 Non-compete clause as a condition of contract

(1) The parties may negotiate a non-competition clause whereby the employee is obliged, after termination of the individual employment contract, not to perform, for his own benefit or for the benefit of a third party, an activity which is in competition with the activity performed for his employer, for the period negotiated by the parties, but not more than 1 year. During this period, the employer pays the employee a monthly allowance, the amount of which will be negotiated between the employee and the employer, but which will not be less than 50% of the employee's average monthly salary.

(2) A non-competition clause which prohibits the employee from pursuing his profession in its entirety (according to his educational qualifications) shall be deemed invalid. The non-competition clause must expressly state the geographical area of the administrative-territorial units to which it applies, the activities for which it is valid, the period for which it takes effect, the amount of the monthly non-competition allowance, the time limits and the method of payment.

(3) For breach of the non-competition clause, the employee shall return the compensation received and recover the damage caused to the employer.

(4) Unless otherwise provided by the parties in the non-competition condition, the employer may unilaterally terminate the non-competition condition subject to notice and payment of three months' allowance. The notice of termination of the condition shall have effect only for the future.

(5) Unless otherwise stipulated by the parties in the non-competition condition, the employee may terminate the non-competition condition, subject to notice in writing, if the employer delays payment of benefits.

(6) This Article shall not affect the non-competition obligation provisions laid down in the Civil Code for the administrator of a legal entity.

New to


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  54 Duration of the individual employment contract

(1) The individual employment contract is concluded, as a rule, for an indefinite period.

(2) The individual employment contract may be concluded for a determined duration, not exceeding 5 years, under the conditions provided by this code. The legal basis for concluding the individual fixed-term employment contract is indicated in the contract.

(3) If the duration of the individual employment contract is not stipulated, the contract shall be considered concluded for an indefinite period.

(4) It is forbidden to conclude individual fixed-term employment contracts in order to evade the granting of the rights and guarantees provided for employees employed for an indefinite period.

(5) The individual employment contract concluded for a determined duration in the absence of some legal grounds, ascertained by the State Labor Inspectorate, shall be considered concluded for an indefinite duration.

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  55 Fixed-term individual employment contract

(1) The individual employment contract can be concluded for a fixed period, according to art. 54 paragraph (2), in the following cases:

a) for the period of fulfilling the work obligations of the employee whose individual employment contract is suspended (with the exception of cases where he is on strike), or for the period in which he is on one of the leaves provided for in art. 112, 120, 123, 124, 126, 178, 299 and 300 times for the period in which he is absent for other reasons;

b) for the period of performance of temporary works with a duration of up to 2 months;

b.1) for the period of performance of seasonal works which, by virtue of the climatic conditions, can only be carried out during a certain period of the year;

c) with persons seconded to work abroad of the Republic of Moldova;

c.1) with foreign citizens who work in the territory of the Republic of Moldova, with the exception of foreigners with the right of permanent or temporary residence for family reunification;

d) for the period of the employee's internship and professional training at another unit;

e) with people who study at educational institutions in day courses;

f) with retired persons, according to the legislation in force, due to age limit or length of service (or who obtained the right to pension due to age limit or length of service) and are not employed in the field of work - for a period of up to 2 years, which, upon expiry, can be extended by the parties under the conditions of art. 54 paragraph (2) and art. 68 paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) letter a);

g) with scientific collaborators from research and development institutions, with teaching staff and rectors of higher education institutions, as well as with leaders of preschool, primary, general secondary, special complementary, artistic, sports, professional secondary, specialized environment educational institutions, based on the results of the contest held in accordance with the legislation in force;

h) at the election, for a determined period, of employees in elective positions in central and local public authorities, as well as in trade union bodies, employers, other non-commercial organizations and commercial companies;

i) with the heads of the units, their deputies and the chief accountants of the units;

j) (repealed)

k) for the period of performance of a certain work;

k.1) for the period of implementation of an investment project or a technical and financial assistance program;

k.2) for carrying out works related to increasing the volume of production or services provided, the temporary character of which (up to one year) can be argued by the employer;

k.3) with the persons who work at the units created for a determined period;

l) with creative workers in art and culture;

m) with employees of religious associations; as well as

n) in other cases provided by the legislation in force.

(2) In the cases listed in para. (1) lit. e), g), i), l) and m), the conclusion of an individual fixed-term employment contract or the fixed-term extension of an existing contract is allowed only when establishing a permanent employment relationship is not possible from objective reasons (such as the availability of people who do their studies at the day department only during the holidays, the existence of organic laws that allow or prescribe the employment of certain employees for a fixed period, etc.). The respective reasons, along with the legal grounds for limiting the duration of the employment relationship, are to be indicated in the contract or in the additional agreement to it.

(3) Between the same parties, no more than 3 individual employment contracts can be concluded successively, for a determined duration, except for the cases provided for in para. (1) lit. a), b), c.1) and h), which cumulatively will not exceed 60 months.

(4) Individual employment contracts with a determined duration will be considered to be concluded successively if there is a time interval of less than 3 months between them.

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  55 .1 Guarantees for fixed-term employees

(1) The less favorable treatment of the employees employed for a determined duration in relation to the permanent employees performing a work equivalent to the same unit is not allowed, if such treatment is based exclusively on the duration of the employment relationship and does not have an objective justification.

(2) The interdiction provided in par. (1) at least:

a) the length of service required for holding certain positions;

b) training opportunities;

c) the possibility to hold a permanent position within the unit.

(3) In order to ensure equal access to jobs, the length of service established for holding a position shall be the same for employees employed for an indefinite period and for those employed for a fixed period.

(4) In order to improve the professional skills, career development and professional mobility of fixed-term employees, the employer shall facilitate their access to adequate vocational training opportunities, in accordance with the provisions of this Code (Title VIII).

(5) The employer shall inform the employees employed for a determined duration about the vacant positions within the unit, within 5 working days from the date of their appearance, so that the respective employees can access permanent positions on equal terms with the other employees. Information on vacancies shall be communicated to employees and their representatives at the enterprise level by means of:

a) an advertisement sent by e-mail or other means of communication that can be accessed by any employee; and/or

b) a public announcement posted on the company's web page, if applicable; and/or

c) a public notice posted on a publicly accessible information board at the place of business, including all its branches or representative offices.

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Chapter II


  56 Conclusion of the individual employment contract

(1) The individual employment contract shall be concluded on the basis of negotiations between the employee and the employer. The conclusion of the individual employment contract may be preceded by specific circumstances (competitive examination, election to a post, etc.).

(2) The employee has the right to conclude individual employment contracts with other employers at the same time (cumulative employment), unless prohibited by the legislation in force.

(3) The individual employment contract shall be signed by the parties:

a) either by handwritten signature - in two copies, one copy of which shall be handed to the employee and the other shall be kept by the employer;

b) or by qualified advanced electronic signature - if the parties to the individual employment contract have agreed to conclude it by exchange of electronic documents.

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  57 Documents submitted at the conclusion individual employment contract

(1) At the conclusion of the individual employment contract, the person who commits himself shall present to the employer the following documents:

a) identity card or other identity document;

b) (repealed)

c) (repealed)

d) the diploma of studies, the qualification certificate confirming the special training - for the professions that require knowledge or special qualities;

e) the medical certificate, in the cases provided by the legislation in force;

f) the declaration on his own responsibility regarding the fact that, during the activity at the previous jobs, he did not violate the provisions of art. 6 para. (2) of Law no. 325 of December 23, 2013 on the assessment of institutional integrity, except for cases when the person is employed for the first time.

(2) It is forbidden for employers to request from the persons who are hired other documents than those provided in paragraph (1), as well as other legislative acts.

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  58 Form and commencement of action of the individual employment contract

(1) The individual employment contract shall be concluded in written form. The individual employment contract concluded before the date of entry into force of this Code may be concluded in written form only with the agreement of the parties. The employer's proposal to conclude the individual employment contract in written form shall be notified to the employee by the employer's order (disposition, decision, resolution), under signature or by another means that allows confirmation of receipt/notification. The employee's proposal to conclude the individual employment contract in written form shall be notified to the employer by submitting and registering his written request. The reasoned refusal of one of the parties to conclude the individual employment contract in written form shall be communicated to the other party by its written reply within 5 working days.

(2) The individual employment contract shall take effect from the day of signing, unless the contract provides otherwise.

(3) If the individual employment contract has not been concluded in written form, it shall be deemed to be concluded for an indefinite period and shall take effect from the day on which the employee is admitted to work by the employer or by another responsible person in the establishment who is authorized to employ staff. If the employee proves that he has been admitted to work, the individual employment contract in written form shall be drawn up by the employer at a later date.

(4) In the case of employment without the appropriate written form, the employer shall also be obliged, on the basis of the labour inspector's inspection report, to draw up the individual employment contract in accordance with the provisions of this Code.

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  59 Excluded


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  60 Probation

(1) In order to verify the professional skills of the employee, at the conclusion of the individual employment contract, he may be assigned a trial period of no more than 6 months. In the case of hiring unskilled workers, the trial period is established as an exception and cannot exceed 30 calendar days.

(2) The probationary period does not include the period of the employee being on medical leave and other periods in which he was absent from work for valid reasons, documented.

(3) The clause regarding the trial period must be stipulated in the individual employment contract. In the absence of such a clause, it is considered that the employee was hired without a trial period.

(4) During the trial period, the employee benefits from all the rights and fulfills the obligations stipulated by the labor legislation, the internal regulations of the unit, the collective and the individual labor contract.

(5) Only one trial period can be established during the individual employment contract.

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  61 Probationary period of employees employed in the base individual fixed-term employment contract

Employees employed on the basis of an individual fixed-term employment contract may be subjected to a probationary period which shall not exceed:

a) 15 calendar days for a duration of the individual employment contract between 3 and 6 months;

b) 30 calendar days for a duration of the individual employment contract longer than 6 months.


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  62 Prohibition of the application of probation

The probationary period shall not apply to the conclusion of an individual employment contract with:

a) (repealed)

b) persons under 18 years of age;

c) persons employed by competitive examination under special laws unless otherwise provided for;

d) persons who have been transferred from one establishment to another;

e) pregnant women;

f) (repealed)

g) persons elected to elective office;

h) persons employed under an individual contract of employment of up to 3 months;

i) (excluded)

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  63 The result of the trial period

(1) If, during the probationary period, the individual employment contract has not been terminated on the grounds provided for in this Code, the action of the contract shall continue and its subsequent termination shall take place on a general basis.

(2) If the result of the probationary period is unsatisfactory, this is stated in the order (disposition, decision, resolution) regarding the dismissal of the employee, which is issued by the employer until the expiration of the probationary period, without payment of the indemnity. dismissal. The employer is not obliged to give reasons for the decision on the unsatisfactory result of the probationary period. The employee has the right to challenge the dismissal in court.

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  64 Repealed


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  65 Perfecting documents on hiring

(1) On the basis of the individual employment contract negotiated and signed by the parties, the employer may issue an order (disposition, decision, resolution) of employment.

(2) If the employer has issued an employment order (disposition, decision, resolution), it shall be notified to the employee, under signature or by another means allowing confirmation of receipt/notice, within 3 working days from the date of signing of the individual employment contract by the parties. At the employee's written request, the employer is obliged to provide him/her with a copy of the order (disposition, decision, resolution), certified in the prescribed manner, within 3 working days.

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  66 Repealed


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  67 Certificate of work and salary

The employer is obliged to issue free of charge to the employee within 3 working days, at his written request, a certificate regarding the work within the respective unit, indicating the specialty, qualification, position, duration of work and the amount of salary.

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Chapter III


  68 Modification of the individual employment contract

1) The individual employment contract may be amended by an additional agreement signed by the parties, including the use of a qualified advanced electronic signature. The supplementary agreement shall form an integral part of the individual employment contract.

(2) An amendment to the individual employment contract shall be deemed to be any amendment or addition which concerns at least one of the clauses referred to in Article 49 para. (1).

(3) (Repealed)

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  69 Temporary change of job

(1) By derogation from the provisions of art. 68 para. (1), the employee's job may be temporarily changed by the employer, without making changes in the individual employment contract, in case of travel or secondment according to art. 70 and 71.

(2) During the trip in the interest of service or secondment to another job, the employee maintains his position, the average salary and other rights provided by the collective and individual employment contract.

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  70 Sending away in the interest of the service

Sending the employee away in the interest of the service may be ordered for a period of no more than 60 calendar days, in the manner and under the conditions provided in art. 174-176. This period may be extended for a period of up to one calendar year only with the written consent of the employee.

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  71 Posting

(1) The secondment may be ordered only with the written consent of the employee for a period not exceeding one year and shall be carried out on the basis of a separate individual employment contract for a determined duration.

(2) If necessary, the period of secondment may be extended, by agreement of the parties, by a maximum of one more year.

(3) For some categories of employees (art. 302), the secondment may be ordered for a longer period than the one indicated in paragraph (1).

(4) The seconded employee has the right to the compensation of the transport and accommodation expenses, as well as to a special indemnity in accordance with the legislation in force, with the collective contract and / or with the individual labor contract.

(5) The specifics of the work may be modified by secondment, but only with the written consent of the employee.

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  72 Remuneration in case of secondment

(1) The remuneration, in case of secondment, will be performed by the unit where the employee will work. If it is unable to pay, the obligation to remunerate the work performed rests with the unit that ordered the secondment with the right to recourse action against the unit in which the employee was posted.

(2) If, at the new job, the salary conditions or the rest time differ from those from which the employee benefited at the unit that ordered the secondment, the more favorable conditions will be applied to the employee.

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  73 Temporary change of place and specificity of work

(1) In case of a situation provided by art.104 paragraph (2) letters a) and b), the employer may temporarily change, for a period of maximum one month, the place and specifics of the employee's work without his consent and without operation of the respective changes in the individual employment contract.

(2) In case of impossibility for the employee to perform work at the workplace organized by the employer and in order to protect the safety and health of the employee during exceptional situations related to the declaration of a state of emergency, siege and war or the declaration of a state of emergency in public health, the employer, depending on the specifics of the employee's work, may order, by reasoned order (disposition, decision, resolution), the temporary change of the employee's job with work at home or remotely, without making such changes in the contract individual work. The order (disposition, decision, resolution) is communicated to the employee in due time, including by electronic means.

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  74 Transfer to another job

1) The transfer of an employee to another permanent job within the same establishment, with modification of the individual employment contract in accordance with Article 68, as well as employment by transfer to a permanent job in another establishment or transfer to another locality together with the establishment, shall be permitted only with the written agreement of the parties.

(2) An employee who, according to the medical document (certificate/certificate/document etc.) issued by the competent medical authority (institution), requires lighter work shall be transferred, with his written consent, to another work which is not contraindicated. If the employee refuses this transfer, the individual employment contract shall be terminated in accordance with the provisions of Article 86 (1) (x). If a suitable job is not available, the individual employment contract shall be terminated in accordance with Article 86 (1) (d).

(2.1) With the written agreement of the parties, on the basis of the order issued by the employer, the employee may be temporarily transferred to another job within the same establishment for a period of up to one month, with the possibility of extending this period up to one year.

(2.2) In case of transfer under the conditions of para. (2.1), the employer shall retain the employee's position held until the transfer.

(3) In case of transfer under the conditions of paragraph (1), (2) and (2.1), the parties shall make the necessary changes in the individual employment contract in accordance with Article 68, based on the order (disposition, decision, resolution) issued by the employer which shall be notified to the employee, under signature or by other means allowing confirmation of receipt/notification, within 3 working days.

(4) (Repealed)

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Chapter IV


  75 General notions

(1) Suspension of the individual employment contract may occur in circumstances beyond the control of the parties, by agreement of the parties or at the initiative of one of the parties.

(2) Suspension of the individual employment contract means suspension of the employee's work and of the payment of wages (salary, bonuses, other payments) by the employer.

(3) Throughout the period of suspension of the individual employment contract, the rights and obligations of the parties, other than those provided for in paragraph (2), shall continue to exist unless otherwise provided by the regulations in force, collective agreements, collective contract and individual employment contract.

(4) The suspension of the individual employment contract and the resumption of the employment activity, except for the cases provided in art. 76 lit. a), b) and c) and art. 78 para. (1) lit. d.1) and e), is made by order (disposition, decision, resolution) of the employer, which is brought to the employee's notice, under signature or in another way that allows confirmation of receipt / notification, at the latest on the date of suspension of the individual employment contract or resumption of work.

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  76 Suspension of the individual employment contract in circumstances that do not depend on the will of the parties

The individual employment contract is suspended in circumstances that do not depend on the will of the parties in case of:

a) maternity leave;

b) illness or trauma;

c) (Excluded)

d) establishment of quarantine, based on the sick leave certificate issued to the employee in accordance with the legislation;

e) incorporation into the military service in term, in the military service with reduced term or in the civil service;

f) force majeure, confirmed in the established manner, which does not require the termination of employment;

g) sending to the court the criminal file regarding the commission by the employee of a crime incompatible with the work performed, until the finality of the court decision;

h) omission, due to the employee's fault, of the term for passing the medical control;

i) detection, according to the medical document (certificate/document/act, etc.) issued by the competent medical authority (institution), of contraindications which do not allow the performance of the work specified in the individual employment contract;

j) request of the control or law enforcement bodies, according to the legislation in force;

k) presentation at work in a state of alcohol intoxication, in a state caused by narcotic or toxic substances, ascertained by the certificate issued by the competent medical institution or by the act of the commission composed of an equal number of representatives of the employer and employees;

l) on strike, declared according to this code;

m) establishing for a determined term the degree of disability as a result of a work accident or an occupational disease; as well as

n) in other cases provided by the legislation in force.

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  77 Suspension of the individual employment contract by agreement of the parties

The individual employment contract is suspended by agreement of the parties, expressed in writing, in case of:

a) granting unpaid leave for a period longer than one month;

b) following a professional training or internship course with decommissioning for a period longer than 60 calendar days;

c) technical unemployment;

d) care of the sick child up to 10 years old;

e) (repealed)

e.1) detachment;

f) in other cases provided by the legislation in force.

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  78 Suspension of the individual employment contract at the initiative of one of the parties

(1) The individual employment contract is suspended at the initiative of the employee in case of:

a) leave for the care of the child up to 4 years old;

b) leave for the care of a sick family member lasting up to two years, according to the medical certificate;

b.1) leave for the care of the child with disabilities lasting up to 2 years;

c) following a professional training course outside the unit, according to art. 214 paragraph (3);

d) holding an elective position in public authorities, trade union bodies or employers;

d.1) non-payment or partial payment, at least 2 consecutive months, of the salary or other obligatory payments;

e) unsatisfactory working conditions from the point of view of labor protection; as well as

f) for other reasons provided by law.

(2) The individual employment contract may be suspended at the initiative of the employer:

a) during the service investigation, carried out under the conditions of this code;

b) (excluded)

c) in other cases provided by law.

(3) In the cases provided in par. (l) lit. d1) and e), the employee is obliged to communicate in writing to the employer the date of suspension of the individual employment contract.

(4) The employer is not entitled to hire other employees to replace those whose individual employment contracts have been suspended on the grounds provided in par. (l) lit. d1) and e).

(5) In the cases of suspension of the individual employment contract on the grounds provided in par. (l) lit. d1) and e), the employee is obliged to resume his work activity within 3 working days from the moment:

a) removing the danger for life or health;

b) payment of the salary, other obligatory payments or information about the transfer of these payments on the bank card.

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  78 .1 Granting days off to employees in case of suspension of the educational process in physical presence

(1) In the event of the suspension, in exceptional circumstances, of the educational process with a physical presence in educational institutions, once the competent authorities have ordered special measures to ensure the safety, protection of life and health of the population, with the consent of the employer, days off are granted to one of the parents or the guardian for the supervision of the children throughout the suspension of the educational process in the regime of physical presence, with the payment of an indemnity equal to at least 50% of the basic salary of the employee.

(2) The provisions of par. (1) shall apply:

a) parents or guardians of children up to 12 years of age enrolled in an educational unit;

b) parents or guardians of children with disabilities enrolled in an educational unit.

(3) The days off are granted at the written request of one of the parents or the guardian, to which is attached a declaration on their own responsibility, signed by both parents, except for single-parent families, or by the guardian who will supervise the child during the mentioned period. . .

(4) In the case of families with more than one child, who meet the stability requirements in this Article, only one of the parents shall have days off.

(5) If, as a result of checks, it is found that both parents have been on leave at the same time, the subsequent leave of a higher allowance granted under this Article shall be revoked.

(6) The allowance provided for in this Article shall be paid by the employer. In some cases, the allowance can be paid in full or in part from the state budget, in the manner established by the Government.

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  79 How to resolve suspension disputes individual employment contract

Disputes related to the suspension of the individual employment contract are resolved in the manner established in art. 354-356.


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  80 Technical unemployment

(1) The technical unemployment represents the temporary impossibility of the continuation of the activity by the employer, unit or by an internal subdivision of it:

a) for objective economic reasons;

b) following the declaration of a state of emergency, siege and war;

c) as a result of the restrictions imposed in the state of emergency in public health.

(2) The duration of the technical unemployment instituted pursuant to par. (1) lit. a) may not exceed 4 months during a calendar year.

(3) During the technical unemployment, the employees will be at the disposal of the employer, who will always have the possibility to order the resumption of the activity.

(4) During the period of technical unemployment, the employees benefit monthly from an indemnity that cannot be less than 50 percent of their basic salary, except for the cases of suspension of the individual employment contract according to art. 77 letter c).

(4.1) In the case of the establishment of technical unemployment pursuant to par. (1) lit. b) and c), the allowance may be paid in full or in part from the state budget, in the manner established by the Government.

(4.2) If the technical unemployment benefit is paid from the state budget, the jobs occupied by the persons for whom these benefits have been paid may not be reduced for a period at least equal to the period of the technical unemployment for which they were paid. they paid these indemnities, except in cases of insolvency.

(5) The manner in which the employees will execute the obligation to be available to the employer, as well as the concrete amount of the indemnity that the employees benefit from during the technical unemployment, are established by the order (disposition, decision, decision) of the employer. labor and collective agreements.

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  80 .1 Stationary

1. Stationing means the temporary impossibility of the production activity being continued by the unit, by an internal subdivision (subdivisions) thereof, by an employee or a group of employees and may be caused by:

a) for reasons that do not depend on the employer or employee;

b) through the fault of the employer;

c) through the fault of the employee.

(2) The remuneration of the standing time produced by causes that do not depend on the employer or employee, except for the period of technical unemployment (art. 80), is made in the amount of at least 2/3 of the basic salary per unit of time established to the employee, but not less than the amount of a minimum wage per unit of time, established by the legislation in force, for each hour of parking.

(3) In case of parking caused by the employer's fault, except for the period of technical unemployment (art. 80), the employer is obliged to compensate the employee for the salary he did not receive.

(4) The employee due to the parking has not been remunerated for the parking hours.

(5) The manner of registration of parking and the concrete amount of remuneration shall be established, as the case may be, in the collective and / or individual employment contract or in the internal regulations of the unit.

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Chapter V


  81 Grounds for termination of the individual employment contract

(1) The individual employment contract may be terminated:

a) in circumstances beyond the control of the parties (Articles 82, 305 and 310);

a.1) by written agreement of the parties (art. 82.1);

b) at the initiative of one of the parties (Articles 85 and 86).

(2) In all the cases referred to in paragraph (1), the day of termination of the individual employment contract shall be considered the last day of work.

(3) The individual employment contract shall be terminated on the basis of the employer's order (provision, decision, solution), which shall be notified to the employee, under signature or by another means allowing confirmation of receipt/notification, at the latest on the day of release from work, unless the employee does not work until the day of release from work (unjustified absence from work, deprivation of liberty, etc.). The employer's order (provision, decision, solution) on the termination of the individual employment contract must contain a reference to the corresponding article, paragraph, point and letter of the law.

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  82 Termination of the individual employment contract in circumstances that do not depend on the will of the parties

The individual employment contract terminates in circumstances that do not depend on the will of the parties in case of:

a) death of the employee, declaration of his death or disappearance without trace by a decision of the court;

b) death of the natural person employer, declaration of his death or disappearance without trace by a decision of the court;

c) finding of the nullity of the contract by decision of the court - from the date of finality of the respective decision, except for the cases provided in art. 84 paragraph (3);

d) withdrawal, by the competent authorities, of the authorization (license) of activity of the unit - from the date of its withdrawal;

d.1) withdrawal, by the competent authorities, of the authorization (license), the permit, which grants the employee the right to work in a certain profession, trade or to perform a certain work - from the date of withdrawal of the respective act;

e) application of the criminal punishment to the employee, by decision of the court, which excludes the possibility to continue working at the unit - from the date of finality of the court decision;

f) expiration of the term of the individual fixed-term employment contract - from the date provided in the contract, unless the employment relationship continues in fact and neither party has requested their termination, as well as the case provided in art. 83 para. (3);

g) completion of the work provided by the individual employment contract concluded for the period of fulfillment of a certain work;

h) end of the season, in case of the individual employment contract for the fulfillment of the seasonal works;

i) reaching the age of 65 by the head of the state unit, including municipal, or of the unit with majority state capital;

j) force majeure, confirmed in the established manner, which excludes the possibility of continuing employment relationships;

j.1) re-establishment at the workplace, according to the decision of the court, of the person who previously performed the respective work, if the transfer of the employee to another work according to the present code is not possible;

k) other grounds provided in art. 305 and 310.


Persons released from service pursuant to letter i) may be employed for a determined period according to art. 55 lit. f), in any position, other than that of head of state unit, including municipal, or of unit with majority state capital.

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  82 .1 Termination of the individual employment contract by written agreement of the parties

The individual employment contract may be terminated at any time by written agreement of the parties.

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  83 Termination of the individual employment contract for a determined duration

(1) (Repealed)

(2) (Repealed)

(3) The individual fixed-term employment contract concluded for the period of fulfilling the employment obligations of the employee whose individual employment contract is suspended or who is on the respective leave (art. 55 letter a)) ends on the day of return of this employee to thing.

(4) If, at the expiration of the term of the individual fixed-term employment contract, neither of the parties has requested its termination and the employment relationships continue in fact, the contract shall be considered extended for an indefinite period.

(5) The individual fixed-term employment contract may be terminated prematurely in the cases provided in art. 82, 82.1, 85 and 86.

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  84 Invalidity of the individual employment contract

(1) Failure to comply with any of the conditions laid down in this Code shall render an individual employment contract null and void.

(2) A declaration of invalidity of the individual employment contract shall have effects for the future.

(3) The invalidity of an individual employment contract may be remedied by the fulfilment of the relevant conditions laid down in this Code.

(4) Where one of the conditions of an individual employment contract becomes invalid due to the establishment of rights for the employee below the level prescribed by law, collective agreements or collective bargaining agreements, this condition is automatically replaced by the minimum relevant condition prescribed by law, agreement or contract.

(5) The invalidity of an individual employment contract shall be determined by a court decision.

(6) An employee who has worked under an individual employment contract declared null and void shall be entitled to remuneration for the work performed.

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  85 Resignation

(1) The employee has the right to resign - termination of the individual employment contract, except for the provision of paragraph (4.1), on his own initiative, notifying the employer, by written request, 14 calendar days in advance. The expiry of the said period shall begin on the day immediately following the day on which the application was registered.

(2) In case of resignation of the employee in connection with retirement, with the establishment of the degree of disability, with the leave for childcare, with the enrollment in an educational institution, with the transfer to another locality, with the care of the child until the age of 14 years or the child with disabilities, with the election in an elective position, with the employment by competition in another unit, with the violation by the employer of the individual and / or collective employment contract, of the labor legislation in force, the employer is obliged to accepts the resignation within the short term indicated in the submitted and registered application, to which the respective document confirming this right is attached.

(3)After the expiration of the terms indicated in paragraphs (1), (2) and (4.1), the employee has the right to stop working, and the employer is obliged to make full payment of the salary rights due to the employee within the terms provided for in art. 143 and to release the documents related to his activity in the unit.

(3.1) The individual employment contract may be terminated, with the written agreement of the parties, before the expiration of the terms indicated in paragraphs (1), (2) and (4.1).

(4) For 7 calendar days from the date of submission of the resignation request, the employee has the right to withdraw his application or to submit a new application, by which to cancel the first one. In this case, the employer is entitled to release the employee only if, until the withdrawal (cancellation) of the submitted application, an individual employment contract has been concluded with another employee under the conditions of this code.

(4.1) The head of the unit (branch or representative office), his deputies and the chief accountant are entitled to resign, notifying the employer, by written request, one month in advance.

(5) If, after the expiration of the terms indicated in paragraphs (1), (2) and (4.1), the employee has not in fact been dismissed and he continues his work activity without reaffirming in writing his desire to terminates the individual employment contract, its release is not allowed.

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  86 Dismissal

(1) Dismissal - termination on the employer's initiative of an individual employment contract concluded for an indefinite term and a fixed-term individual employment contract - shall be allowed on the following grounds

a) unsatisfactory outcome of the employee's probationary period (Article 63 (2));

b) Liquidation of the enterprise or termination of the activity of the individual employer

c) a reduction in the number of employees or in the staff of the enterprise

d) a finding of inadequacy of the employee for the position held or work performed due to his/her health condition in accordance with a medical document (certificate/document etc.) issued by a competent medical authority (institution)

f) a repeated unsatisfactory achievement of the indicators of individual achievements during the year. The dismissal may only take place following a prior evaluation of the employee in accordance with the evaluation procedure specified in the collective agreement, the applicable collective bargaining agreement or, in their absence, in accordance with the enterprise's internal regulations, in compliance with the general provisions laid down in this Act, provided that the employer has instructed the employee and has issued a written warning and given the employee a reasonable period for correction

f) a change of the employer's owner (in the case of the head of an enterprise, his deputies and the chief accountant);

g) repeated violation of work duties during one year, if the employee has been previously disciplined

h) absence from work without a valid excuse for four consecutive hours (not including a meal break) during the working day;

i) Being at work under the influence of alcohol, drugs or other substances as defined under article 76 (k);

j) Commission of an offence or offence against the property of the undertaking, established by a court decision or by an act of the authority competent to impose penalties for offences;

k) commission of an offence by an employee who directly services funds or material assets or who has access to the employer's information systems (information collection and management systems) or to systems operated by the employer, if those actions might cause the employer to lose confidence in that employee

k.1) Violation of the duty stipulated in section 7(2)(a) of the Institutional Integrity Assessment Act No 325 of 23 December 2013;

l) repeated gross violation, within one year, of the statutes of an educational institution by an educational employee (Article 301);

m) Commitment of immoral misconduct incompatible with the position held by the employee performing educational functions;

n) Use of physical or mental violence (including on one occasion) by a teaching staff member against pupils (art. 301)

o) The signature by the head of an enterprise (branch or subdivision), his deputies or chief accountant of an unjustified legal act causing material damage to the enterprise

p) A gross violation, even a single one, of his or her employment duties

r) the submission of false documents by an employee to the employer when entering into an individual employment contract (paragraph (1) of Article 57, duly verified

s) with regard to part-time employees - conclusion of an individual employment contract with another person for whom this occupation, profession or position is the main one (art. 273);

t) (repealed)

u) transfer of an employee to another enterprise with the employee's consent and with the consent of both employers

v) the employee's refusal to continue working due to a change of ownership or reorganisation of the enterprise, or due to the transfer of the enterprise to another authority;

x) Refusal by an employee to be transferred to another job for health reasons on the basis of a medical certificate (Article 74 (2))

y) the employee's refusal to be transferred to another locality due to transfer to that locality by the enterprise (art. 74, para. (1)); as well as

y.1) the employee's status as an old-age pensioner

z) on other grounds stipulated by this Code and other laws.

Note. Persons dismissed under paragraph (y.1) may be employed for a fixed term in accordance with Article 55(f).

(2) An employee may not be dismissed while on sick leave, annual leave, study leave, maternity leave, paternity leave, partial paid leave for the care of a child up to the age of 3, additional unpaid leave for the care of a child between the ages of 3 and 4, leave for the care of a sick family member, leave for the care of a disabled child, during the period of fulfilment of state or public service obligations and during secondment, except in the event of the liquidation of the establishment.

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  87 Procedure for requesting an advisory opinion a the trade union body in case of dismissal of some employee

(1) When dismissing employees who are members of a trade union, the employer shall request in advance the advisory opinion of the trade union body in the unit, by notifying that body.

(2) When dismissing the persons elected in the trade union bodies and not released from the basic job, the employer requests in advance the consultative opinion of the trade union body whose members are the persons concerned, by a notification in which he argues his intention.

(3) When dismissing the leaders of the primary trade union organization (trade union organizers) not released from the basic job, the employer requests in advance the consultative opinion of the hierarchically superior trade union body, by a notification in which he argues his intention.

(4) The trade union bodies indicated in par. (1) - (3) shall present its opinion within 10 working days from the date of receipt of the notification.

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  88 Dismissal procedure in the event of liquidation of the establishment, reduction in the number of staff or reduction in the number of staff

1) The employer is entitled to dismiss employees from the establishment in connection with its liquidation or in connection with a reduction in the number or status of staff (Article 86 (1) (b) and (c)) only on condition that:

a) it shall issue an order (provision, decision, ruling), legally or economically motivated, concerning the liquidation of the establishment or the reduction of the number or the staff;

b) issues an order (provision, decision, decision) concerning the notice, under signature or by another means allowing confirmation of receipt/notification of each employee concerned, of the employees 2 months before the liquidation of the establishment or the reduction in the number or the staffing levels. In the event of a reduction in numbers or staffing levels, only those whose jobs are to be reduced will be notified;

c) once notice of the reduction in the number or status of staff has been given, offer in writing to the employee on notice another job (position) in the establishment concerned (provided that such a job (position) exists in the establishment and the employee on notice meets the necessary requirements to fill it);

d) shall, in the first instance, reduce the vacancies;

e) will terminate the individual employment contract in the first instance with employees employed on a cumulative basis;

f) grant the employee to be dismissed one working day per week with the maintenance of the average wage to look for another job;

g) will submit, in the prescribed manner, 2 months before the dismissal, the information on the persons to be dismissed to the employment agency;

h) shall apply to the trade union body (organiser) for an advisory opinion on the dismissal of the employee concerned;

i) (repealed)

(2) If, after the expiry of the 2-month notice period, the order (order, decision, decision) to dismiss the employee has not been issued, this procedure may not be repeated within the same calendar year. The period of notice does not include the period during which the employee is on annual leave, study leave or sick leave.   

(3) The reduced job may not be reinstated in the states of the establishment during the calendar year in which the dismissal of the employee who occupied it took place.

(4) In case of liquidation of the establishment, the employer shall be obliged to comply with the dismissal procedure provided for in paragraph (1) (a), (b), (f), (g) and (i).

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  88 .1 Dismissal procedure in connection with the transfer to another unit

(1) The employer is entitled to dismiss the employees in connection with the transfer to another unit (art. 86 par. (1) letter u)) only on condition that:

a) will receive a written request from another employer requesting the dismissal by transfer of a certain employee, indicating the job (position) proposed to him at the new unit;

b) (repealed)

c) will obtain the written consent of the employee for dismissal;

d) will pay to the dismissed employee, on the day of dismissal, all the amounts due to him from the unit (salary, compensation for unused leave, etc.).

(2) The employee, until the written expression of the dismissal agreement, may request from the new employer the employment offer, which will include all the clauses of the future individual employment contract.

(3) The employment offer is presented to the employee in written form and is irrevocable within the term provided by it.

(4) The refusal to hire the dismissed employee in connection with the transfer to another unit, as a result of his and both employers' agreement, is prohibited.

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  89 Return to work

(1) An employee wrongfully transferred to another job or wrongfully dismissed from work may be reinstated by direct negotiations with the employer, and in case of dispute - by court decision.

(2) When examining the individual labour dispute by the court, the employer shall be obliged to prove the legality and indicate the grounds for the employee's transfer or release from work. In case the employee who is a trade union member challenges the dismissal order, the court shall request the advisory opinion of the trade union body (organiser) on the dismissal of the employee concerned.

(3) Immediately after the court's decision on the employee's reinstatement, the employer is obliged to issue a reinstatement order, which he shall notify to the employee, under signature or by other means allowing confirmation of receipt/notice, within 3 working days from the date of issue.

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  90 The employer 's liability for his transfer illegitimate dismissal

(1) In case of reinstatement at work of the employee illegally transferred or dismissed, the employer is obliged to repair the damage caused to him.

(2) The reparation by the employer of the damage caused to the employee consists in:

a) compulsory payment of compensation for the entire period of enforced absence from work in an amount not exceeding 12 average monthly salaries of the employee in the event of transfer or unlawful dismissal;

b) compensation of additional expenses related to contesting the transfer or dismissal from the service (consultation of specialists, court costs, etc.);

c) compensation of the moral damage caused to the employee.

(3) The amount of reparation of the moral damage shall be determined by the court, taking into account the appreciation given to the actions of the employer, but may not be less than an average monthly salary of the employee.

(4) Instead of reinstating at work, the parties may conclude a conciliation transaction, and in case of litigation - the court may collect from the employer, with the consent of the employee, for his benefit, an additional compensation to the amounts indicated in para. (2) in the amount of at least 3 average monthly salaries of the employee.

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Chapter VI


  91 General requirements for the processing of employee personal data and safeguards for their protection

In order to ensure the rights and freedoms of the individual and the citizen, in the process of processing the employee's personal data, the employer and his representatives are obliged to comply with the following requirements:

a) processing of the employee's personal data may be carried out exclusively for the purpose of fulfilling the provisions of the legislation in force, providing assistance in hiring, training and advancement in service, ensuring the employee's personal security, controlling the volume and quality of work performed and ensuring the integrity of the unit's property;

b) when determining the volume and content of the employee's personal data to be processed, the employer is obliged to be guided by the legislation in force;

c) all personal data shall be taken from the employee or from the source indicated by the employee;

d) the employer is not entitled to obtain and process data relating to the employee's political and religious beliefs and private life. In the cases provided for by law, the employer may request and process data on the employee's private life only with the employee's written consent;

e) the employer shall not be entitled to obtain and process data concerning the employee's membership of trade unions, public and religious associations, parties and other socio-political organisations, except in the cases provided for by law;

f) when taking a decision affecting the employee's interests, the employer shall not be entitled to rely on the employee's personal data obtained exclusively by automatic or electronic processing;

g) the protection of the employee's personal data against unlawful use or loss is ensured at the employer's expense;

h) employees and their representatives must be made familiar, under their signature or by another means allowing confirmation of receipt/notification, with the documents concerning the processing and storage of employees' personal data in the establishment and be informed of their rights and obligations in this area;

i) employees must not waive their rights regarding the storage and protection of personal data;

j) employers, employees and their representatives must jointly develop measures to protect employees' personal data.

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  92 Transmission of personal data of the employee

When transmitting the personal data of the employee, the employer must comply with the following requirements:

a) not to communicate to third parties the personal data of the employee without his written consent, except in cases where this is necessary in order to prevent a danger to the life or health of the employee, as well as the cases provided by law;

b) not to communicate the personal data of the employee for commercial purposes without his written consent;

c) to warn the persons receiving the personal data of the employee about the fact that they can be used only for the purposes for which they were communicated and to ask the persons concerned to confirm in writing the observance of this rule. The persons who receive the personal data of the employee are obliged to respect the confidentiality regime, except for the cases provided by law;

d) to allow access to the personal data of the employee only to the persons empowered in this respect, who, in their turn, have the right to request only the personal data necessary for the exercise of concrete attributions;

e) not to request information regarding the employee's state of health, except for the data regarding the employee's capacity to fulfill his / her work obligations;

f) to transmit to the employees' representatives the personal data of the employee in the manner provided by this code and to limit this information only to those personal data that are necessary for the exercise by the respective representatives of their attributions.


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  93 Employee's rights to ensure protection his personal data which is kept by the employer

In order to ensure the protection of his personal data that is kept by the employer, the employee has the right:

a) to receive full information about his personal data and how to process them;

b) to have free and unrestricted access to his personal data, including the right to copy any legal act containing his personal data, except in the cases provided by the legislation in force;

c) to appoint its representatives for the protection of its personal data;

d) to have access to the medical information concerning him, including through the medical worker, at his choice;

e) to request the exclusion or rectification of incorrect and / or incomplete personal data, as well as of data processed in violation of the requirements of this code. If the employer refuses to exclude or rectify incorrect personal data, the employee has the right to notify the employer in writing of his reasoned disagreement;

f) to attack in court any illegal actions or inactions of the employer admitted to obtaining, storing, processing and protecting the personal data of the employee.


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  94 Liability for breach of the rules on obtaining, storage, processing and protection of personal data of employee

Persons guilty of violating the rules on obtaining, storing, processing and protecting the employee's personal data are liable according to the legislation in force.


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Title IV
Chapter I


  95 The notion of working time.

Normal working time

(1) The working time represents the time that the employee, in accordance with the internal regulation of the unit, with the individual and the collective labor contract, uses for the fulfillment of the work obligations.

(2) The normal working time of the employees in the units may not exceed 40 hours per week.

(3) In exceptional circumstances relating to the declaration of a state of emergency, siege and war or the declaration of a state of emergency in public health, the authorities responsible for the management of that condition may provide for certain categories of working time for certain categories of employees.

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  96 Short working time

(1) For certain categories of employees, depending on age, health status, working conditions and other circumstances, in accordance with the legislation in force and the individual employment contract, the reduced duration of working time shall be established.

(2) The reduced weekly working time is:

a) 24 hours for employees aged 15 to 16;

b) 35 hours for employees aged 16 to 18;

c) 35 hours for employees who work in harmful working conditions, according to the nomenclature approved by the Government.

(3) For certain categories of employees whose work involves an increased intellectual and psycho-emotional effort, the duration of working time shall be established by the Government and may not exceed 35 hours per week.

(4) For persons with severe and accentuated disabilities (if they do not benefit from greater facilities) a reduced duration of working time of 30 hours per week is established, without diminishing the salary rights and other rights provided by the legislation in force.

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  97 Part-time work (part-time employment)

(1) The employer may hire employees with the day or week of part-time work (part-time), the concrete duration of part-time work being recorded in the individual employment contract, in accordance with the provisions of art. 49 para. (1) lit. it).

(2) Part-time work may also be determined after the conclusion of the individual employment contract, with the agreement of both parties. At the request of the pregnant woman, the employee who has children up to 10 years of age or children with disabilities (including those under her care) or the employee who cares for a sick family member, according to the medical certificate, the employer is obliged to set the day or week of part-time work.

(3) Part-time work is remunerated in proportion to the time worked or according to the volume of work performed.

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  97 .1 Guarantees for part-time employees

(1) Less favorable treatment of part-time employees in respect of full-time employees performing equivalent work in the same unit shall not be allowed if such treatment is based exclusively on daily or weekly working time and does not have an objective justification.

(2) In the context of par. (1), the activity in the conditions of part-time work does not imply the limitation of the employee's rights regarding the calculation of seniority, contribution period (except for the law), regarding the duration of annual leave or limitation of other employment rights.

(3) The employer:

a) take measures to facilitate access to part-time work at all levels of the unit, including skilled and managerial positions;

b) ensure, in accordance with the provisions of Title VIII, the access of part-time employees to vocational training which increases their professional opportunities and professional mobility;

c) will take into account the requests of employees to transfer from full-time to part-time work and vice versa or to increase their working time, if such an opportunity arises.

(4) In order to facilitate the transfers provided in par. (3), the employer will inform the employees about the full-time and part-time vacancies that appeared within the unit, within 5 working days from the date of their appearance. Information on vacancies will be made known to employees and their representatives at unit level through a public announcement placed on an information panel with general access to the unit's headquarters (including each of its subsidiaries or representative offices), as well as on its website. , as the case.

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  97 .2 Reduced activity regime

(1) The employer may establish the reduced activity regime, with the distribution of working time during the week, at unit level, for at least 25% of the number of employees within the unit:

a) unilaterally, in case of a state of emergency, siege and war or in case of a state of emergency in public health;

b) with the written consent of the employees concerned, in case of unfavorable economic situation, difficulties in supplying raw materials or energy, exceptional weather, transformation, restructuring or modernization of the enterprise or in other exceptional circumstances, in the manner established by the Government .

(2) The reduced activity regime may be established for a period of up to 3 consecutive months, but not more than 5 months per year.

(3) In case of application of the provisions of par. (1) lit. b), the employer is obliged to request the consultative opinion of the employees' representatives regarding the establishment of the reduced activity regime at least 5 working days before submitting the application for granting the aid for the employees with reduced activity regime.

(4) The duration of the working time provided in the individual employment contract of the employee may be reduced, under the conditions of this article, by a maximum of 50%, the work of the employee being remunerated in proportion to the time worked.

(5) Employees who, in accordance with the provisions of this article, have been established a reduced activity regime, benefit from an aid in the manner established by the Government.

(6) During the period of reduced working hours established under the conditions of this Article, the employment of employees for the performance of work similar to that performed by employees whose working hours have been reduced shall be prohibited.

(7) The employer shall establish the reduced activity regime following the adoption of the decision to grant aid to employees whose working time has been reduced.

(8) The provisions of this Article shall not apply to the following categories of employers:

a) institutions financed from the budget;

b) employers who have suspended activity, are in the process of insolvency or liquidation;

c) to the employers who, at the date of submitting the application for granting the aid for the employees with reduced activity regime, have arrears to the national public budget that exceed the amount established by the Government.

(9) The provisions of this Article shall not apply to employees who:

a) performs work by cumulation within the same unit or at another unit;

b) have not completed a contribution period in the public state social insurance system of at least 6 months in the last 24 calendar months preceding the date of registration of the application for granting aid for employees with reduced activity;

c) are part-time employees.

(10) It is not allowed to request the reduced activity regime if, at unit level, a strike is declared. "

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  97 .3

(Not in force yet!)

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  98 Distribution of working time during the week

(1) The distribution of working time during the week is, as a rule, uniform and constitutes 8 hours a day, for 5 days, with two days of rest.

(2) At the units where, taking into account the specifics of the work, the introduction of the 5-day working week is irrational, it is allowed, as an exception, the establishment, through the collective labor contract and / or the internal regulation, of the 6-day working week. days with a day off.

(3) The distribution of working time may also be made within a compressed working week of 4 days or 4 and a half days, provided that the weekly working time does not exceed the maximum legal duration provided in art. 95 para. ( 2). The employer who introduces the compressed working week has the obligation to comply with the special provisions regarding the length of daily working time of women and young people.

(4) The type of working week, the work regime - the duration of the work schedule (shift), the start and end time of work, interruptions, alternation of working and non-working days - are established by the internal regulations of the unit and by the collective agreement and / or individual employment contracts.

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  99 Global record of working time

(1) The overall record of working time may be entered in the units, provided that the duration of the working time does not exceed the number of working hours established by this code. In these cases, the record period must not exceed one year, and the daily duration of working time (shift) may not exceed 12 hours.

(2) The application of the global record of working time shall be established by the internal regulations of the unit and by the collective labor contract, taking into account the restrictions provided for some professions by collective agreements at national and branch level, by the legislation in force. and international acts to which the Republic of Moldova is a party.

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  100 Daily working time

(1) The normal daily working time is 8 hours.

(2) For employees up to 16 years of age, the daily duration of working time may not exceed 5 hours.

(3) For employees aged 16 to 18 years and employees working in harmful working conditions, the daily duration of working time may not exceed 7 hours.

(4) For persons with disabilities, the daily duration of working time shall be established according to the medical certificate, within the limits of the normal daily duration of working time.

(5) The maximum daily working time may not exceed 10 hours within the limits of the normal working time of 40 hours per week.

(6) For certain types of activity, units or professions, a daily working time of 12 hours may be established by collective agreement, followed by a rest period of at least 24 hours.

(7) (Repealed)

(8) For works where the special character of the work requires it, the working day may be segmented, in the manner provided by law, provided that the total duration of working time is not longer than the normal daily working time.

(9) (Repealed)

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  100 .1 Flexible working arrangements

(1) Flexible working arrangements shall be established by agreement between the employee and the employer, at the request of the employee or the employer, both at the time of employment and after the conclusion of the individual employment contract, for a fixed or indefinite period.

(2) Flexible working arrangements shall be laid down in the individual employment contract or in the supplementary agreement to the individual employment contract.

(3) Work under the flexible working arrangements shall not limit the rights and guarantees of the employee regarding the calculation of seniority, the duration of annual rest leave or other rights related to employment relations, provided for in this Code.

(4) An employee may request reasonable adjustment of working hours not more than once every 6 months, in writing, by a request which shall include the following information: the date of submission of the request, the requested flexible work formula and the date on which the change of working hours would start.

(5) Within 30 days of receipt of the request for reasonable adjustment of working hours, the employer shall provide a response with the justification for the decision.

(6) In considering the request for reasonable adjustment of working hours, the employer may take into account the following factors in determining whether or not it is possible to adjust the workplace to flexible working arrangements:

a) the costs involved;

b) the ability to reorganise work among existing staff;

c) the ability to recruit additional staff;

d) impact on quality;

e) impact on employee performance;

f) the effect on the ability to meet customer demand.

(7) In the case of an employee with a flexible working arrangement who is travelling on official business, the work schedule established at the unit to which he is delegated shall be extended to him.

(8) Flexible working arrangements shall apply without prejudice to the provisions of Article 100."

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  101 Shift work

(1) Shift work, ie work in 2, 3 or 4 shifts, is applied in cases where the duration of the production process exceeds the allowed duration of the working day, as well as in order to use the machine more efficiently, increase the production volume or services.

(2) Under the conditions of shift work, each group of employees performs work within the established schedule.

(3) The shift work program is approved by the employer after consulting the employees' representatives, taking into account the specifics of the work.

(4) Work during two successive shifts is prohibited.

(5) The shift work schedule shall be made known to the employees at least 14 days before its implementation.

(6) The duration of the interruption of work between shifts may not be less than the double duration of the working time from the previous shift (including the lunch break).

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  102 Duration of work on the eve of public holidays nonworking

(1) The duration of the working day (shift) on the eve of the non-working holiday is reduced by at least one hour for all employees, except for those who have been established, according to art.96, the reduced duration of working time or, according to art. .97, part-time work.

(2) If the working day on the eve of the non-working holiday is transferred to another day, the same reduced duration of the working day shall be kept.

(3) The reduced concrete duration of the working day on the eve of the non-working holiday provided in paragraph (1) shall be established in the collective labor contract, in the internal regulations of the unit or in the order (disposition, decision, decision) of the employer, issued with prior consultation of employees' representatives.

(4) For the units with continuous flow and for some works with uninterrupted work regime, which do not allow to reduce the duration of the working day (shift) on the eve of the non-working holiday, the working hours / hours that cannot be reduced are considered additional work. .

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  103 Night work

(1) The work performed between 22.00 and 6.00 is considered night work.

(2) The duration of night work (shift) is reduced by one hour.

(3) The duration of night work (shift) shall not be reduced to employees for whom the reduced duration of working time is established, as well as to employees specially employed for night work, unless the collective labor contract provides otherwise.

(3.1) Employees to be transferred to permanent night work before transfer are subject to a medical examination at the employer's expense.

(4) Any employee who, in a period of 6 months, performs at least 120 hours of night work shall be subjected to a medical examination at the expense of the employer.

(5) It is not allowed to attract to night work employees under the age of 18, pregnant women, women who have recently given birth and those who are breastfeeding, as well as persons whose night work is contraindicated according to medical certificate.

(6) Persons with severe and accentuated disabilities, one of the parents (guardian, curator) who have children up to 4 years old or children with disabilities, persons who combine childcare leave provided in art. 126 and 127 para. ( 2) with the work activity and the employees who take care of a sick family member based on the medical certificate can perform night work only with their written consent. At the same time, the employer is obliged to inform in writing the mentioned employees about their right to refuse night work.

(7) The employees to whom the night work is contraindicated according to the medical certificate are to be transferred to a day work for which they are qualified, in compliance with the provisions of art. 74.

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  104 Additional work

(1) Overtime shall be regarded as work performed outside the normal working hours referred to in Articles 95(2), 96(2) to (4), 98(3) and 99(1). During a state of emergency, siege and war or a public health emergency, the authorities responsible for managing the state in question may order, for certain categories of employees, that additional work be performed in excess of the limits laid down in this Code, as well as the conditions under which it is performed.

(2) The employer may order additional work without the consent of the employee:

a) for the performance of work necessary for the defence of the country, for the prevention of a production breakdown or for the removal of the consequences of a production breakdown or a natural disaster;

b) to carry out works necessary to remove situations that could endanger the proper functioning of water and electricity supply, sewerage, postal, telecommunications and computer services, communication routes and public transport, fuel distribution facilities, medical and sanitary establishments.

(3) Additional work shall be performed by the employer with the written consent of the employee:

a) for the completion of work started which, due to an unforeseen setback related to the technical conditions of the production process, could not be completed during the normal duration of working time, and its interruption may cause damage or destruction of the employer's or owner's property, municipal or state property;

b) for carrying out temporary repair and restoration work on devices and installations, if their deficiencies could cause work to stop for an indefinite period of time and for several persons;

c) for the performance of work necessitated by the occurrence of circumstances which could cause damage to or destruction of the property of the establishment, including raw materials, materials or products;

d) for the continuation of work in the event of the non-appearance of the shift worker, if the work cannot be interrupted. In such cases, the employer is obliged to take urgent measures to replace the employee concerned.

(4) The engagement of additional work in cases other than those referred to in paragraphs (2) and (3) shall be permitted with the written consent of the employee and the employee representatives.

(5) At the employer's request, employees may work outside working hours up to 240 hours in a calendar year.

(5.1) The maximum working time of employees may not exceed 48 hours per week, including overtime. By way of exception, working time, including overtime, may be extended beyond 48 hours per week provided that the average working time, calculated over a reference period of 4 calendar months, does not exceed 48 hours per week.

(6) If the employer requests overtime work, the employer is obliged to provide employees with normal working conditions, including health and safety at work.

(7) The extra work shall be performed on the basis of the employer's reasoned order (provision, decision, decision), which shall be notified to the employees concerned under signature or by another means allowing confirmation of receipt/notification.

(8) The collective or individual employment contract may provide for the possibility of compensating overtime with paid time off, with the written agreement of the parties. In this case, the time off shall be granted within 30 days of the overtime work being performed.

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  105 Limiting additional work

1) It is not allowed to attract to additional work the employees up to 18 years old, the pregnant women, as well as the persons whose additional work is contraindicated according to the medical certificate.

(2) Persons with severe and accentuated disabilities, one of the parents (guardian, curator) who have children up to 4 years old or children with disabilities, persons who combine childcare leave provided by art. 126 and 127 para. ( 2) with the work activity and the employees who take care of a sick family member, based on the medical certificate, can perform additional work only with their written consent. At the same time, the employer is obliged to inform the mentioned employees in writing about their right to refuse additional work.

(3) The performance of additional work may not have the effect of increasing the daily working time beyond 12 hours.

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  106 Evidence of working time

The employer is obliged to keep, in the established manner, the record of the working time actually performed by each employee, including additional work, work performed on days off and non-working holidays.


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Chapter II


  107 Lunch break and daily rest

(1) During the daily work schedule, the employee must be given a lunch break of at least 30 minutes.

(2) The duration of the meal break and the time of its granting shall be established in the internal regulations of the unit, in the collective labor contract or in the individual labor contract. Lunch breaks, with the exceptions provided for in the unit's rules of procedure, collective bargaining or individual employment, shall not be included in working time.

(3) At the units with continuous flow, the employer is obliged to provide the employees with conditions for eating during the service at the workplace.

(4) The duration of the daily rest, comprised between the end of the work schedule in one day and the beginning of the work schedule in the next day, may not be less than 11 consecutive hours.

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  108 Breaks to feed the baby

(1) One of the parents (guardian) who has children up to 3 years old is granted, in addition to the lunch break, additional breaks for feeding the child.

(2) The additional breaks will have a frequency of at least once every 3 hours, each break having a duration of at least 30 minutes. For one of the parents (guardians) who has 2 or more children up to 3 years old, the duration of the break cannot be less than one hour.

(3) Breaks for feeding the child are included during working hours and are paid based on the average salary.

(4) If the employer provides special rooms for feeding children within the unit, they will meet the hygiene conditions corresponding to the sanitary norms in force.

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  109 Weekly rest

(1) The weekly rest is granted for 2 consecutive days, usually on Saturday and Sunday.

(2) If a simultaneous rest for the entire staff of the unit on Saturdays and Sundays would harm the public interest or compromise the normal operation of the unit, the weekly rest may be granted on other days, established by the collective labor agreement or by the internal regulations of the unit, provided that one of the days off is Sunday.

(3) In the units where, due to the specifics of work, the weekly rest cannot be granted on Sunday, the employees will benefit from two days off during the week and from a salary increase established by the collective labor contract or the individual labor contract. .

(4) The duration of the uninterrupted weekly rest in any case must not be less than 42 hours, except for the cases when the working week is 6 days.


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  110 Work on rest days

(1) Work on rest days is prohibited.

(2) By derogation from the provisions of paragraph (1), the attraction of employees to work on rest days is allowed in the manner and in the cases provided in art. 104 paragraphs (2) and (3).

(3) It is not allowed to attract pregnant women up to 18 years of age to work on rest days.

(4) Persons with severe and accentuated disabilities, one of the parents (guardian, curator) who have children up to 4 years old or children with disabilities persons who combine childcare leave provided in art. 126 and 127 para. (2 ) with the work activity and the employees who take care of a sick family member, based on the medical certificate, can perform the work on rest days only with their written consent. At the same time, the employer is obliged to inform in writing the mentioned employees about their right to refuse work on days off.

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  111 Non-working holidays

(1) In the Republic of Moldova, non-working holidays are:

a) January 1 - New Year;

b) January 7 and 8 - The birth of Jesus Christ (Christmas in the old style);

c) March 8 - International Women's Day;

d) the first and second day of Easter according to the church calendar;

e) Monday one week after Easter (Easter of the Blessed);

f) May 1 - International Day of Solidarity of Working People;

g) May 9 - Victory Day and the commemoration of the fallen heroes for the independence of the Fatherland;

g.1) May 9 - Europe Day;

h) August 27 - Independence Day;

i) August 31 - the celebration "Our Language";

i.1) December 25 - Birth of Jesus Christ (Christmas in a new style);

j) the day of the Feast of the church from the respective locality, declared in the manner established by the local council of the municipality, city, commune, village.

(1.1) To the employees remunerated in agreement or per unit of time (hour or day), for the non-working holidays listed in par. (1), if the non-working holidays do not coincide with the weekly rest days, they are paid the average salary.

If the non-working holidays coincide with the weekly rest days, the average salary for these days is not paid.

(2) On non-working holidays, works are allowed in the units whose stopping is not possible in connection with the technical and production conditions (continuous flow units), the works determined by the need to serve the population, as well as the urgent repair and loading works. -download.

(3) It is not allowed to attract pregnant women up to 18 years of age to work on non-working holidays.

(4) The persons with severe and accentuated disabilities, one of the parents (guardian, curator) who have children up to 4 years old or children with disabilities, the persons who combine the parental leave provided in art. 126 and 127 par. (2) with the work activity and the employees who take care of a sick family member, based on the medical certificate, can perform the work on non-working holidays only with their written consent. At the same time, the employer is obliged to inform in writing the mentioned employees about their right to refuse work on non-working holidays.

(5) In order to make the best use of rest days and non-working holidays by employees, the head of the unit, after consulting the employees' representatives, is entitled to transfer the rest (working) days to other days. For public authorities and institutions, the right to transfer the rest (working) days to other days, including by changing the daily working time, belongs to the Government. Employees who on the declared day of rest were not yet in employment with the unit in question, employees whose individual employment contracts were suspended on that date, as well as employees who on that day were on sick leave, in maternity leave, partly paid childcare leave up to the age of 3, additional unpaid childcare leave from 3 to 4 years old, annual leave, unpaid leave and study leave the obligation to appear at work on the declared working day.

(6) (Repealed)

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Chapter III


  112 Annual rest leave

(1) The right to paid annual leave is guaranteed for all employees.

(2) The right to annual rest leave may not be the subject of any assignment, waiver or limitation. Any agreement waiving, in whole or in part, this right is void.

(3) Every employee who works on the basis of an individual employment contract benefits from the right to annual rest leave.


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  113 Duration of annual leave

(1) All employees are granted an annual paid rest leave, with a minimum duration of 28 calendar days, except for non-working holidays.

(2) For employees in some branches of the national economy (education, health care, public service, etc.), by organic law, another duration of annual leave may be established (calculated in calendar days).

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  113 .1 The year of work for which it is granted annual leave

(1) The working year for which annual leave is granted shall constitute 12 calendar months from the date of employment of the employee.

(2) The calculation of length of service that is included in one year of work is carried out according to art. 114.

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  114 Calculation of length of service entitling to annual rest leave

(1) The seniority that gives the right to annual leave shall include:

a) the time when the employee actually worked;

b) the time when the employee did not actually work, but his job (position) and the average salary were fully or partially maintained;

c) the time of forced absence from work - in case of illegitimate dismissal from service or illegitimate transfer to another job and subsequent reinstatement at work;

d) the time when the employee did not actually work, but maintained his job (position) and received various payments from the state social insurance budget, except for the partially paid leave for childcare until the age of 3;

e) other periods of time provided by the collective agreements, by the collective or individual labor contract, by the internal regulation of the unit.

(2) Unless the collective agreements, the collective or the individual employment contract provide otherwise, in the length of service, which gives the right to annual leave, the following shall not be included:

a) the time of unjustified absence from work;

b) the period of being on leave for the care of the child up to the age of 4 years;

c) the period of unpaid leave with a duration of more than 14 calendar days;

d) the period of suspension of the individual employment contract, except for the cases provided in art. 76 letters a) -d) and in art. 77 letters b).

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  114 .1 The procedure for calculating the length of annual paid leave Proportionate to time worked Per year of service

(1) The duration of annual leave in proportion to the time worked in a year of employment shall be calculated by multiplying the duration of leave for one month by the number of complete months worked in that year of employment.

(2) Decimals obtained in calculating the duration of annual leave in proportion to the time worked in a year of employment equal to 0.5 and more shall be rounded up to one day and less than 0.5 shall be excluded from the calculation.

(3) The calculation of full months worked in a working year shall be made as follows:

a) the days worked in a working year are counted;

b) the amount obtained is divided by the average monthly number of working days per year;

c) the balance of days, which constitutes 15 or more calendar days, is rounded up to a full month;

d) for the balance of days from 6 to 14 calendar days, the employee will be granted 1 day of leave.




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  115 Procedure for granting annual paid leave

(1) Paid leave for the first year of employment is granted to an employee after six months of continuous employment with the company.

(2) Before the expiry of six months of continuous employment, paid leave for the first year of employment shall be granted upon written application to the following categories of employees:

a) women - before or immediately after maternity leave;

b) b) employees up to the age of 18;

c) Other employees, in accordance with current legislation.

(2.1) Paid leave for the first year of employment may be granted to employees even before the expiry of six months of employment at the unit.

(3) Employees transferred from one unit to another may be granted annual leave even before the expiration of 6 months of work after the transfer.

(4) Annual paid leave for the following years of employment is granted upon written request of an employee at any time of the working year according to a schedule. At the employee's written request, the annual leave can be granted outside the established schedule.

(5) Annual leave may be granted in full or, on the basis of a written request by the employee, it may be divided into parts, one of which shall last for at least 14 calendar days.

(6) Annual leave shall be granted to the employee on the basis of the order (disposition, decision, resolution) issued by the employer.








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  116 Scheduling of annual leave

(1) The scheduling of the annual rest leave for the following year is made by the employer, in agreement with the employees' representatives, at least 2 weeks before the end of each calendar year.

(2) When scheduling the annual rest holidays, the desire of the employees is taken into account, as well as the need to ensure the good functioning of the unit.

(2.1) The period and duration of scheduled annual leave may be modified at the request of the employee, with the agreement of the employer, taking into account the functioning of the enterprise and its needs.

(3) Employees whose spouses are on maternity leave shall be granted, on the basis of a written request, annual leave at the same time as the leave of the spouses.

(4) Employees up to 18 years of age, parents who have 2 or more children up to 16 years of age or a child with disabilities and single parents who have a child up to 16 years of age annual leave they are granted during the summer or, on a written request, at any other time of the year.

(5) The holiday schedule is binding for both the employer and the employee. The employee must be notified in writing of the starting time of the leave.

(6) The annual leave schedule approved in accordance with the conditions stipulated in paragraphs (1) and (2) shall be communicated to employees against signature or by other means allowing for acknowledgment of receipt/notification within 10 working days of approval.


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  117 Holiday allowance

(1) For the period of annual leave, the employee benefits from a leave allowance which may not be less than the size of the average salary for the respective period.

(2) The method of calculating the holiday allowance shall be established by the Government.

(3) The leave allowance shall be paid by the employer at least 3 calendar days before the employee leaves for leave.

(4) In case of death of the employee, the indemnity due to him, including for unused leave, shall be paid in full to the spouse, adult children or parents of the deceased, and in their absence - to other heirs, in accordance with applicable law.

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  118 Annual grant of vacation leave

Exceptional cases of its postponement

(1) The rest leave is granted annually according to the programming provided in art.116. The employer has the obligation to take the necessary measures for the employees to use the rest leave in each calendar year.

(2) The annual rest leave may be postponed or extended in case the employee is on medical leave, the fulfillment by him of a state duty or in other cases provided by law.

(3) In exceptional cases, if the granting of full annual leave to the employee in the current working year may adversely affect the proper functioning of the unit, part of the leave, with the written consent of the employee and the written consent of employees' representatives, may be postponed for the following working year. In such cases, in the current working year, the employee will be granted at least 14 calendar days from the annual rest leave, the remaining part being granted until the end of the following year.

(4) It is forbidden not to grant annual leave for 2 consecutive years, as well as not to grant annual leave to employees up to 18 years of age and employees who are entitled to additional leave in connection with work in harmful conditions.

(5) It is not allowed to replace the unused annual rest leave with a monetary compensation, except for the cases of termination of the individual employment contract of the employee who did not use his leave.

(6) The duration of the medical, maternity and study leave is not included in the duration of the annual rest leave. In case of total or partial coincidence of the leave with one of the mentioned leave, based on a written request of the employee, the annual leave not used in whole or in part is postponed for the period agreed by written agreement of the parties or extended, respectively, by number of days. indicated in the document, issued in the established manner, regarding the granting of the corresponding leave within the same calendar year.

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  119 Compensation for unused annual rest leave

(1) In case of suspension (art.76 letters e) and m), art.77 letters d) and e) and art.78 paragraph (1) letters a) and d)) or termination of the contract individually employed, the employee has the right to compensation for all unused annual rest leave.

(2) Based on a written request, the employee may use the annual rest leave for one year of work, with the subsequent suspension or termination of the individual employment contract, receiving compensation for other unused leave.

(3) During the validity period of the individual employment contract, the unused leave may be attached to the annual rest leave or may be used separately (in whole or in part, according to art. 115 para. written of the parties.

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  120 Unpaid leave

(1) For family and other well-founded reasons, on the basis of a written request, the employee may be granted, with the consent of the employer, unpaid leave of up to 120 calendar days, for which purpose an order is issued ( disposition, decision, decision).

(2) One of the parents who has 2 or more children up to 14 years of age (or a child with disabilities), single unmarried parents who have a child of the same age shall be granted annually, on the basis of a written request, a unpaid leave of at least 14 calendar days. This leave may be attached to the annual leave or may be used separately (in whole or in part) during the periods agreed with the employer.

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  121 Additional annual leave

(1) Employees working in harmful conditions, persons with severe visual disabilities and young people up to 18 years of age benefit from an additional paid annual leave with a duration of at least 4 calendar days.

(2) For the employees who work in harmful conditions, the concrete duration of the additional paid annual leave is established by the collective labor contract, based on the respective nomenclature approved by the Government.

(3) Employees from some branches of the national economy (industry, transport, construction, etc.) are granted additional annual leave paid for seniority in the unit and for work in shifts, according to the legislation in force.

(4) One of the parents who has 2 and more children up to 14 years of age (or a child with disabilities) is granted, based on a written request, an additional paid annual leave with a duration of 4 calendar days. .

(5) In the collective agreements, in the collective agreements or in the individual labor contracts, other categories of employees may be provided to whom additional paid annual leave is granted, as well as other (longer) duration of leave than those specified in par. (1), (3) and (4).

(6) The additional annual rest leave shall be attached to the basic annual rest leave.

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  122 Recall from vacation

(1) The employee may be recalled from the annual rest leave by order (disposition, decision, decision) of the employer, only with the written consent of the employee and only for unforeseen service situations, which make necessary his presence in the unit. In this case, the employee does not return the allowance for unused holidays.

(2) The remuneration of the work of the employee recalled from the annual rest leave shall be made on a general basis.

(3) In case of recall, the employee must use the rest of the days of the rest leave after the respective situation has ended or at another date established by the agreement of the parties within the same calendar year. If the remaining days of the rest leave have not been used for any reason within the same calendar year, the employee is entitled to use them during the following calendar year.

(4) The use by the employee of the remaining part of the annual rest leave is carried out on the basis of the order (disposition, decision, decision) of the employer.

(5) The refusal of the employee to use the remaining part of the annual rest leave is null (art. 9 paragraph (11) and art. 112 paragraph (2)).

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Chapter IV


  123 Medical leave

(1) The paid medical leave is granted to all employees and apprentices based on the medical certificate issued according to the legislation in force.

(2) The manner of establishing, calculating and paying the indemnities from the state social insurance budget in connection with the medical leave is provided by the legislation in force.


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  124 Maternity leave and partial leave paid for child care

(1) Employees and apprentices, as well as wives dependent on employees, are granted maternity leave which includes prenatal leave with a duration of 70 calendar days (in the case of pregnancies with 3 or more children - 112 calendar days) and postnatal leave with a duration of 56 calendar days (in case of complicated births or the birth of two or more children - 70 calendar days), being paid for this period allowances in the manner provided in art. 123 par. ( 2).

(2) The insured persons referred to in paragraph (1) shall, upon expiry of their maternity leave, be granted, upon their written request, partially paid child care leave until the child reaches the age of three with the payment of a benefit from the state social insurance budget. Part-time leave with pay for the care of a child up to the age of 3 years shall be granted, optionally, to a parent, a grandparent, another relative who is directly responsible for the care of the child, and the guardian.

(3) Paid partial leave for childcare may be taken by both parents alternately, in instalments, according to the availability of each, provided that the instalments do not overlap. Such leave shall be included in length of service, including special work, and in the period of contribution.

(4) In the case of a request for partial leave with pay for childcare in instalments, the leave shall be granted no later than 30 days from the date of submission of the request, for the period indicated in the request. A copy of the child's birth certificate shall be attached to the request.

(5) The partially paid leave for the care of children born from a twin pregnancy, of triplets or multiples shall be granted, upon written request, to both parents or other insured persons provided in par. (2).

(6) An employee has the right to return from partially paid parental leave until the child reaches the age of three years before the end of the period specified in paragraphs (2) or (4) by giving 15 working days written notice to the employer.

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  124 .1 Paternity leave

(1) Paternity leave shall be granted under the conditions provided for in this article in order to ensure the effective participation of the father in the care of the newborn child.

(2) The father of the newborn child benefits from the right to a paternity leave of 14 calendar days.

(3) Paternity leave shall be granted on the basis of a written request within the first 12 months after the birth of the child. A copy of the child's birth certificate shall be attached to the application.

(3.1) In case of total or partial coincidence of paternity leave with sick leave, on the basis of a written request by the employee, unused paternity leave shall be extended.

(4) During the paternity leave, the employee benefits from a paternity allowance which cannot be lower than the average monthly income insured for the respective period and which is paid from the state social insurance budget.

(5) The employer is obliged to encourage the employees in order to benefit from paternity leave.

(6) The cases in which the employer creates situations with disadvantage effect of the employees who take paternity leave are considered cases of discrimination on the part of the employers and are sanctioned according to the law

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  125 Attaching the annual rest leave to the leave maternity leave and care leave baby

(1) The woman, based on a written request, is granted the annual leave before the maternity leave, provided in art. 124 paragraph (1), or immediately after it, or after the end of the child care leave.

(2) Persons referred to in Article 124 paragraph (4) shall be granted annual leave on the basis of a written request after the end of their childcare leave.

(3) The employees who have adopted newborn children or taken them under guardianship may use, based on a written request, the annual rest leave after the end of any of the leave granted according to art.127.

(4) The annual rest leave, according to paragraphs (1) - (3), is granted to the employees regardless of the seniority in the respective unit.

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  126 Extra unpaid care leave the child aged 3 to 4 years

(1) In addition to the maternity leave and the partially paid leave for the care of the child up to the age of 3, the woman, as well as the persons referred to in art. 124 paragraph (4), shall be granted, based on a written request, a unpaid additional leave for the care of the child aged 3 to 4 years, with the maintenance of the job (of the position). In the absence of the previous job (previous position), the mentioned persons are granted another equivalent job (equivalent position).

(2) Based on a written request, during the additional unpaid leave for the care of the child, the woman or the persons mentioned in art. 124 paragraph (4) may work under the conditions of part-time work or at home.

(3) The period of the unpaid additional leave is included in the seniority, including in the special seniority, if the individual employment contract has not been suspended according to art. 78 paragraph (1) letter a).

(4) The period of the unpaid additional leave is not included in the seniority that gives the right to the next paid annual leave, as well as in the contribution period according to the law.

(5) The employee may return from unpaid additional leave for childcare before the deadline set out in the request referred to in paragraph (2) by giving 15 working days written notice to the employer.

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  127 Leave for employees who have adopted children newborns or took them under guardianship

(1) An employee who has adopted a newborn child directly from maternity or taken him under guardianship shall be granted paid leave for a period starting from the day of adoption (taking under guardianship) and until the expiration of 56 calendar days from the day the birth of the child (in case of adoption of two or more children at the same time - 70 calendar days) and, based on a written request, a partially paid leave for the care of the child up to the age of 3 years. The allowances for the mentioned holidays are paid from the state social insurance budget.

(2) The employee who has adopted a newborn child directly from maternity or took him under guardianship is granted, based on a written request, an unpaid additional leave for the care of the child aged 3 to 4 years, according to art.126 .

(3) The employee who intends to adopt a child shall be granted, on the basis of a written request, unpaid leave during the entrustment of the adoptable child, which shall not exceed 90 calendar days.

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Title V
Chapter I


  128 Salary

(1) Wages are any reward or gain valued in money, paid to the employee by the employer under the individual employment contract for work done or to be done.

(2) In the determination and payment of wages, no discrimination shall be permitted on the grounds of sex, age, disability, social origin, family status, ethnicity, race or nationality, political or religious beliefs, trade union membership or activity.

(2.1) The employer is obliged to ensure equal pay for male and female employees for equal work or work of equal value.

(2.2) In assessing whether employees are performing work of equal value, the employer shall consider aspects of the employee's work, including:

a) degree of responsibility;

b) skill level and experience;

c) effort and nature of the tasks involved;

d) working conditions.

(2.3) Employers of medium-sized and large enterprises are obliged to inform employees and/or their representatives periodically, but not less frequently than once a year (at the latest in the first half of the year following the year of management), of the gender pay gap by employee category and function.

(2.4) The employer must make available to employees, in an easily accessible manner, information on the criteria used for the job evaluation and classification system for determining pay levels applied in the establishment.

(3) Pay is confidential and guaranteed.

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  129 State guarantees in the field of pay

State guarantees in the field of wages include the minimum wage set by the state, the reference value for calculating the basic wages of employees in the budgetary sector, as well as the allowances and bonuses of a compensatory nature, guaranteed by the state and regulated by the legislation in force.

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  130 Pay structure, conditions and pay systems

(1) Salary includes basic salary (tariff salary, function salary), additional salary (additions and increases to basic salary) and other incentive and compensation payments.

(2) The remuneration of the employee's work depends on the demand and supply of labour force in the labour market, the quantity, quality and complexity of work, working conditions, professional qualities of the employee, effort and responsibilities of the employee, the nature and results of the employee's work and/or the results of the economic activity of the establishment.

(3) Work shall be remunerated per unit of time or by agreement both in the tariff and in the non-tariff wage systems.

(4) Depending on the specific activity and the concrete economic conditions, the establishments of the real sector shall apply the tariff system and/or the non-tariff wage systems for the organisation of wages.

(5) The choice of the wage system within the establishment shall be made by the employer after consultation with the employees' representatives.

(6) The employer, irrespective of which pay system is applied, shall use a job evaluation and classification system within the establishment for determining pay levels.

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Chapter II


  131 The minimum wage

(1) Every employee has the right to a guaranteed minimum wage.

(2) The minimum wage represents the minimum amount of remuneration assessed in national currency, the amount established by the state for a simple, unskilled work, below which the employer is not entitled to pay for the monthly or hourly work performed by the employee.

(3) The minimum wage does not include additions, bonuses, incentive and compensation payments.

(4) The amount of the minimum wage is mandatory for all employers of legal or natural persons who use salaried work, regardless of the type of ownership and the legal form of organization. This amount cannot be reduced either by the collective labor agreement or by the individual employment contract.

(5) The amount of the minimum wage is guaranteed to the employees only on the condition of their execution of the work obligations (norms) during the working hours established by the legislation in force.


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  132 How to establish and review the salary minimum

(1) The minimum wage per month and the minimum wage per hour, calculated starting from the monthly norm of working time, shall be established by Government decision, after consulting the employers' associations and trade unions.

(2) The amount of the minimum wage is determined and re-examined depending on the concrete economic conditions, the level of the average wage on the national economy, the forecasted level of the inflation rate, as well as other socio-economic factors.


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  133 Increasing the level of real salary content

(1) The increase of the level of the real content of the salary is ensured by indexing the salary in connection with the increase of the consumer prices for goods and services.

(2) The guaranteed minimum wage is indexed annually according to the evolution of the consumer price index, in accordance with the legislation in force.


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  134 Abrogat


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Chapter III


  135 How to set salaries

(1) The salary system, on the basis of which the employees' salaries are determined, is established by law or by other normative acts, in accordance with the legal form of organization of the unit, with the financing method and with the character of its activity.

(2) The forms and conditions of remuneration, as well as the size of salaries in units with financial autonomy, shall be established by collective or, as the case may be, individual negotiations between the employer and employees or their representatives, depending on the employers' financial possibilities. collective and individual employment contracts.

(3) The system and the conditions of remuneration of the work of the employees from the budgetary sector are established by law.

(4) The basic salary, the manner and the salary conditions of the heads of the units shall be established by the persons or bodies authorized to appoint these managers and shall be fixed in the individual employment contracts concluded with them.

(5) For employees remunerated with fixed official salaries, their official salary (basic salary) shall not change if there are non-working holidays in that month.

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  136 Salary tariff system

(1) The remuneration tariff system includes the tariff networks, the tariff salaries, the salary scales of the position and the qualification tariff guidelines.

(2) The pricing of works and the granting of qualification categories (classes) to workers and specialists shall be carried out in accordance with the tariff qualification guidelines for professions or specialties and functions.

(3) The main and obligatory component of the tariff system is the tariff salary for category I of qualification (of salary) of the tariff network, which serves as a basis for establishing in the collective labor contracts and individual labor contracts the tariff salaries and salaries of the concrete function. The tariff salary for the first category of qualification in the real sector is established at branch and unit level in the manner provided by the Salary Law no. 847/2002.

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  136 .1 Non-tariff payroll systems

(1) The non-tariff salary systems represent ways of differentiating the salaries depending on the individual and / or collective performances and the function held by the employee.

(2) The criteria and norms for evaluating the individual professional performances of the employee are established by the employer, by negotiation with the employees' representatives. The assessment of the individual professional performances of the employee is performed by the employer.

(3) The non-tariff salary system is established in the collective labor contract at unit level or in another normative act at unit level.

(4) The determination of the amount of pay for each employee under the non-tariff pay systems shall be made by the employer. The minimum wage shall serve as the minimum limit and guarantee of the state.

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  137 Incentive payments

(1) The employer is entitled to establish different systems of rewards, additions and increases to the basic salary, other incentive payments after consulting the employees' representatives. The indicated systems can also be established by the collective labor contract.

(2) The manner and conditions of application of incentive and compensation payments in the units from the budgetary sector shall be established by law and by other normative acts.


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  138 Reward based on the results of the annual activity

(1) In addition to the payments provided by the salary systems, for the employees of the unit a reward can be established based on the results of the annual activity from the fund formed from the benefit obtained by the unit.

(2) The regulation regarding the way of paying the reward based on the results of the annual activity shall be approved by the employer in agreement with the employees' representatives.


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  139 Remuneration for work performed in unfavorable conditions

(1) For the work performed in unfavorable conditions, the employees are established compensation allowances in a single size for the employees of any qualification who work in equal conditions at the respective unit.

(2) The concrete amount of the compensation increases for the work performed in unfavorable conditions shall be established according to weight and harmfulness, within the limits negotiated by the social partners and approved by the collective agreement at national and branch level.

(3) The lists of works and jobs with heavy and particularly heavy, harmful and particularly harmful conditions shall be approved by the Government after consulting the employers' associations and trade unions.

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  139 .1 Remuneration for work performed in conditions of increased health risk

(1) For work performed in conditions of increased risk to health during a state of emergency, siege or war or during a state of emergency in public health, employees may receive an increase in compensation for work performed in conditions of increased risk for health.

(2)The compensation allowance for work performed in conditions of increased risk to health shall be set at up to 100 per cent of the basic salary per unit of time (hour or day), depending on the volume of work and the level of professional training of the employee, for each hour or day of work performed in conditions of increased health risk.

(3) The categories of employees involved in the performance of work in conditions of increased health risk during the state of emergency, siege or war or during the state of emergency in public health shall be established by the Commission for Exceptional Situations of the Republic of Moldova or, after case, by the Extraordinary National Public Health Commission.

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  140 Introducerea noilor condiţii de retribuire a muncii şi modificarea celor existente

(1) The reduction of the salaries provided in the individual labor contracts, the collective labor contracts and / or the collective agreements is not allowed before the expiration of one year from the date of their establishment.

(2) The introduction of the new conditions for remuneration of the work or the modification of the existing ones is allowed only with the observance of the provisions of art. 68 paragraph (1).

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  141 Forms of payment of salary

(1) The salary shall be paid in national currency. If the employee works abroad, the salary may be paid in the currency specified in the individual employment contract.

(2) In the individual employment contract, the parties may agree on the amount of the salary in foreign currency, with payment in national currency at an exchange rate of the Moldovan Leu agreed by the parties which may not be lower than the official exchange rate of the Moldovan Leu established by the National Bank of Moldova, valid on the date of payment.

(3) Salary payment can be made both in cash and by bank transfer to the employee's account, opened at the payment service provider, with payment of the respective services from the employer's account.

(4) Payment of wages in kind is prohibited.

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  142 Terms, periodicity and place of payment of salary

(1) The salary is paid periodically, directly to the employee or the person authorized by him, based on an authenticated power of attorney, at the employee's place of work or is transferred to this account, opened at the payment service provider, on the working days established in the collective or individual employment contract, but:

a) not less than twice a month for employees remunerated per unit of time or in agreement;

b) not less than once a month for the remunerated employees based on the monthly salaries of the position.

(2) The employer is obliged to inform the employee about the size of the salary, the form of remuneration, the method of calculating the salary, the periodicity and the place of payment, the deductions, other conditions regarding the salary and their modifications.

(3) Upon payment of the salary, the employer is obliged to inform in writing each employee about the component parts of the salary due to him for the respective period, about the size and grounds of the deductions made, about the total amount to be received, as well as to ensure making the respective entries in the accounting records.

(4) The payment of the salary for an occasional work, which lasts less than 2 weeks, is made immediately after its execution.

(5) In case of death of the employee, the salary and other payments due to him shall be paid in full to the spouse, adult children or parents of the deceased, and in their absence - to other heirs, in accordance with the legislation in force.

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  143 Terms of payment in case of termination of the individual employment contract

(1) If the amount of all the amounts due to the employee from the unit is not contested, the payments shall be made:

a) in case of termination of the individual employment contract with an employee who continues to work until the day of dismissal - on the day of dismissal;

b) in case of termination of the individual employment contract with an employee who does not work until the day of dismissal (medical leave, unjustified absence from work, deprivation of liberty, etc.) - at the latest on the day immediately following the day on which the employee released and asked to be paid.

(2) If the amount of the amounts due to the employee upon dismissal is contested, the employer is obliged, in any case, to pay him, within the terms provided in paragraph (1), the uncontested amount.


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  144 Priority payment of salary

(1) The payment of salaries is made by the employer as a priority over other payments, including in case of insolvency of the unit.

(2) The means for remunerating the work of the employees are guaranteed by the income and patrimony of the employer.

(3) Employers shall take measures to protect their employees against the risk of non-payment of the amounts due to them in connection with the execution of the individual employment contract or as a result of its termination.

(4) In case of the unit's insolvency, the compensation payments, guaranteed to the employees and calculated (recalculated) on the date of their payment, are paid in an amount not less than the amount of the minimum wage, established in accordance with the legislation in force.

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  145 Compensation for losses caused by non-payment on time of salary

(1) The compensation of the losses caused by the non-payment on time of the salary is made by the obligatory and full indexation of the amount of the calculated salary if its withholding constituted at least one calendar month from the date established for the payment of the monthly salary.

(2) The compensation provided in par. (1) shall be performed separately for each month, by increasing the salary in accordance with the inflation coefficient calculated in the established manner.

(3) (Repealed)

(4) The method of calculating the amount of compensation for the loss of a part of the salary in connection with the violation of its payment terms shall be established by the Government, in agreement with the employers' associations and trade unions.

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  146 Liability for non-payment of salary on time

(1) In cases where in the current and settlement accounts of the units there are the respective means and the necessary documents in order to receive the money for the payment of salaries have been presented in time, and the banks do not provide cash, they pay, from their own means, a penalty of 0.2 percent of the amount due for each day of delay.

(2) The persons with a position of responsibility from banks, public authorities and units, guilty of non-payment of salaries on time, bear material, disciplinary, administrative and criminal liability, in accordance with the law.


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  147 Prohibition of limiting the employee to free disposal by the means gained

It is forbidden to limit the employee to the free disposal of the earned means, except for the cases provided by the legislation in force.


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  148 Salary deductions

(1) Salary deductions may be made only in the cases provided by this code and other normative acts.

(2) Deductions from the salary for the payment of the employees' debts towards the employer may be made based on his order (disposition, decision, decision):

a) for the refund of the advance issued in the salary account;

b) for the refund of the amounts paid in addition as a result of calculation errors;

c) to cover the unspent and unpaid advance on time, issued for travel in the interest of service or transfer to another locality or for household needs, if the employee does not contest the basis and amount of deductions;

d) for repairing the material damage caused to the unit due to the employee's fault (art. 338).

(e) (Repealed)

(3) In the cases specified in paragraph (2), the employer has the right to issue the restraining order (disposition, decision, decision) within a maximum of one month from the expiration of the term established for repaying the advance or paying the debt, from the day of execution. incorrectly calculated payment or finding material damage. If this term has been omitted or the employee disputes the basis or amount of the detention, the dispute will be examined by the court at the request of the employer or employee (art. 349-355).

(4) In case of dismissal of the employee before the expiration of the working year on whose account he has already used the leave, the employer may deduct from his salary the amount paid for the days without coverage of the leave. The withholding for these days is not made if the employee has ceased or suspended his activity on the grounds indicated in art.76 letter e), art.78 paragraph (1) letter d), art.82 letter a) and i ), art.86 paragraph (1) letters b) -e) and u), in case of retirement or enrollment in an educational institution according to art.85 paragraph (2), as well as in other cases provided by the contract collective or individual work or by written agreement of the parties.

(5) The salary paid in addition to the employee by the employer (including in case of incorrect application of the legislation in force) cannot be pursued, except in cases of calculation error.

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  149 Limiting the amount of salary deductions

(1) At each payment of the salary, the total amount of deductions may not exceed 20 percent, and in the cases provided by the legislation in force - 50 percent of the salary due to the employee.

(2) In case of withholding from the salary based on several executory acts, the employee shall be kept, in any case, 50 percent of the salary.

(3) The limitations provided in par. (1) and (2) do not apply to the deduction from the salary in case of pursuit of alimony for minor children. In this case, the amount withheld may not exceed 70 percent of the salary due to be paid to the employee.

(4) If the amount obtained by pursuing the salary is not sufficient to satisfy all the creditors' claims, the respective amount shall be distributed among them in the manner provided by the legislation in force.


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  150 Prohibition of deductions from certain payments due to employee

Withholdings from severance pay, compensation payments and other payments that, according to the Enforcement Code of the Republic of Moldova, cannot be traced are not allowed.

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  151 Repealed


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Chapter IV


  152 Remuneration of the work of employees up to 18 years of age and other categories of part-time employees daily

(1) In the case of pay per unit of time, employees up to 18 years of age shall be paid their salary taking into account the reduced duration of daily work.

(2) The work of minor employees working in the agreement is remunerated on the basis of the tariffs for the work in agreement established to the adult employees.

(3) The work of pupils and students from general and technical vocational secondary education institutions, who have not reached the age of 18, performed outside the study time, shall be remunerated in proportion to the time worked or in agreement.

(4) In the cases provided in par. (1) - (3), the employer may establish, at the expense of his own means, an increase in the tariff salary for the time with which the duration of the daily work of minor employees decreases in comparison with the duration of the daily work of adult employees.

(5) The remuneration of the work of other categories of employees to whom, according to art. 96, the reduced duration of the working time is established shall be carried out under the salary conditions established by the Government.

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  153 Remuneration of work in case of works of various qualifications

(1) When performing the works of different qualification categories, the work of the remunerated employees per unit of time is remunerated after the higher qualification work.

(2) The work of the employees remunerated in the agreement is remunerated according to the tariffs of the work performed. In cases where, in connection with the specificity of production, employees working on the agreement are required to perform work charged at a lower level in relation to the categories of qualification granted to them, the employer is obliged to pay the difference between the categories of qualification. .

(3) The norm regarding the payment of the difference between the qualification categories provided in par. (2) shall not apply in the cases when, by virtue of the production specifics, the performance of works of various qualifications is related to the permanent obligations of the employee.


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  154 Remuneration of instructors and apprentices

The manner and conditions of remuneration of instructors and apprentices are established by the Government.


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  155 Remuneration of cumulations

(1) The remuneration of the cumulations is made for the work actually performed or the actual time worked.

(2) The amount of the tariff salary or the salary of the function for cumulation, as well as the amount of prizes, bonuses, additions and other rewards, determined by the salary conditions, are established in the collective or individual employment contract and may not exceed the amounts provided for the other employees in the respective unit.

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  156 Remuneration of work in case of cumulation of professions (functions) and fulfillment of work obligations of temporarily absent employees

(1) Employees who, in addition to their basic work, stipulated in the individual employment contract, perform, at the same unit, an additional job in another profession (position) or the work obligations of a temporarily absent employee, without be exempted from their basic work (within the limits of the normal working time established by this code), they are paid an increase for the accumulation of professions (positions) or for fulfilling the work obligations of the temporarily absent employee.

(2) The amount of the bonuses for the cumulation of professions (positions) is established by the parties of the individual employment contract, but cannot be less than 50 percent of the tariff salary (salary of the position) of the cumulated profession (function). The payment of the bonus for the accumulation of professions (positions) is made without restrictions, within the limits of the means destined to the work remuneration.

(3) The concrete amount of the increase for fulfilling the work obligations of the temporarily absent employee shall be established according to the real volume of executed works, but may not exceed 100 percent of the tariff or function salary of the absent employee. If the obligations of the temporarily absent employee are fulfilled by several employees, the amount of the increase is established in proportion to the volume of works performed by each of them, within the limits of the tariff or function salary of the absent employee.

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  157 Remuneration for additional work

(1) In the case of remuneration of work per unit of time (with tariff salary or with the salary of the position), additional work (art. 104), for the first two hours, shall be remunerated in the amount of at least 1.5 basic salaries established to the employee on unit of time, and for the next few hours - at least twice the size.

(2) In the case of remuneration for work in accordance with the application of the wage tariff system, an addition of at least 50 percent of the tariff wage of the employee of the respective category, remunerated per time unit for the first 2 hours, is paid for the additional work, and in amount of at least 100 percent of this tariff wage - for the following hours, and with the application of non-tariff wage systems - of 50 percent for the first 2 hours and, respectively, 100 percent of the minimum wage established per time unit - for the next hours.

(2.1) (Repealed)

(2.2) For overtime work performed in accordance with Article 104 paragargh (8), the employee shall receive the ordinary pay per time unit and a number of hours off, remunerated according to the basic salary, equal to the number of hours of overtime worked.

(3) (Repealed)

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  158 Compensation for work performed during the days rest and non-working holidays

(1) Subject to the payment of the average salary for the employees specified in art. 111 para. (11), work performed on rest days and non-working holidays is remunerated:

a) employees working in the agreement - at least twice the size of the agreement rate;

b) employees whose work is remunerated on the basis of hourly or daily tariff salaries - at least in the double amount of the hourly or daily salary;

c) employees whose work is remunerated with a monthly salary - at least in the amount of one salary per unit of time or of the remuneration of one day over the salary, if the work on the day of rest or the non-working holiday was performed within the monthly norm working time and at least twice the salary per unit of time or the one-day remuneration above the salary, if the work was performed above the monthly norm.

(2) At the written request of the employee who performed the work on a day off or on a non-working holiday, the employer may grant him another day off which will not be remunerated.

(3) The remuneration of the work performed on rest days and non-working holidays by professional athletes, creative workers in theaters, circuses, cinematographic, theatrical and concert organizations, as well as by other persons participating in the creation and / or when interpreting works of art, it can be established in the collective agreements, in the collective contract or in the individual labor contract.

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  159 Remuneration for night work

For work performed in the night program, an increase in the amount of at least 0.5 of the basic salary per unit of time established for the employee is established.

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  160 The right of the employer to establish payments of stimulation and compensation

The employer is entitled to increase the bonuses, additions and rewards provided for in art. (allocated), provided for these purposes in the collective labor contract, in another normative act at unit level or in the estimate of expenses for the maintenance of the unit financed from the budget.

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  161 How to pay for work in case of non-compliance of production rules

(1) In case of non-fulfillment of the production norms due to the employer's fault, the remuneration is made for the work actually performed by the employee, but not less than the amount of an average salary of the employee calculated for the same period of time.

(2) In case of non-fulfillment of the production norms without the fault of the employee or of the employer, the employee shall be paid at least 2/3 of the basic salary.

(3) In case of non-fulfillment of the production norms due to the employee's fault, the remuneration shall be made according to the work performed.

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  162 How to remunerate work in case of production of scrap

(1) The waste produced through no fault of the employee is remunerated in the same way as the good items.

(2) The total rebate due to the employee's fault is not remunerated.

(3) The partial waste due to the employee's fault is remunerated according to the degree of utility of the product, according to reduced rates.

(4) The reduced tariffs, mentioned in paragraph (3), shall be established in the collective labor contract or in another normative act at unit level.

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  163 How to remunerate work in case of appropriation of new production processes

For the period of acquiring new production processes, employees are guaranteed to maintain the average salary.

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  164 Maintaining the salary in case of transfer to another job permanent with lower pay

If the employee is transferred to another permanent job with lower remuneration within the same unit or in another locality together with the unit, according to art. 74 para. (1), the average salary from the previous job shall be maintained for one month from the day of the transfer, with the prior observance of the provisions of art. 68.

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  165 Medium salary

(1) The average salary includes all the salary rights from which, according to the legislation in force, the compulsory state social insurance contributions are calculated, except for the single payments.

(2) The average salary is guaranteed to the employees in the cases provided by the legislation in force, by the collective and / or individual employment contracts.

(3) The method of calculating the average salary of the employee is unique and is established by the Government.

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  165 .1 Material help

The employer is entitled to provide material assistance annually to employees in the manner and under the conditions provided by the collective labor contract, by another normative act at unit level and / or by the normative acts in force. Material assistance may be granted to the employee, based on his written request, at any time of the year or added to the holiday allowance (art. 117).

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Chapter V


  166 Guarantees in the field of labor standardization

Employees are guaranteed:

a) the methodological contest of the state in organizing the labor norm;

b) the application of the work standardization systems established by the employer together with the employees' representatives and stipulated in the collective labor contract or in another normative act at unit level.


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  167 Labor rules

(1) Labor norms mean the norms of production, time, service, personnel that are established by the employer for employees in accordance with the achieved level of technique and technology, organization of production and work, so as to correspond concrete conditions in the unit and not lead to overwork of employees.

(2) In the conditions of the collective forms of organization and remuneration of work, combined and complex norms can also be applied.

(3) The labor norms can be revised as the new technique and technologies are implemented or the existing ones are improved, organizational or other measures are implemented, which ensure the increase of labor productivity, as well as in case of using an outdated physical and moral equipment.

(4) Obtaining a high level of production production by a certain employee or a certain brigade by applying, on their own initiative, new work procedures and advanced experience, by improving their own jobs, is not the basis for the revision of labor norms.


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  168 Development, approval, replacement and revision single rules and standard work rules

(1) For certain homogeneous works, unique norms and standard norms (interbranch, branch, professional, etc.) of work can be elaborated and established. The standard work norms are elaborated by the specialized central public administration authorities in agreement with the respective employers' associations and trade unions and are approved in the manner established by the Government.

(2) The replacement and revision of the single rules and the standard rules shall be carried out by the authorities that approved them.


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  169 Introduction, replacement and revision of labour standards

(1) If the work rules no longer meet the conditions for which they were approved or do not ensure full occupancy of normal working time, they may be revised or replaced.

(2) The procedure for the revision or replacement of work rules, and the specific situations in which it may be applied, shall be laid down in collective agreements, other legislation at unit level and/or collective agreements.

(3) Employees must be notified of the introduction of new work rules in writing, under their signature or by another means that allows confirmation of receipt/notice, at least 2 months in advance.

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  170 Establishing labor remuneration rates in agreement

(1) When remunerating the work in agreement, the tariffs are established starting from the work categories, the tariff salaries (function salaries) and the production norms (time norms) in force.

(2) The tariff for the work paid in the agreement is established by dividing the tariff salary per hour (per day), which corresponds to the category of work performed, at the production norm per hour (per day). The tariff for the work paid in the agreement can also be established by multiplying the hourly wage (per day), which corresponds to the category of work performed, with the time norm in hours or days.


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  171 Ensuring normal working conditions for fulfillment of production (service) norms

The employer has the obligation to permanently ensure the technical and organizational conditions that were the basis for the elaboration of the labor norms and to create the working conditions necessary to fulfill the production (service) norms. These conditions are:

a) good condition of machines, machine tools and devices;

b) timely provision of technical documentation;

c) the appropriate quality of the materials and tools necessary for the performance of the work, as well as the timely supply with them;

d) timely supply of the production process with electricity, gas and other energy sources;

e) ensuring labor protection and production security.


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Title VI
Chapter I


  172 The notions of guarantee and compensation

(1) The guarantee means the means, the methods, the conditions by which the realization of the rights granted to the employees in the field of labor relations and of other social relations related to them is ensured.

(2) Compensation means the monetary rights established for the purpose of compensating the expenses incurred by the employees in connection with their execution of the work obligations and other obligations provided by the legislation in force.


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  173 Cases of granting guarantees and compensations

In addition to the general guarantees and compensations provided by this code (guarantees for employment, transfer, in the field of remuneration, etc.), employees are granted guarantees and compensations in case of:

a) travel in the interest of work;

b) transfer to work in another locality;

c) combining work with studies;

d) termination of the individual employment contract; as well as

e) in other cases provided by this code and by other normative acts.


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Chapter II


  174 Travel in the interest of the service

(1) Travel in the interest of the service means the delegation of the employee, according to the order (disposition, decision, decision) of the employer, for a certain term, for the execution of work obligations outside the permanent workplace.

(2) The service trips of the employees whose permanent activity has a mobile or itinerant character, as well as the accomplishment of the prospecting works, of the geodetic and topographic ones on the field, are not considered trips in the interest of service if the employer grants the necessary service transport.

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  175 Guarantees in case of travel in the interest of the service

Employees displaced in the interest of work are guaranteed the maintenance of their job (position) and average salary, as well as compensation for expenses related to travel in the interest of work.


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  176 Compensation for travel expenses in the interest of the service

(1) In case of travel in the interest of service, the employer is obliged to compensate the employee:

a) round-trip travel expenses;

b) accommodation expenses;

c) daytime;

d) other travel expenses.

(2) The manner and amount of compensation of expenses related to travel in the interest of service shall be approved by the Government. Units with financial autonomy may establish in the collective labor agreement increased amounts of these compensations.


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  177 Reimbursement of expenses in case of transfer at work in another locality

(1) When the employee is transferred, based on a prior written agreement with the employer, to work in another locality, the employer is obliged to compensate him:

a) the expenses related to the relocation of the employee and his family members to another locality (except for the cases when the employer ensures the transportation of the respective persons and their goods);

b) the expenses for settling in the new place of residence.

(2) The concrete amounts of the compensation of the expenses specified in paragraph (1) shall be determined by the agreement of the parties to the individual employment contract, but may not be smaller than those established by the Government.


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Chapter III


  178 Garanţii şi compensaţii acordate salariaţilor care îmbină munca cu studiile în instituţiile de învăţămînt superior şi mediu de specialitate

(1) Employees sent by the employer to accredited study programs under the conditions of the law in technical vocational education, bachelor's degree or master's degree with reduced frequency are established a reduced working time, additional leave is granted, with the maintenance full or partial average salary, and other facilities, as established by the Government.

(1.1) Employees who, on their own initiative, have enrolled in accredited study programs under the law in technical vocational education, bachelor's degree or part-time master's degree are granted certain guarantees and compensations in the manner provided by the contract. collective or individual work.

(2) In the collective labor contract, in another normative act at unit level and in the collective agreements for the employees mentioned in paragraph (1), additional facilities may be provided at the expense of the means of the unit.

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  179 Guarantees and compensations granted to employees which combines work with studies within doctoral and postdoctoral programs

(1) Employees who study in doctoral and postdoctoral programs in higher education institutions or in organizations in the fields of research and innovation, accredited under the law, are granted guarantees and compensations in the manner provided by the collective agreement or individual contract for work.

(2) The employer and the employees' representatives may provide in the collective labor contract or in another normative act at unit level, from the unit's account, additional guarantees and compensations to those established by the normative acts in force.

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  180 Repealed


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  181 Guarantees and compensations granted to employees who combines work with studies in educational institutions secondary general

Employees studying in general secondary education institutions are established a reduced duration of working time, they are granted additional leave with the maintenance, total or partial, as the case may be, of the average salary, as well as other guarantees and compensations as established by the Government.

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  182 How to grant guarantees and compensations employees who combine work with studies

(1) The employees who combine work with studies are granted guarantees and compensations when obtaining, for the first time, the studies of the respective level.

(2) The annual leave may be attached to the additional holidays granted to the employees who combine work with studies, according to a written agreement between the employer and the employee.

(3) Employees who study at an educational institution in the second or third specialty (profession) may be granted certain guarantees and compensations in the manner provided by the collective or individual employment contract.


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Chapter IV


  183 Preferential right to keep working in the case reducing the number or staffing

(1) In case of reduction of the number or staff, the preferential right to be left to work benefits the employees with a higher qualification and labor productivity.

(2) In case of an equal qualification and labor productivity, the preferential right to be left to work have:

a) employees with family obligations, who support two or more persons and / or a person with disabilities;

b) employees in whose family there are no other persons with independent income;

c) employees who have a longer seniority in the respective unit;

d) the employees who suffered in the respective unit a work accident or contracted an occupational disease;

e) employees who raise their qualification in higher education and technical professional institutions, without leaving the activity;

f) persons with disabilities as a result of the war and members of the families of soldiers who have fallen or disappeared without a trace;

g) participants in the actions for the defense of the territorial integrity and independence of the Republic of Moldova;

h) inventors;

i) persons who have fallen ill or have suffered from actinic disease and other diseases caused by radiation as a result of the Chernobyl accident;

j) persons with disabilities in respect of whom the causal relationship between the occurrence of the disability and the damage from the C.A.E. Chernobyl, the participants in the liquidation of the consequences of the damage from the C.A.E. Chernobyl in the alienation zone in 1986-1990;

k) employees who have more incentives for success at work and do not have disciplinary sanctions (art. 211);

l) employees who have at most 5 years left until the establishment of the old-age pension.

(3) In case some persons indicated in paragraph (2) correspond to several criteria provided in this paragraph, the preferential right to be left to work belongs to the persons who meet several criteria in comparison with the other persons. In case of equality of the number of criteria, the preferential right belongs to the person who has a longer seniority in the respective unit.

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  184 Guarantees in the event of termination of the individual employment contract

(1) The employer is obliged to notify the employee, by order (provision, decision, decision), under signature or by another means which allows confirmation of receipt of the order by each employee concerned, of his intention to terminate the individual employment contract concluded for an indefinite or fixed term, within the following time limits:

a) 2 months in advance - in case of dismissal in connection with the liquidation of the establishment or the termination of the activity of the natural person employer, reduction in the number or states of personnel at the establishment (Art. 86 (1) (b) and (c));

b) one month in advance - in the event of dismissal in connection with a finding of unsatisfactory performance, repeatedly over a period of one year, of individual performance indicators, in accordance with the assessment procedure implemented by the employer under Article 86 para. (1) (e);

c) 14 calendar days in advance - in case of dismissal due to the employee's status of old-age pensioner (Art. 86 para. (1) (y.1) and Art. 301 para. (1) lit. c)).

(2) During the periods referred to in paragraph (1), the employee shall be granted at least one working day per week, with maintenance of the average wage, for seeking another job.   

(3) Upon termination of the individual employment contract as a result of the employee's breach of his/her employment obligations (Article 86 (1) (g)-(k), (m), (o)-(r)), notice of termination is not mandatory.

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  185 Guarantees in case of termination of the individual contract work in connection with the change of owner unity

(1) In case of change of the owner of the unit, the new owner, within a maximum of 3 months from the day of the appearance of the property right, pursuant to art. 86 paragraph (1) letter f), is entitled to dissolve individual employment contracts concluded with the head of the unit, with his deputies, with the chief accountant.

(2) The new owner shall grant to the dismissed persons according to paragraph (1) an additional compensation if this is provided by the individual employment contract.

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  185 .1 Guarantees in case of collective redundancies

1) Collective dismissals are dismissals made by the employer for one or more reasons not attributable to the employee, if, within a period of 30 days, the number of dismissals constitutes:

a) at least 10 in establishments employing between 20 and 99 employees;

b) at least 10% of the number of employees in establishments employing between 100 and 299 employees;

c) at least 30 in establishments employing 300 or more employees.

(2) In determining the actual number of employees collectively dismissed in accordance with paragraph (1), the number of employees shall be (1), the number of employees whose individual employment contracts have been terminated at the initiative of the employer for one or more reasons not attributable to the employee (referred to in Article 86 (1)) shall also be taken into account. (1) (z)), provided that there are at least 5 redundancies.

(3) If measures involving collective redundancies are envisaged in the establishment, at least 3 months in advance (including the notice period referred to in para. (7)), the employer is obliged to notify the employees' representatives in the establishment and the employment agency and to initiate consultations with the employees' representatives with a view to reaching an agreement.

(4) In order to enable the employees' representatives to make constructive proposals, at least 5 working days before the consultations begin, the employer is obliged to provide them, in writing, with all available useful information on:   

a) the reasons for the planned redundancies;

b) the number and categories of employees to be made redundant;

c) the number and categories of employees employed at the establishment;

d) the period during which the redundancies will take place;

e) the criteria for selecting the employees to be made redundant, laid down by law, collective agreements or collective labour agreements;

f) the method of calculating any severance payments provided for in the collective agreement or in the regulations at unit level, except those provided for by the legislation in force.

(5) Consultations shall last until an agreement is reached, but in any case no longer than 30 calendar days from the time when the employees' representatives are informed of the envisaged collective redundancies.

(6) If no agreement is reached and the employer's unilateral decision is to continue the collective dismissal process, this decision shall be communicated by notification to the employees' representatives and the employment agency. The notification to the employment agency shall contain at least the elements set out in paragraph 1. (4)(a) to (e), as well as any relevant information on the planned redundancies and the consultations with the employees' representatives. The notification requirement shall cover each redundancy envisaged in collective redundancies.

(7) Notification, under signature or by another means that allows confirmation of receipt/notification, of employees of collective redundancies shall be made 2 months prior to the redundancy, in accordance with the redundancy procedures laid down in Article 88.

(8) The Employment Agency shall use the period prior to dismissals to seek solutions to the problems raised by the dismissals and to provide, together with the employer and the employees' representatives, assistance in the employment of the employees to be dismissed, presenting them with employment and retraining opportunities.

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  186 Dismissal allowance

(1) To the dismissed employees in connection with the liquidation of the unit or with the cessation of the activity of the natural person employer (art. 1) letter c)) are guaranteed:

a) for the first month, the payment of a severance pay equal to the sum of an average weekly salary for each full year worked at the unit in question, but not more than six average monthly salaries and not less than an average monthly salary . If the unit was the legal successor of a previously reorganized unit and the individual employment contract with the employees in question has not previously ended (art. 81), all years of activity will be taken into account. If the employee who is dismissed has worked in the unit with an individual employment contract for several periods of time, the years worked since the conclusion of the last individual employment contract will be taken into account;

b) for the second month, the payment of a severance pay equal to the amount of the average monthly salary if the dismissed person has not been placed in employment;

c) for the third month, the payment of a severance pay equal to the amount of the average monthly salary, if the dismissed person has not been placed in employment;

d) upon the liquidation of the unit, by the written agreement of the parties, the full payment of the amounts related to the dismissal of the employee for all 3 months, on the date of dismissal.


In case of placement of the dismissed person during the months indicated in letters b) and c), the indemnity will be paid for the period until the date of his employment.

(2) The severance pay in the amount of an average salary for 2 weeks shall be paid to the employees upon termination of the individual employment contract in connection with:

a) finding that the employee does not correspond to the position held or the work performed due to health, in accordance with the respective medical certificate, or as a result of insufficient qualification confirmed by the decision of the attestation commission (art. 86 para. (1) letter d ) and it is));

b) re-establishment at the workplace, according to the court decision, of the employee who previously performed the respective work (art. 82 letter j1));

c) the employee's refusal to be transferred to another locality in connection with the transfer of the unit in this locality (art. 86 para. (1) letter y)).

(3) Employees whose individual employment contract has been suspended in connection with the incorporation

in the term military service, in the short-term military service or in the civil service (art. 76 letter e)) or who have resigned in connection with the violation by the employer of the individual or collective labor contract (art.85 para (2)) benefit from the indemnity provided in paragraph (2).

(4) The payment of the dismissal allowance shall be made at the previous place of work.

(5) The collective or individual employment contract may also provide for other cases of payment of the severance pay, increased amounts thereof, as well as longer deadlines for payment of the allowance.

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Chapter V


  187 Guarantees granted to employees elected to elective positions

The employee whose individual employment contract has been suspended in connection with his election to an elective position, according to the legislation in force (art. 78 para. (1) letter d)), is granted, after the termination of his powers in the position respectively, the previous work (position), and if it is missing - another work (function) equivalent to the same or, with the employee's consent, to another unit.


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  188 Guarantees for the period of fulfilling the state obligations or public

(1) During the fulfillment of the state or public obligations, if, according to the legislation in force, they are performed during the working hours, the employees are guaranteed the maintenance of the job (of the position) and of the average salary in accordance with paragraph (2 ).

(2) The average salary of the employees in case of fulfilling the following state or public obligations is maintained:

a) presentation, by summons, to the criminal investigation bodies, to the prosecutor, to the court as a witness, injured party, expert, specialist, translator, procedural assistant;

b) participation as members of the voluntary fire brigades in the liquidation of the fire or damage; as well as

c) in cases of fulfillment of other state or public obligations provided by the legislation in force.


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  188 .1

(Not in force yet!)

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  189 Guarantees and compensations granted to the called employees to perform military service on time, service short-term military, civil service, and employees called to military camps

Employees called to perform military service on time, short-term military service, civil service, as well as those called to military camps benefit from the guarantees and compensations provided by the legislation in force.

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  190 Guarantees granted to employees who donate blood

(1) The employer is obliged to allow, without any hindrance, the presentation of blood donor employees to medical institutions on the day of donating blood or blood derivatives for their use for therapeutic purposes, maintaining the average salary of donors and ensuring them, in case of necessity, with transport.

(2) Employees who donate blood are granted, on the day immediately following the day of donation of blood or blood derivatives, a day off with the maintenance of the average salary. In case of donation of blood or blood derivatives on the day preceding the day (s) of rest, a day off with the maintenance of the average salary shall be granted to the donor employees immediately after the day (s) of rest.

(3) In case of donation of blood or blood derivatives during the annual rest leave, on rest days or on non-working holidays, the employer is obliged to grant the blood donor employee another paid day off which, with the agreement written notice of the respective employee, may be attached to the annual rest leave.

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  190 .1 Guarantees and compensations granted to employees for the implementation of special measures to ensure the safety, protection of life and health of the population

(1) In the event of a state of emergency, siege and war, as well as in the event of a state of emergency in public health, for the implementation of special measures to ensure the safety, protection of life and health of the population, employers shall grant employees days off. the average salary, in the manner established by the Government.


(2) The Government establishes compensations, from the means of the state budget, for the employers who have applied the provisions of par. (1).

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  191 Guarantees and compensations granted to employees inventors and rationalizers

The employee author of the invention or of the rationalization proposal benefits from the guarantees and compensations provided by the legislation in force, by the collective contract and / or by the individual labor contract.


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  192 Compensation for wear and tear of the goods belonging employee

(1) The employee who uses, with the consent or knowledge of the employer and in his interest, the personal goods is paid the compensation for the use and wear of the means of transport, tools, equipment, other materials and technical means related to their use.

(2) The amount and the method of payment of the compensation shall be established by the written agreement of the parties to the individual employment contract.


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  193 Guarantees granted to employees obliged to pass medical examinations

During the performance of medical controls (examinations), employees who, according to the provisions of this code or other normative acts, are obliged to pass these controls (examinations) are kept the average salary at work.


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  194 Guarantees in connection with sick leave

In case of granting the employee a medical leave, the employer is obliged to pay him an indemnity under the conditions of art. 123 paragraph (2).


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  195 Guarantees and compensations granted to employees who controls controls at the initiative of the employee training course professional

(1) Employees who follow, at the initiative of the employer, the professional training course with retirement, their job (position) and average salary are maintained, they are granted other guarantees and compensations provided by the legislation in force.

(2) Employees who follow, at the initiative of the employer, the professional training course with decommissioning, in another locality, shall be compensated the travel expenses in the manner and under the conditions provided for the employees sent on the move in the interest of service.


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  196 Warranties and compensation in case of accidents work and occupational diseases

(1) In case of injury to the health or death of the employee as a result of an accident at work or an occupational disease, the employee will be compensated the unrealized salary (income), as well as additional expenses for medical, social and professional rehabilitation related to the injury to the deceased's health or to the family of the deceased is reimbursed for the expenses related to the death.

(2) The amount and conditions for granting the guarantees and compensations provided in paragraph (1) are established by the legislation in force.


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  197 Guarantees in the field of state social insurance

Employees are subject to state social insurance and benefit from all guarantees, compensations and other payments provided by the state social insurance system according to the legislation in force.


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  197 .1 Warranties in case of reorganization of the unit, change of the type of property or its owner

(1) In case of reorganization of the unit, change of type of property or its owner, the assignee takes over all the rights and obligations existing at the date of occurrence of the event arising from individual employment contracts and collective labor agreements in force.

(2) The reorganization of the unit, the change of the type of property or of its owner do not constitute, in itself, grounds for termination of the individual employment contract (with the exceptions provided in art. 86 paragraph (1) letter f)). At the same time, the dismissal of employees may occur, in such cases, as a result of the reduction in the number or staffing of the unit.

(3) In case of reorganization of the unit, change of the type of property or its owner, the employees' right to information and consultation shall be respected. At least 30 calendar days before the start of the procedure for reorganizing the unit, changing the type of property or its owner, the employer shall inform in writing the representatives of his employees regarding:

a) the proposed date or date of the initiation of the reorganization procedure, of the change of the type of property or of the owner of the unit;

b) the reasons for the reorganization, change of the type of property or the owner of the unit;

c) the legal, economic and social consequences of the reorganization, change of the type of property or the owner of the unit for employees;

d) the planned measures regarding the employees.

(4) The assignee is obliged to provide to the representatives of his employees the information mentioned in par. (3) lit. a) –d) at least 30 calendar days before the reorganization of the unit, the change of the type of property or its owner actually takes place.

(5) If there is no union or elected representatives at the unit, the information mentioned in par. (3) shall be made known to employees through a public notice placed on an information panel with general access to the headquarters of the unit (including each of its subsidiaries or representative offices), as well as, where appropriate, through the website or electronic messages.

(6) If the transferor and / or the transferee plan to take certain measures regarding their employees, they are to be consulted with the employees' representatives in accordance with the provisions of art. 421.

(7) If in the process of reorganization of the unit, of change of the type of property or of its owner, reductions of the number or of the personnel states are foreseen, the provisions of art. 88.

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  197 .2 Guarantees in case of regular medical examinations

For the period of regular medical examinations, employees are guaranteed to maintain their job (function) and average salary.

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Title VII
Chapter I


  198 General dispositions

(1) The internal regulation of the unit is a legal act that is drawn up in each unit, with the consultation of the employees' representatives, and is approved by the order (disposition, decision, decision) of the employer.

(2) The internal regulations of the unit may not contain provisions that contravene the legislation in force, the clauses of the collective agreements and the collective labor contract.

(3) The internal regulations of the unit may not establish limitations on the individual or collective rights of employees.


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  199 Content of the unit's internal rules

(1) The internal rules of the establishment must contain the following provisions:

a) health and safety at work in the establishment;

b) respect for the principle of non-discrimination, elimination of sexual harassment and any form of injury to dignity at work;

c) the rights, obligations and liability of the employer and employees;

d) work discipline in the establishment;

e) disciplinary offences and the penalties applicable under the legislation in force;

f) disciplinary procedure;

g) work and rest arrangements.

(2) The unit's internal rules may also contain other regulations concerning employment relations in the unit.

(3) The internal rules of the establishment shall be brought to the attention of the employees, under signature or by any other means that allows confirmation of receipt/notice by the employer, and shall have legal effect for them from the date of their acknowledgement.

(4)The obligation to familiarise employees with the content of the unit's internal rules must be fulfilled by the employer within 10 working days from the date of approval of the rules.

(5) The manner of familiarisation of each employee with the content of the internal rules of the establishment shall be determined directly in the text of the rules.

(6) The internal regulations shall be posted in all structural subdivisions of the establishment.

(7) Any amendment or addition to the internal rules of the unit shall be made in accordance with the provisions of Article 198 and shall be notified to the employees within the time limit and in the manner provided for in paragraph (4) and (5).

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  200 Statutes and disciplinary regulations

In some branches of the national economy, certain categories of employees are subject to statutes and disciplinary regulations approved by the Government.


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Chapter II


  201 Work discipline

Labor discipline represents the obligation of all employees to be subject to rules of conduct established in accordance with this code, other normative acts, collective agreements, collective and individual labor contracts, as well as normative acts at unit level, including the internal regulations of the unit.


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  202 Ensuring work discipline

Work discipline is ensured in the unit by creating by the employer the economic, social, legal and organizational conditions necessary to perform high productivity work, by forming a conscious attitude towards work, by applying incentives and rewards for conscientious work, as well as of sanctions in case of committing disciplinary offenses.


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  203 Incentives

1. For success in work, the employer may apply incentives in the form of:

a) thanks;

b) unique prizes on the occasion of anniversaries, professional holidays and non-working public holidays, as well as on other occasions;

c) price gifts;

d) honorary diplomas.

(2) The internal regulations of the unit, the statutes and the disciplinary regulations may provide other ways of stimulating the employees.

(3) For special successes at work, merits towards the company and towards the state, the employees can be presented to state distinctions (orders, medals, honorary titles), they can be awarded state prizes.

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  204 How to apply incentives

(1) The incentives are applied by the employer after consulting the employees' representatives.

(2) The incentives shall be recorded in an order (disposition, decision, decision) and shall be brought to the attention of the work team.

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  205 Benefits and facilities granted to employees who conscientiously and efficiently fulfill their work obligations

Employees who conscientiously and efficiently fulfill their work obligations are given, as a matter of priority, advantages and facilities in the field of social-cultural, housing and living services (tickets in spa institutions, rest homes, etc.). These employees also have the priority right to advance in the service.


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  206 Disciplinary actions

(1) For the violation of the work discipline, the employer has the right to apply to the employee the following disciplinary sanctions:

a) the warning;

b) reprimand;

c) harsh rebuke;

d) dismissal (on the grounds provided for in art. 86 para. (1) letter g) -r).

(2) The legislation in force may provide for some categories of employees and other disciplinary sanctions.

(3) It is prohibited to apply fines and other pecuniary sanctions for violation of labor discipline.

(4) Only one sanction may be applied for the same disciplinary violation.

(5) When applying the disciplinary sanction, the employer must take into account the gravity of the disciplinary violation committed and other objective circumstances.

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  207 Bodies empowered with the application of disciplinary sanctions

(1) The disciplinary sanction is applied by the body to which the right of employment (election, confirmation or appointment) of the respective employee is assigned.

(2) To the employees who bear disciplinary responsibility according to the statutes or disciplinary regulations and other normative acts, disciplinary sanctions may be applied by the bodies hierarchically superior to those indicated in paragraph (1).

(3) The employees holding elective positions may be dismissed (art. 206 par. (1) letter d)) only by the decision of the body by which they were elected and only on legal grounds.


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  208 How to apply disciplinary sanctions

(1) Until the application of the disciplinary sanction, the employer is obliged to request in writing to the employee a written explanation regarding the committed deed. The explanation regarding the committed deed can be presented by the employee within 5 working days from the date of the request. The refusal to provide the required explanation shall be recorded in a report signed by a representative of the employer and a representative of the employees.

(2) Depending on the gravity of the deed committed by the employee, the employer is entitled to organize a service investigation, the duration of which may not exceed one month. During the investigation, the employee has the right to explain his attitude and to present to the person authorized to carry out the investigation all the evidence and justifications that he considers necessary.

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  209 Deadlines for the application of disciplinary sanctions

(1) The disciplinary sanction is applied, as a rule, immediately after the finding of the disciplinary violation, but not later than one month from the day of its finding, without taking into account the employee's time on annual leave, study leave or leave medical.

(2) The disciplinary sanction cannot be applied after the expiration of 6 months from the day of committing the disciplinary violation, and following the revision or control of the economic-financial activity - after the expiration of 2 years from the date of the commission. The indicated terms do not include the duration of the criminal procedure.


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  210 Application of the disciplinary sanction

(1) The disciplinary sanction shall be applied by means of an order (provision, decision, ruling), which shall state the mandatory nature of the sanction:   

a) the factual and legal grounds for the application of the sanction;

b) the time limit within which the sanction may be appealed;

c) the body to which the penalty may be appealed.

(2) The order (disposal, decision, solution) imposing the sanction, with the exception of the disciplinary sanction in the form of dismissal under Article 206(1)(d), which shall be applied in accordance with Article 81 paragraph (3), shall be communicated to the employee, under signature or by another means allowing confirmation of receipt/notification, within 5 working days at the latest from the date of issue, and if the employee works in an internal subdivision of the unit (branch, representative office, deconcentrated service, etc.) located in another locality - within 15 working days at the latest and shall take effect from the date of communication. The employee's refusal to confirm by signature the communication of the order shall be recorded in a record signed by a representative of the employer and a representative of the employees.

(3) The order (disposal, decision, solution) of sanctioning may be challenged by the employee in court under the conditions of Article 355.

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  211 Term of validity and effects of sanctions disciplinary

(1) The term of validity of the disciplinary sanction may not exceed one year from the day of application. If during this term the employee will not be subject to a new disciplinary sanction, it is considered that the disciplinary sanction has not been applied to him.

(2) The employer who applied the disciplinary sanction is entitled to revoke it during a year on his own initiative, at the request of the employee, at the request of the employees' representatives or of the direct boss of the employee.

(3) Within the term of validity of the disciplinary sanction, the sanctioned employee may not be subject to the incentives provided in art.203.


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  211 .1 Serious breach of work obligations

The following actions of the employee are considered a serious breach of work obligations:

a) receiving and releasing the goods, as well as the funds without completing the corresponding documents;

b) the provision of services through the use of the function in exchange for a remuneration, a service or other benefits;

c) the use for personal purposes of the money collected;

d) the use for personal purposes of the employer's assets and of the assets under the employer's management (fixed assets owned, leased, loaned) without his written consent;

e) non-compliance with the confidentiality clause;

f) violation of occupational safety and health requirements, found in writing by the head of the unit, the designated worker, the internal or external protection and prevention service or the State Labor Inspectorate, if this violation has had serious consequences ( accident, damage) or created a real and imminent danger of such consequences;

g) the refusal to pass the medical examination, if it is mandatory, and the employee has been informed by the employer, in writing, about the obligation to pass the medical examination;

h) causing material damage the amount of which exceeds five average monthly salaries per economy forecast.

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  211 .2 The scope of the evaluation of the individual performance of the employee

(1) The periodic evaluation of the individual performance of the employee is the staff evaluation procedure, which determines the level of achievement of individual performance indicators, in order to assess the results achieved, identify professional development needs, make decisions regarding the employee's career, and applies to the categories of staff eligible for evaluation, in accordance with the employer's decision.

(2) The stages and procedures of evaluating the individual performance of the employee are specified in the unit's internal regulations.

(3) It is the employer's responsibility to issue the order determining the individual performance appraisal period, to inform the employee and to approve the list of appraisers.

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  211 .3 Individual performance indicators of the employee

(1) Individual performance indicators shall be established by the employee's employer after consultation with the employee and shall be made known to the employee in writing.

(2) Individual performance indicators shall be established not more frequently than every 3 months and shall be reasonably similar to those formulated for other employees in similar positions with the same level of experience and training. The indicators will correspond to the following requirements:

a) they must be specific to the employee's duties as set out in the individual employment contract;

b) be measurable - have a concrete form of achievement;

c) they must reflect deadlines for achievement; 

d) be achievable - be able to be achieved within the time limits and with the resources allocated. 

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  211 .4 Evaluation of individual performance of the employee

(1) The evaluation of an employee's individual performance shall consist of comparing the results of the employee's work with established individual performance indicators and awarding a performance rating.

(2) The individual performance appraisal procedure shall provide for at least 3 separate performance ratings, correlated with the level of achievement of the individual performance indicators, in accordance with the grid set out in the unit's internal rules.

(3) The "unsatisfactory" rating shall be assigned to the minimum level of achievement of the individual performance indicators, in accordance with the provisions of the unit's internal rules.

(4) The individual performance appraisal is a procedure that is carried out periodically, the periodicity of which is laid down in the internal rules of the unit. The appraisal shall be carried out not more often than once every 3 months and the total duration of the appraisal procedure shall not exceed one month from the date of its initiation to the date the employee is informed about the results of the appraisal.

(5) The employee shall be informed in writing about the initiation of the appraisal procedure at least 5 days in advance.

(6) The evaluation of the employee's individual performance shall be carried out by the employee's immediate manager or by an evaluation committee set up for this purpose by the employer.

(7) The employee shall have the right to provide explanations regarding the achievement of the established individual performance indicators.

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  211 .5 Results of individual performance evaluation and appeals

(1) The results of the individual performance appraisal, including the assessment made and the justification of the assessment, shall be communicated to the employee in writing and may be appealed by the employee to the employer within five working days from the date of communicating the results of the assessment.

(2) The employer shall consider the complaint within ten working days from the receipt thereof and inform the employee in writing about its decision on the complaint. If the employee does not agree with the decision of the employer, the employee may appeal the decision in court within 30 days from the date the employer submitted its written decision on the complaint.

(3) The results of the individual performance appraisal shall be taken into account in the employer's decision on promotion, dismissal, need for training and financial or non-financial incentives for the employee.

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Title VIII
Chapter I


  212 Main notions

(1) By professional training is meant any training process as a result of which an employee acquires a qualification, attested by a certificate or a diploma issued in accordance with the law.

(2) Continuous professional training means any training process in which an employee, already having a qualification or a profession, completes his professional knowledge by deepening his knowledge in a certain field of the basic specialty or by learning some methods or procedures. new applied in the respective specialty.

(3) By technical training is meant any training system through which an employee acquires the procedures of application in the work process of technical and technological means.


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  213 Rights and obligations of the employer in the field vocational training

(1) The employer is obliged to create the necessary conditions and to favor the professional and technical training of the employees who follow the training in production, improve themselves or study in educational institutions, without leaving the activity.

(2) Within each unit, a legal entity, the employer, together with the employees' representatives, draws up and approves annually the professional training plans.

(3) The conditions, modalities and duration of the professional training, the rights and obligations of the parties, as well as the volume of financial means allocated for this purpose (amounting to at least 2 percent of the unit's salary fund), are established in the collective labor contract; in the collective agreement.

(4) If the participation of the employees in the professional training courses or internships is initiated by the employer, all the related expenses shall be borne by him.

(5) In case of dismissal of the employee for a short period, for the purpose of professional training, the action of his individual employment contract continues with the maintenance of the average salary. If the respective period exceeds 60 calendar days, the individual employment contract of the employee is suspended, he benefiting from an indemnity paid by the employer according to the provisions of the collective labor contract.


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  214 The rights and obligations of employees in the field vocational training

(1) The employee has the right to professional training, including obtaining a new profession or specialty. This right can be realized by concluding, in written form, some professional training contracts (art. 215, 216 par. (3) and (4)), additional to the individual employment contract.

(2) Suspended)

(3) If the employee comes with the initiative of participating in a form of professional training with decommissioning, organized outside the unit, the employer will examine the written request of the employee jointly with the employees' representatives.

(4) Within 15 calendar days from the date of registration of the request, the employer shall decide under what conditions he may allow the employee to participate in a form of professional training according to paragraph (3) and whether he shall bear, in whole or in part, its cost.

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Chapter II


  215 Professional qualification contract

(1) The professional qualification contract is a special contract, in addition to the individual employment contract, concluded in written form, based on which the employee undertakes to follow a professional training course, organized by the employer, in order to obtain a professional qualification.

(2) The professional training at unit level according to the professional qualification contract is carried out by an instructor or training foreman, appointed by the employer from among the qualified employees with professional experience and authorized in the manner provided by law.


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Chapter III


  216 The apprenticeship contract and the training contract continuous professional

(1) The employer has the right to conclude an apprenticeship contract with the person who is looking for a job and who does not have a professional qualification.

(2) The apprenticeship contract, concluded in written form, is a civil law contract and is regulated by the Civil Code and other normative acts.

(3) The employer has the right to conclude a continuous professional training contract with any employee of the unit.

(4) The contract of continuous professional training is concluded in written form, is an additional act to the individual labor contract and is regulated by the labor legislation and other normative acts containing norms of the labor law.

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  217 Content of the apprenticeship contract and the contract continuing vocational training

(1) The apprenticeship contract and the continuous professional training contract will include:

a) name and surname or name of the parties;

b) the indication of the profession, specialty and qualification that the apprentice or employee will obtain;

c) the obligations of the employer regarding the creation of the training conditions stipulated in the contract;

d) the term of the contract;

e) the obligation of the person to follow the professional training course and to work according to the profession, specialty, qualification obtained within the term established by the respective contract;

f) the conditions of remuneration for the work during the apprenticeship or the continuous professional training.

g) the conditions for covering (reimbursing) the expenses incurred by the parties (on the one hand) during the apprenticeship or continuous professional training in case of dismissal of the employee (art.85, art.86 par. (1) letter g) -r)) before the expiration of the term provided by the contract according to letter e).

(2) The apprenticeship contract and the continuous professional training contract may also include other clauses determined by the parties, which do not contravene the legislation in force.

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  218 Duration of apprenticeship and continuing vocational training

(1) The duration of the apprenticeship or of the continuous professional training must not exceed, during the week, the duration of the working time established by the present code for the respective age and profession at the execution of the corresponding works.

(2) The time necessary for the apprentice to participate in theoretical activities related to professional training is included in the working time.

(3) The employees employed in the continuous professional training in the unit may be temporarily released from the work provided by the individual employment contract or may work under the conditions of partial working time or of the flexible working time regime, with the written consent of the employer.

(4) In the case of employees employed in continuous professional training, the following are prohibited:

a) work performed in difficult, harmful and / or dangerous conditions;

b) additional work;

c) night work;

d) secondment not related to professional training.

(5) The term of the apprenticeship contract, as well as of the one of continuous professional training, starts to run on the date indicated in the contract, extending with the period of the medical leave and in other cases provided by the contract.

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  219 Application of labor legislation during the apprenticeship and continuing vocational training

(1) The labor legislation, including the labor protection legislation, shall apply to apprentices and employees who have concluded a contract for continuous professional training.

(2) The clauses of the apprenticeship contracts and of the continuous professional training contracts that contravene the legislation in force, the provisions of the collective agreements and of the collective labor contracts are considered null and inapplicable.

(3) The employer shall ensure, through an appropriate control, carried out jointly with the employees' representatives, the efficiency of the apprenticeship system and of any other system of staff training and their adequate protection.


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  220 Termination of the training contract keep going

The continuing vocational training contract may be terminated on the grounds provided for in this Code for the termination of the individual employment contract or on other grounds provided for by the legislation in force.

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  221 Termination (dissolution) of the apprenticeship contract

The apprenticeship contract terminates (terminates) on the grounds provided by the Civil Code.


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Title IX


  222 State policy in the field of safety and health at work

(1) The main directions of the state policy in the field of occupational safety and health are:

a) ensuring the priority of life, physical integrity and health of employees;

b) issuing and applying normative acts regarding safety and health at work;

c) coordination of activities in the field of occupational safety and health, in the field of environmental protection;

d) state supervision and control over the observance of normative acts in the field of occupational safety and health;

e) supporting public control over the observance of the rights and legitimate interests of employees in the field of occupational safety and health;

f) research, evidence and reporting of work accidents and occupational diseases;

g) the protection of the legitimate interests of employees who have suffered as a result of work accidents and occupational diseases, as well as of their family members, through the compulsory social insurance of employees against work accidents and occupational diseases;

h) propagation of advanced experience in the field of occupational safety and health;

i) participation of public authorities in the implementation of occupational safety and health measures;

j) training in the field of occupational safety and health;

k) organization of state statistical records on working conditions, work accidents, occupational diseases and their material consequences;

l) ensuring the functioning of the unique information system in the field of occupational safety and health;

m) international collaboration in the field of occupational safety and health;

n) contributing to the creation of non-hazardous working conditions, to the elaboration and use of non-hazardous technology and technologies, to the production of the means of individual and collective protection of employees;

o) regulating the provision of employees with individual and collective protection equipment, with sanitary-social rooms and installations, with curative-prophylactic means at the employer's expense.

(2) The state policy in the field of occupational safety and health shall be elaborated and re-examined with the consultation of the employers' associations and trade unions, taking into account the evolution of the international regulations in this field and the technical progress.

(3) The realization of the state policy in the field of safety and health at work is ensured by coordinated actions of the central and local public authorities, of the employers 'associations, trade unions, employers, employees' representatives.

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  223 Coordination of health and safety at work

The Ministry of Labour and Social Protection coordinates health and safety at work in the Republic of Moldova.

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Chapter II


  224 Organization of occupational safety and health

The organization of safety and health at work is carried out in accordance with the Law on safety and health at work.

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  225 Ensuring the right of employees to work that meets the requirements of safety and health at work

(1) The state guarantees to the employees the defense of their right to a work that corresponds to the occupational safety and health requirements.

(2) The working conditions stipulated in the individual employment contract must correspond to the occupational safety and health requirements.

(3) During the cessation by the state control bodies of the work activity, provided by the individual employment contract, as a result of the violation of the occupational safety and health requirements without the fault of the employee, his employment is maintained (function) and the average salary.

(4) If the employee refuses to perform work in case of danger to his life or health, the employer is obliged to provide the employee with another job, corresponding to the level of professional training of the employee, until the danger is removed, while maintaining the salary of at the previous job.

(5) If the granting of another job is not possible, the time of the employee's stay until the danger for his life or health is removed shall be paid by the employer in accordance with art. 163 para. (1).

(6) In case of failure to insure the employee, according to occupational safety and health requirements, with individual and collective protection equipment, the employer has no right to require the employee to perform work obligations and is obliged to pay parking for this reason in accordance with . (5).

(7) Refusal of the employee to perform work in case of danger to his life or health due to non-compliance with occupational safety and health requirements or to perform work in difficult, harmful and / or dangerous conditions not provided for in the individual contract does not attract disciplinary liability.

(8) In case of injury to the employee's health in the exercise of work obligations, the damage shall be compensated in accordance with the legislation in force.

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  226 Repealed


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  227 Repealed


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  244 Repealed


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Title X
Chapter I


  245 Peculiarities of labor regulation

The particularities of labor regulation represent a set of norms that specify the application to certain categories of employees of the general regulations regarding work or establish for these categories additional rules concerning the mentioned field.


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  246 The categories of employees to whom the particularities of labor regulation apply

The particularities of the regulation of women's work, of persons with family obligations, of employees up to 18 years of age, of unit managers, of persons performing work by cumulation, as well as of other categories of employees, are established by this code and of other normative acts.


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Chapter II


  247 Employment guarantees for pregnant women and people with children up to 4 years old

(1) The refusal of employment or the reduction of the salary amount due to pregnancy or the existence of children up to 4 years of age is prohibited. The refusal to hire a pregnant woman or a person with a child up to 4 years of age for other reasons must be justified, the employer informing the person in writing within 5 calendar days from the date of registration in the unit of the application for employment. The refusal to hire can be challenged in court.

(2) (Excluded)

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  248 Works for which the use of work is prohibited categories of women

It is forbidden to use the work of pregnant women, women who have recently given birth and those who are breastfeeding to work underground in me, as well as in any other activities that pose risks to their safety or health or that may have repercussions on pregnancy or breastfeeding, according to minimum requirements approved by the Government.

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  249 Travel limitation

(1) It is not allowed to send for travel in the interest of service of persons whose travel is contraindicated according to the medical certificate.

(2) Persons with severe and severe disabilities, pregnant women, single parents with children up to 14 years of age, employees with children up to 4 years of age or children with disabilities, persons combining childcare leave, provided in art. 126 and 127 paragraph (2), with work, as well as employees caring for a sick family member, based on the medical certificate, may be sent away only with their written consent. At the same time, the employer is obliged to inform in writing the mentioned employees about their right to refuse to leave.

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  250 Transfer to another job of certain categories of women

(1) If, as a result of the occupational risk assessment in accordance with the Occupational Safety and Health Act, work performed by a pregnant woman, a woman who has recently given birth or a breastfeeding woman proves to present safety risks or her health or may have repercussions on pregnancy or breastfeeding, the employer shall take the necessary measures to exclude, through a temporary change in working conditions, the influence of risk factors on such persons.

(2) If the modification of the working conditions, provided in par. (1), it is not possible for objective reasons for a pregnant woman, a woman who has recently given birth or a breastfeeding woman to be given another job, so as to avoid exposing her to the risk factors identified in the assessment. During the activity at the new job, the pregnant woman, the woman who has recently given birth or the breastfeeding woman is kept the average salary from the previous job.

(3) The provisions of par. (1) and (2) shall also apply in cases where pregnancy or breastfeeding occurs during the performance of work that involves the influence of risk factors, provided that the employer is properly informed.

(4) Pregnant women, women who have recently given birth and those who are breastfeeding will be removed from night work, being given a day job, while maintaining the average salary from the previous job.

(5) Until the settlement of the issue regarding the granting of another work in accordance with par. (2) - (4) or if the change of job is not possible for objective reasons, pregnant women, women who have recently given birth and those who are breastfeeding will be exempted from fulfilling their work obligations, while maintaining the average salary for the days they did not work because of it.

(6) Without prejudice to the provisions of par. (1) - (5), women who have children up to 3 years of age, in case they do not have the possibility to fulfill their work obligations, are transferred, in the manner provided by this code, to another place of work. work, with the maintenance of the average salary from the previous job until the children reach the age of 3 years.

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  251 Prohibition of dismissal of pregnant women and employees caring for children up to 4 years old

It is forbidden to dismiss pregnant women, women who have children up to 4 years old and persons who use childcare leave provided in art. 124, 126 and 127, except for the cases provided in art. 86 para. (1) lit. b), g) - k).

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  252 Guarantees for people caring for children without maternal care

Guarantees and rights granted to women with children up to 4 years of age and other persons using childcare leave, provided in art. 124, 126 and 127 (limitation of night work, overtime work, attraction to work on rest days and sending on duty in the interest of work, granting additional leave, establishing the privileged work regime, other guarantees and facilities established by labor legislation), extend, in addition to the relatives mentioned in art.124 paragraph (4), and on other people who actually care for children without maternal care (in case of death, loss of parental rights or long stay of the mother in a treatment institution, in other cases), as well as on the guardians (curators) of minors.

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  252 .1 Guarantees for people who educate a child with disabilities

One of the parents (guardian, curator) who educates a child with disabilities will be given an additional day off based on a written request, with the maintenance of the average salary from the employer's account.

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  252 .2 Childcare services for children up to 3 years old

In order to reconcile work and family life, the employer may offer childcare services for children up to the age of 3 to employees, according to the regulatory framework approved by the Government.

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Chapter III


  253 Medical examinations of elderly employees up to 18 years

(1) Employees up to 18 years of age are employed only after they have undergone a preventive medical examination. Subsequently, until they reach the age of 18, they will be subjected to the compulsory medical examination every year.

(2) The expenses for the medical examinations shall be borne by the employer.


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  254 The working norm of employees up to 18 years of age

(1) For employees up to 18 years of age, the work norm is established, starting from the general work norms, in proportion to the reduced working time established for the respective employees.

(2) Employees up to 18 years of age, employed after graduation from general secondary education and technical vocational education, the employer shall establish reduced work rules, in accordance with the legislation in force, the collective agreements and the collective labor contract.

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  255 Works for which the use of the work of persons up to 18 years of age is prohibited

(1) It is forbidden to use the work of persons up to 18 years of age in works with difficult, harmful and / or dangerous working conditions, in underground works, as well as in works that may harm the health or moral integrity of minors (games good luck, working in nightclubs, production, transportation and marketing of alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, narcotics and toxic substances). It is not allowed to manually lift and transport weights that exceed the maximum norms established for them.

(2) The nomenclature of works with heavy, harmful and / or dangerous working conditions to which the application of the work of persons up to 18 years of age is prohibited, as well as the maximum allowed norms for persons up to 18 years of age at lifting and manual transportation of weights, is approved by the Government after consultation with employers and unions.

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  256 Prohibition of sending employees away up to 18 years old

It is forbidden to send employees up to the age of 18 away, except for employees from audiovisual institutions, theaters, circuses, cinematographic, theatrical and concert organizations, as well as those of professional athletes.


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  257 Additional guarantees when dismissing employees up to 18 years old

Dismissal of employees up to 18 years of age, except in the case of liquidation of the unit, is allowed only with the written consent of the territorial agency for employment, respecting the general conditions of dismissal provided by this code.

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Chapter IV


  258 General dispositions

(1) The provisions of this chapter apply to the managers of all units, except for the cases when the manager (employer) is simultaneously the owner of the unit.

(2) The head of the unit is the natural person who, in accordance with the legislation in force or the documents of constitution of the unit, exercises attributions of administration of the respective unit, fulfilling at the same time the functions of the executive body.


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  259 Legal basis for labor regulation the unit leader

The rights and obligations of the head of the unit in the field of labor relations are regulated by this code, by other normative acts, by the documents of constitution of the unit and by the individual labor contract.


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  260 Conclusion of the individual employment contract with the head of the unit

(1) The individual employment contract with the head of the unit is concluded for the duration indicated in the establishment documents of the unit or for a term established in the contract by the agreement of the parties.

(2) The legislation in force or the documents of constitution of the unit may provide special procedures that will precede the conclusion of the individual employment contract with the head of the unit (organization of the competition, election or appointment).


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  261 Work by cumulation of the head of the state unit, including municipal, or of the unit with majority capital of the state

(1) The head of the state unit, including municipal units, or of the unit with majority state capital may not perform work by cumulation at another unit or to cumulate functions at the unit he leads, with the exceptions provided by the legislation in force.

(2) The head of the state unit, including municipal units, or of the unit with majority state capital may not be part of the bodies exercising supervision and control in the unit he leads.

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  262 Material responsibility of the head of the unit

(1) The head of the unit bears full material responsibility for the direct and real damage he caused to the unit, according to the present code and other normative acts.

(2) In the cases provided by the legislation in force, the head of the unit shall repair the damage caused to the unit as a result of his guilty action or inaction. The calculation of this damage is performed in accordance with the rules of the Civil Code.


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  263 Additional grounds for termination of the individual employment contract concluded with the head of the unit

Apart from the cases of termination of the individual employment contract on the grounds provided by this code and other normative acts, the individual employment contract concluded with the head of the unit may be terminated in case of:

a) dismissal of the head of the debtor unit in accordance with the legislation on insolvency;

b) issuance by the authorized body or the owner of the unit of the order (disposition, decision, decision) legally grounded for termination of the individual employment contract before term; as well as

c) in other cases provided by the individual employment contract.


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  264 Compensation in connection with the termination of the individual employment contract concluded with the head of the unit

In case of termination of the individual employment contract concluded with the head of the unit based on the order (disposition, decision, decision) of the competent body or the owner of the unit (art. 263 letter b)), in the absence of guilty actions or inactions, the head is notified in writing one month in advance and is paid compensation for the termination of the individual employment contract prematurely, in the amount of at least 3 average monthly salaries. The concrete amount of the compensation is established in the individual employment contract.

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  265 Resignation of the head of the unit

The head of the unit has the right to resign before the expiration of the term of the individual employment contract in the cases stipulated by the contract, informing his employer in writing one month in advance.


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  266 Other peculiarities of regulating the work of the heads of the units and of the members of the collegiate bodies

The legislation in force and / or the establishment documents of the unit may also provide other particularities regulating the work of the unit leaders, as well as the particularities regulating the work of the members of the collegiate executive body of the unit, which operate on the basis of an individual employment contract.


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Chapter V


  267 General dispositions

(1) The work by cumulation represents the fulfillment by the employee, besides the basic work, of another work, permanent or temporary, outside the working hours, based on an individual individual employment contract.

(2) Individual employment contracts may be concluded with one or more employers, if this does not contravene the legislation in force.

(3) Work by cumulation can be performed both within the same unit and in other units.

(4) For the conclusion of the individual employment contract by cumulation, the consent of the employer from the basic job is not required.

(5) The individual employment contract shall indicate, obligatorily, that the respective work is performed by cumulation.

(6) The employees employed by cumulation benefit from the same rights and guarantees as the other employees from the respective unit.


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  268 Peculiarities of work by cumulating some categories of employees

The particularities of work by cumulation for some categories of employees (workers, teachers, medical and pharmaceutical staff, research and development staff, employees in culture, art, sports, etc.) are established by the Government, after consulting employers and unions.


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  269 Limiting work by cumulation

Employers, in agreement with employees' representatives, may provide for certain restrictions on the performance of work by cumulation only for employees with certain professions, specialties and functions, with special working conditions and regime, whose work by cumulation could endanger health or safety. production process.


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  270 The documents that are presented at the conclusion of the individual employment contract by cumulation

(1) The person who is employed by cumulation at another unit is obliged to present to the employer the identity card or another identity document.

(2) When hiring by cumulation in a position or profession that requires special knowledge, the employer has the right to request from the respective person the presentation of the diploma or other document attesting the studies or professional training, and when hiring for jobs with difficult working conditions , harmful and / or dangerous - and the medical certificate.

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  271 Duration of working time and rest time at work by cumulation

The concrete duration of the working time and of the rest time at the workplace by the cumulation is established in the individual employment contract, taking into account the provisions of the present code (title IV) and of other normative acts.


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  272 Annual rest leave for employees who perform work by cumulation

(1) The employees who perform work by cumulation benefit from an annual rest leave, paid according to the cumulated function or specialty, which is granted at the same time as the annual rest leave from the basic work place.

(2) The leave for cumulative work is granted according to the duration established for the respective position or specialty at the unit, regardless of the duration of the leave at the basic workplace. The employee benefits from unpaid additional leave if the duration of the leave at work by cumulation and at the basic job differs.

(3) The payment of the leave allowance or of the compensation for the unused leave shall be made starting from the average salary for the cumulated position or specialty, determined in the manner established by the Government.

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  273 Additional grounds for termination of the individual employment contract with employees who perform work by cumulation

In addition to the general grounds for termination of the individual employment contract, the contract concluded with the employee performing work by cumulation may also terminate in the case of concluding an individual employment contract with another person who will exercise the profession, specialty or function as profession, specialty or basic function (art. 86 para. (1) letter s)).


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  274 Allowance for dismissal of the employee employed by cumulation

When terminating the individual employment contract with the employee employed by cumulation, in connection with the liquidation of the unit, with the reduction of the number or staff or in the case of concluding an individual employment contract with another person who will exercise the respective profession (function) ( function) basic, he is paid a severance pay in the amount of his average monthly salary.

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Chapter VI


  275 Conclusion of the individual employment contract for a period of up to 2 months

The conclusion of the individual employment contract for a period of up to 2 months is made in the cases provided in art. 55 letter b) and in the manner established by this code and other normative acts.


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  276 Attracting to work on rest days and of non-working holiday

(1) Employees who have concluded an individual employment contract for a term of up to 2 months may be attracted to work on rest days and non-working holidays only with their written consent.

(2) The remuneration of the work performed on rest days and non-working holidays shall be carried out in the manner provided in art.158.


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  277 Holiday allowance

(1) Employees who have concluded an individual employment contract for a period of up to 2 months, upon termination of the contract in connection with the expiration of its term, shall be paid an indemnity for unused vacation days.

(2) The method of calculating the holiday allowance provided in paragraph (1) shall be established by the Government.


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  278 Termination of individual employment contract

(1) An employee who has concluded an individual employment contract for a term of up to 2 months shall have the right to terminate it before the end of the term by giving the employer at least 3 calendar days' written notice.

(2) The employer is obliged to notify the employee by order (provision, decision, ruling), under signature or by other means allowing confirmation of receipt/notification, of the termination of the individual employment contract, in connection with the expiry of the term, at least 3 calendar days in advance.

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Chapter VII


  279 Seasonal works

(1) The works are considered seasonal works which, by virtue of the climatic conditions and other natural conditions, are carried out in a concrete period of the calendar year, which does not exceed 6 months.

(2) The nomenclature of seasonal works shall be approved by the Government.


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  280 Conditions for concluding the individual contract working with employees employed in seasonal work

(1) The seasonal character of the work must be specified in the individual employment contract (art. 55 letter b)).

(2) When hiring employees for seasonal works, the probationary period may not exceed 2 calendar weeks.


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  281 Holiday allowance

(1) Employees emplyed in seasonal work shall be paid an allowance for unused holiday days upon termination of the individual employment contract.

(2) The method of calculating the holiday allowance provided in par. (1) shall be established by the Government.

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  282 Termination of individual employment contracts with employees engaged in seasonal work

(1) An employee engaged in seasonal work shall be obliged to notify the employer in writing at least 7 calendar days in advance of the termination of the individual employment contract.

(2) The employer is obliged to give notice, under signature or by other means allowing confirmation of receipt/notice, to the employee engaged in seasonal work of the termination of the individual employment contract in connection with the expiry of the term at least 7 calendar days in advance.

(3) Upon termination of the individual employment contract with the employee engaged in seasonal work in connection with the liquidation of the establishment, reduction of the number or staffing levels, the employee shall be paid a severance pay in the amount of his average salary for 2 weeks.

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Chapter VIII


  283 Peculiarities of the individual employment contract concluded between the employee and the individual employer

(1) At the conclusion of the individual employment contract with the natural person employer, the employee undertakes to perform a work not prohibited by the legislation in force, provided by the contract.

(2) The individual employment contract, concluded in written form, shall include, obligatorily, all the clauses provided in art.49.

(3) The natural person employer is obliged:

a) to draw up, in written form, the individual employment contract with the employee and to register it with the local public administration authority, which sends a copy of it to the territorial labor inspection;

b) to pay the state social insurance premiums and other obligatory payments in the manner and amounts provided by the legislation in force;

c) to complete the documents necessary for the registration, in the established manner, as a taxpayer in the public social insurance system, of the employee employed for the first time.

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  284 Term of the individual employment contract

At the agreement of the parties, the individual employment contract between the employee and the natural person employer can be concluded for both an indefinite and a fixed term.


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  285 Work and rest regime

The work regime, the way of granting the rest days and the annual rest stipulations are stipulated in the individual employment contract concluded between the employee and the natural person employer. At the same time, the duration of working time cannot be longer, and the duration of the annual rest leave - shorter than those established by this code.


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  286 Modification of the clauses of the individual contract for work

About the modification of the clauses of the individual employment contract, the employer, the natural person, warns the employee, in written form, at least 14 calendar days in advance.


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  287 Termination of individual employment contract

(1) An employee who has concluded an individual employment contract with a natural person employer is obliged to notify the employer of his resignation at least 7 calendar days in advance.

(2) The employer is obliged to notify the employee, in writing, under signature or by another means that allows confirmation of receipt/notice, of the forthcoming dismissal (Art. 82 (f) and Art. 86) at least 7 calendar days in advance.

(3) The concrete term of the notice given under the conditions of paragraph (2), the cases of payment and the amount of severance pay, other payments and compensations due to the employee upon termination of the individual employment contract shall be determined by the parties in the contract.

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  288 Settlement of individual labor disputes

Individual labor disputes that have not been resolved by the employee and the natural person employer amicably are resolved by the court under the conditions of this code (Title XII).


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  289 Documents confirming the work at the employer

(1) The individual employment contract concluded in written form and registered according to art. 283 paragraph (3) shall serve as a document confirming the work of the natural person employer.

(2) (Repealed)

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Chapter IX


  290 Employees working from home

(1) Employees with work at home are considered the persons who have concluded an individual labor contract regarding the performance of work at home with the use of materials, tools and mechanisms provided by the employer or procured from their own means.

(2) In case the employee uses his own tools and mechanisms at home, he is paid a compensation for their wear and tear. The payment of this compensation, as well as the compensation of other expenses related to the provision of work at home, is made by the employer in the manner established by the individual employment contract.

(3) The manner and terms of insuring the employees with work at home with raw materials, materials and semi-finished products, making payments for the finished production, refunding the value of the materials belonging to the employees working at home, as well as taking over the finished production, are established by the individual employment contract.

(4) The employees with work at home fall under the incidence of the labor legislation, with the particularities established by the present code.


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  291 Conditions under which work at home is allowed

The works assigned to the employees with work at home cannot be contraindicated according to the medical certificate and must be executed in conditions of observance of the norms of safety and health at work.


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  292 Termination of the individual employment contract concluded with employees working from home

Termination of the individual employment contract concluded with employees working at home takes place on the general grounds provided by this code.


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Chapter IX.1


  292 .1 Employees who perform remote work

(1) Remote work is the form of work organization in the fields of activity, through which the employee fulfills his duties specific to the occupation, function or profession he holds in another place than the one organized by the employer, including means in the field of information technology; communications.

(2) Remote employees are employees who have concluded an individual employment contract or an additional agreement to the existing contract, which contain distance employment clauses.

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  292 .2 Principles of organizing distance work

(1) The employee with distance work enjoys all the rights and guarantees provided by law, the collective labor contract, the individual employment contract or other normative act at unit level applicable to employees whose job is organized by the employer .

(2) The particularities regarding remote work may be provided in the individual employment contract, in the collective labor contract or in the internal regulation of the unit or in another normative act at unit level.

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  292 .3 Conclusion, modification and content of the individual employment contract which provides for distance employment clauses

(1) The individual employment contract for distance work shall be concluded and amended under the conditions provided for in this Code, including by the exchange of electronic documents with the use of a qualified advanced electronic signature.

(2) The individual employment contract regarding distance work must contain, in addition to the clauses provided in art. 49, clauses regarding:

a) the conditions for performing distance work;

b) the program within which the employer is entitled to verify the activity of the employee and regarding the manner of performing the control;

c) the manner of recording the working hours provided by the employee with remote work;

d) the conditions regarding the bearing of the expenses related to the activity in the remote work regime;

e) other conditions agreed by the parties.

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  292 .4 Organizing occupational safety and health for employees with remote work

The employer organizes the safety and health at work of employees with remote work in accordance with the provisions of the Law on safety and health at work no. 186/2008, as well as other normative acts in the field of occupational safety and health.

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  292 .5 Termination of the individual employment contract for remote work

Termination of the individual employment contract for distance work shall take place under the general conditions provided for in this Code, including by the exchange of electronic documents with the use of a qualified advanced electronic signature.

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Chapter X


  293 Hiring a job directly related to traffic means of transport

(1) Only persons with professional training, established by the Government, who have an appropriate document (certificate, driving license, etc.) may be employed in a work directly related to the circulation of means of transport.

(2) The employment of persons to a work directly related to the circulation of means of transport takes place only on the basis of the medical certificate issued following the medical examination performed in the manner established by the Government.

(3) The nomenclature of professions (functions) and works directly related to the circulation of means of transport shall be approved by the Government after consulting the employers' associations and trade unions in the respective branch.


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  294 The work and rest regime of the employees whose work is directly related to the circulation of the means of transport

The duration, the particularities of the work and rest regime for certain categories of employees whose work is directly related to the circulation of means of transport are established by this code, other normative acts, as well as the international agreements to which the Republic of Moldova is a party.


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  295 The rights and obligations of employees whose work is directly related to the movement of means of transport

The rights and obligations of employees whose work is directly related to the movement of means of transport are regulated by this code, by the regulations (statutes) for different types of transport, approved in the established manner, by other normative acts in force.


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  296 The right to practice pedagogical (didactic) activity

(1) In the pedagogical (didactic) activity are admitted the persons with a necessary level of education, established by the legislation in force, for the activity in the corresponding educational institutions and in the organizations from the sphere of science and innovation.

(2) The persons deprived of this right by the decision of the court or on the basis of the corresponding medical certificate, as well as the persons with a criminal record for certain crimes are not admitted in the pedagogical (didactic) activity. The lists of medical contraindications and crimes that do not allow the practice of pedagogical (didactic) activity are established by law.

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  297 Concluding the individual employment contract with the staff scientific and didactic activities in higher education institutions

(1) The occupation of all scientific and didactic functions in the higher education institutions is carried out on the basis of an individual employment contract for a determined duration, concluded according to the results of the competition. The Regulation on the manner of occupying the nominated positions is approved by the Government.

(2) The positions of dean of the faculty and head of department in higher education institutions are elective. The election procedure in the mentioned positions is provided by the statutes of the respective educational institutions.


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  298 Duration of working time for teachers

(1) For teachers of educational institutions and organizations in the field of science and innovation, a reduced duration of working time shall be established, which shall not exceed 35 hours per week (art. 96 para. (3)).

(2) The concrete duration of working time for teachers of educational institutions and organizations in the field of science and innovation shall be established by the Government, according to the function and / or specialty, taking into account the specifics of the work performed.

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  299 Extended annual leave

(1) The teaachers of the educational institutions benefit annually, at the end of the school year, from a paid rest leave with the duration of:

a) 62 calendar days - for teachers from higher education institutions, from colleges, high schools, gymnasiums and general education schools of all types;

b) 42 calendar days - for teachers from preschool institutions of all types;

c) 28 calendar days - for teachers from extracurricular institutions and sports schools for children.

(2) The scientific staff from the educational institutions of all levels are granted an annual paid leave with a duration of 62 calendar days.

(3) The scientific staff of the organizations in the field of science and innovation, regardless of the type of ownership and the legal form of organization, benefit annually from a paid rest leave with the duration of:

a) 42 calendar days - for scientific staff with a scientific degree of habilitated doctor;

b) 36 calendar days - for scientific staff with a doctoral degree;

c) 30 calendar days - for scientific staff without a scientific degree.

(4) The auxiliary teachers and the administrative staff from education and from the sphere of science and innovation benefit from an annual paid leave with a duration of 28 calendar days.

(5) The teachers from the educational institutions, employed based on the individual fixed-term employment contract, according to art. 55, for a period of at least one year of studies / one academic year, benefits from a paid rest leave with the duration provided in par. (1) of this article.

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  300 Long term leave for teachers and staff in science and innovation organizations

(1) Teachers in educational institutions are granted, not less than once every 10 years of pedagogical activity, a leave of up to one year, in the manner and under the conditions, including those of payment, established by the founder. and / or the status of the institution concerned.

(2) The scientific staff of the organizations in the field of science and innovation shall be granted, in the manner and under the conditions established by the statute of the respective organization:

a) paid leave of up to 6 months, not less than once every 10 years of scientific activity, for the completion of treaties, studies included in the research programs of organizations in the field of science and innovation, with the approval of the scientific council the organization;

b) a paid leave of up to one year, once, for the drafting of the thesis of habilitated doctor, with the approval of the scientific council of the organization.

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  301 Additional grounds for termination of the individual employment contract concluded with teachers and staff from organizations in the field of science and innovation

(1) (Repealed)

(2) In addition to the general grounds provided for in this Code, the individual employment contract concluded with staff from organizations in the field of science and innovation may be terminated on the following additional grounds:

a) loss of the competition for the occupation of scientific and management positions provided by the statute of the respective organization;

b) the non-attestation, in accordance with the statute of the respective organization, of the scientific researchers, the workers from the enterprises, institutions and auxiliary organizations of service and administration of the scientific activity.

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Chapter XII


  302 Peculiarities of the activity within the diplomatic missions and consular offices of the Republic of Moldova

(1) The persons employed in diplomatic, administrative-technical or service positions within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration are seconded, by transfer, respectively, in diplomatic or consular, administrative-technical or service positions to the diplomatic missions or consular offices of Republic of Moldova.

(2) The maximum duration of the secondment, according to paragraph (1), constitutes for the heads of the diplomatic missions and of the consular offices 4 years, and for the other seconded employees - 3 years.

(3) At the expiration of the secondment term, the persons indicated in paragraph (1) shall be transferred within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, provided that there are vacant positions, and in their absence - are included in the reserve of the respective ministry.

(4) If persons who are not part of the administrative-technical and service staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration are sent to diplomatic missions and consular offices, at the expiration of the term of mission, they may be employed by the nominated ministry provided that there are vacancies.

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  303 Working conditions of employees seconded to diplomatic missions and consular offices of the Republic of Moldova

The working conditions of the employees seconded to the diplomatic missions and consular offices of the Republic of Moldova are established by the individual employment contract concluded according to the present code and other normative acts that regulate the diplomatic service.


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  304 Guarantees and compensations granted to employees seconded to diplomatic missions and consular offices of the Republic of Moldova

The manner and conditions of payment of compensation in connection with the secondment to diplomatic missions and consular offices of the Republic of Moldova, as well as the material and living conditions of seconded employees, shall be established by the Government, taking into account climatic and other conditions in the country. residence.


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  305 Cessation of activity in the diplomatic missions and consular offices of the Republic of Moldova

(1) The activity of employees members of the diplomatic and consular staff seconded to the diplomatic missions and consular offices of the Republic of Moldova may cease prematurely in the following cases:

a) recall, in the manner established by the Government;

b) declaration of the employee “persona non grata”; as well as

c) in other cases provided by the legislation in force.

(2) The cessation of the activity of the employees members of the administrative-technical and service personnel within the diplomatic missions and consular offices of the Republic of Moldova takes place on the grounds provided by the present code and by other normative acts.


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Chapter XIII


  306 Parties of an individual labor contract concluded with a religious association

(1) An employer may be a religious association registered in accordance with the procedure established by the current legislation and concluded an individual labor contract with an employee.

(2) An employee may be a person who has reached the age of sixteen, who has entered into an individual labor contract with a religious association, who performs certain work in accordance with the profession, specialty, position and is subject to the internal regulations of the religious association.


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  307 Internal regulations of a religious association

The rights and obligations of the parties to an individual labor contract are determined in the contract, taking into account the specifics stipulated by the internal regulations of the religious association, which do not contradict the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova, this law and other applicable normative acts.


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  308 Features of the conclusion and modifying an individual labor contract with a religious association

(1) An individual labor contract between an employee and a religious association may be concluded for a specified period (Art. 55, point m)).

(2) By entering into an individual labor contract, the employee undertakes to perform any work not prohibited by the law and specified in the contract.

(3) The individual labor contract includes the conditions established as a result of negotiations between the employee and the religious association - the employer, which do not contradict this law.

(4) If it becomes necessary to modify the individual labor contract, the interested party is obliged to notify the other party about this in written form at least seven calendar days prior to the amendment. 


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  309 Working regime of employees in religious associations

The working regime of employees in religious associations is established on the basis of the regime for the implementation of rituals or other activities of a religious association, determined by its internal regulations, taking into account the normal duration of rest and working hours provided by this law.


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  310 Additional grounds for termination of an individual labor contract concluded with a religious association

(1) In addition to the general grounds provided by this law, an individual labor contract concluded by an employee with a religious association may also be terminated on other grounds provided by the contract, point j of Article 82.

(2) The terms for warning an employee of a religious association about release on the grounds provided by the individual labor contract, as well as the procedure and conditions for providing him guarantees and compensations in connection with the release, are established by the individual labor contract.

(3) An employee of a religious association has the right to resign by notifying the employer of this in written form at least seven calendar days in advance.


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  311 Resolution of individual labor disputes

Individual labor disputes arising between an employee and a religious association and not settled by mutual consent are resolved in court in accordance with this law (Section XII).


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Chapter XIV


  312 Individual labor contract for the period of a specific work performance

(1) By concluding an individual labor contract for the period of a certain work performance, the employee undertakes to perform for the employer work stipulated in the contract, according to a certain profession, specialties, qualifications, receiving during the period of performance a monthly reward in the form salary.

(2) An individual labor contract for a certain work performance period is concluded in cases where it is impossible to establish an exact term for its completion. The parties of the contract can agree on the general deadline of performance, as well as on the timing of the performance of individual parts of the work.

(3) If the period required for the performance of a specific job exceeds five years, the individual labor contract is deemed to be concluded for an indefinite period.


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  313 Content of an individual labor contract for the period of a certain work performance

(1) The content of an individual labor contract for the period of a certain work performance is established by the parties in compliance with the provisions of paragraph (1), Article 49.

(2) In addition to the conditions listed in paragraph (1), Article 49, the contract shall also stipulate the procedure and place of acceptance of completed work by the employer.


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  314 Working and rest hours

The working hours and rest hours of an employee hired on the basis of an individual labor contract of a certain work period are established by the parties of the contract. At the same time, the working time duration of a given employee cannot be more, and the rest time - less than that established by this law.


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  315 Work acceptance and termination of an individual labor contract for the certain work performance period

(1) An employee is required to notify the employer in written form about work completion not later of the next day after its end.

(2) By reception of a written notice, the employer through notification is required to establish and inform the employee about the date of the work acceptance.

(3) Completed work shall be accepted by the employer (or his representative) at the place and manner stipulated by the contract. The fact of the work acceptance is set out in the acceptance act drawn up by the employer and signed by the parties, a copy of which must be given to the employee.  

(4) A job is deemed to be accepted also if the employer (or his representative) fails to appear without a valid reason for accepting it on the specified date.

(5) If the work acceptance on an established day is impossible for objective reasons (force majeure, medical leave or other reasons), the employer sets a new date of acceptance, informing the employee about it in the manner provided in paragraph (2).

(6) The work acceptance day is considered as the last employee’s working day, unless the parties have entered into a new individual labor contract in accordance with this law.


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  316 Early termination of an individual labor contract for the certain work performance period

Early termination of an individual labor contract for the certain work performance period is carried out in cases and in manner provided by this law for early termination of a fixed-term individual labor contract (Article 83).


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Chapter XV


  317 General provisions

(1) A rotational method is a special form of carrying out the labor process outside the place of employee’s residence, in which their daily return to their place of residence cannot be ensured.

(2) The rotational method is applied when the work place is located at a considerable distance from the employer’s location, in order to reduce the time for construction, repair or reconstruction of industrial, social and other facilities.

(3) Employees who are involved in work on a rotational basis temporarily reside in rotational camps specially created by the employer, which are a complex of buildings and structures designed to ensure the life of employees during the work performance and between shifts.


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  318 Limitation of continuous shift work

(1) Persons under the age of eighteen, pregnant women, as well as persons for whom continuous shift work is contraindicated in accordance with a medical opinion, shall not be involved in continuous shift work.

(2) Persons with severe and accentuated disabilities, one of the parents (guardian, caretaker) with children under the age of four or children with disabilities, persons who combine work with parental leave provided by Article 126 and paragraph (2) of Article 127, and workers who take care for a sick family member on the basis of a medical certificate may perform continuous shift work only with their written consent. In this case, the employer is obliged to familiarize above mentioned employees in written form about their right to refuse from a continuous shift work.

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  319 Duration of a continuous shift work

(1) The duration of a shift includes a work time and rest time between shifts in shift camp, provided in paragraph (3) of Article 317.

(2) The duration of a shift shall not exceed one month. In exceptional cases, at certain locations, the employer, after consultation with employee representatives, may increase the duration of the shift up to three months.


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  320 Recording of the continuous shift working time

(1) When working on a rotational basis, the working time according to Article 99 shall be calculated for a month, quarter or other longer period, but not more than for one year.

(2) The accounting period covers all working hours, the time spent on the way from the employer's location to the workplace and back, as well as the rest time within a given calendar period of time. The total duration of working time for the accounting period should not exceed the normal duration of working time established by this law.

(3) An employer is required to keep records of the working and rest hours of each employee working on a rotational basis, both monthly and for the entire accounting period.


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  321 Work and rest regime of the continuous shift working time

(1) Working and rest hours for the accounting period are regulated by a continuous shift working schedule, which is approved by the employer after consultation with employee representatives and is informed to employees at least one month before it is put into effect.

(2) The timetable includes time required for transport reasons to and from the place of work. The time spent on the way to the place of work and back is not included in working hours and may fall on days of inter-shift rest.

(3) Hours of additional work within a continuous shift work schedule may be accumulated during the calendar year and summed up to whole days with the subsequent provision of additional days of rest in accordance with the order (order, decision, resolution) of the employer.

(4) Rest days granted in connection with work outside the normal working hours within the accounting period are paid in the amount of the basic daily wage, unless more favorable conditions are provided by the individual or collective labor agreement.

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  322 Guarantees and compensations to persons working on a rotational basis (continuous shift working time)

(1) Employees working on a rotational basis, for each calendar work day during the shift period, as well as for the transport time to the workplace and back, shall be paid a supplement for continuous shift working time in the amount established by the Government.

(2) An employee shall be paid the average daily wage for transport reasons from an employer's location to the workplace and back stipulated by the continuous shift working schedule, as well as for travel reasons delayed due to weather conditions or the fault of the carrier.


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Chapter XVI


  323 Work of employees in military units, institutions and organizations of the Republic of Moldova Armed Forces and in public authorities where by the law is provided performance of the military or special service, as well as work of the persons performing civil service

(1) Employees who have concluded an individual labor contract with military units, institutions or organizations of the Armed Forces or with public authorities where by the law is provided military or special service, as well as persons performing civilian service, should be a subject to the labor legislation, with the particularities provided by the normative acts in force.

(2) In accordance with the tasks of the military units, institutions and organizations mentioned in paragraph (1), distinct salary conditions, facilities and additional advantages shall be established for their employees.

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  324 Work of medical staff

(1) A short duration working time shall be established for the medical-sanitary personnel, which shall not exceed 35 hours per week.

(2) A concrete duration of the working time for medical-sanitary personnel is established by the Government according to the function and/or specialty and taking into account the specifics of the performed work (Art. 96, point (3)).


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  325 Labor of professional athletes, workers of social media, theaters, circuses, cinematographic, theater and concert organizations, as well as other persons involved in creation and/or performance of artworks.

Professional athletes, workers of media, theaters, circuses, cinematographic, theater and concert organizations, as well as other persons involved in creation and/or performance of artworks, are subject to the provisions of this law with the features provided by the current legislation.


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  326 Labor in peasant (private) farms

(1) The conclusion, amendment and termination of an individual labor contract with an employee of a peasant (private) farm is regulated by this law, law of peasant (private) farms and other regulatory enactments.

(2) A peasant (private/farm) enterprise is obliged to conclude in written form an individual labor contract with an employee and to register it in local public administration authority, which sends a copy of it to the territorial labor inspectorate.

(3) The labor activity of peasant members (private/farm) economy is regulated by law of peasant (private) farms and other regulatory enactments.

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Title XI
Chapter I


  327 Obligation of an individual labor contract party to compensate damage caused to the other party of the contract

(1) A party of an individual labor contract (employer or employee) that has caused material and/or moral damage to the other party while performing its job/ duties shall compensate this damage in accordance with this law and other regulatory enactments.

(2) Individual and/or collective labor contracts may concretize the material responsibility of the labor contract parties. At the same time, the material responsibility of the employer to the employee cannot be lower, and of the employee to the employer - higher than it is provided by this law and other regulations.

(3) Termination of labor relations after causing material and/or moral damage does not entail release of the individual labor contract party from compensation provided by this law and other regulatory enactments.


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  328 Compensation of the material damage by the individual labor contract parties

(1) An individual labor contract party shall compensate material damage caused by it to the other party of the contract as a result of an unlawful and culpable act or omission, unless otherwise is provided by this law or other regulatory enactments.

(2) Each of the contract parties is obliged to prove the amount of material damage caused to it.


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Chapter II


  329 Compensation to an employee for material and moral damage

(1) An employer is obliged in full to compensate the material and moral damage caused to an employee in connection with his job/duties performance, in the case of discrimination against an employee at the workplace or as a result of unlawful deprivation of his ability to work, unless other is provided by this law or other regulatory enactments.

(2) Moral damage shall be compensated in monetary or other material form determined by the parties. Disputes and conflicts arising in connection with moral damage compensation are resolved by the court, regardless of the material damage amount to be compensated.

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  330 The employer's obligation to compensate damage caused upon an employee as a result of unlawful deprivation of the opportunity to work

(1) An employer is required to compensate a person wage he/she has not received in all cases of unlawful deprivation of his/her ability to work. This comes, particularly, in cases of:

a) unjustified refusal to hire;

b) illegal release from service or illegal transfer to another job under the conditions of art. 90 para. (2) lit. a);

c) the downtime of the enterprise due to the employers fault, with the exception of the technical downtime period (Art. 80);

d) (repealed)

f) delays in wages payment;

f) delays in payments (all or part) due to the exemption;

g) dissemination by any means (in the media, written characteristics, etc.) defamatory information about the employee;

h) failure to comply in time the decision of the competent authority of the labor jurisdiction, which resolved the dispute (conflict) on the deprivation of the opportunity to work; 

(2) In case of delay due to the employers fault in wages payment(Art. 142), vacation allowance (Art. 117), release payments (Art. 143) or other payments (Art.123, 124, 127, 139, 186; point 8, Art. 225, etc.)  to the employee, he is additionally paid for each day of delay 0.3 percent of the amount not paid on time.

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  331 Material responsibility of an employer for the damage caused to an employee

(1) An employer who has caused material damage to an employee as a result of improper performance of his obligations under the individual labor contract shall compensate this damage in full. The amount of material damage is calculated at market prices in force in the given locality at the time of compensation according to statistical data.

(2) By the party’s agreement, material damage may be compensated in kind.


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  332 How to deal with disputes concerning compensation for material and non-material damage caused to the employee

(1) An employee's written claim for compensation for material and non-material damage shall be submitted to the employer. The employer is obliged to register the claim, examine it and issue the corresponding order (provision, decision, ruling) within 10 calendar days from the day of its registration, informing the employee by signature or by another means that allows confirmation of receipt/notice.

(2) If the employee does not agree with the employer's order (provision, decision, ruling) or if the order (provision, decision, ruling) has not been issued within the period referred to in paragraph (1), the employee is entitled to apply to the court for the settlement of the individual labour dispute that has arisen (Title XII).

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Chapter III


  333 Material responsibility of an employee for the damage caused to an employer

(1) An employee is required to compensate material damage caused to the employer, unless other is provided by this law or other regulatory enactments.

(2) Upon establishing the material responsibility, the damage subject to compensation does not include the profit lost by the employer as a result of an act committed by the employee.

(3) In cases when the material damage upon the employer is caused as a result of committing by the employee an act containing elements of a crime, responsibility shall be established in accordance with the Criminal Law.


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  334 Circumstances excluding the material responsibility of an employee

(1) An employee is released from material responsibility if the damage is caused as a result of force majeure, confirmed in accordance with the established procedure, extreme necessity, necessary defense, fulfillment of a legal or contractual obligation, as well as a normal economic risk.

(2) Employees are not responsible for losses accompanying the production process, provided by the technological standards or current legislation, for losses caused as a result of unforeseen circumstances that could not be eliminated, as well as in other similar cases.  


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  335 Employer’s right to refuse from material damage recovering from an employee

(1) An employer has the right, taking into account the specific circumstances in which the material damage was caused, to refuse from its recovering in whole or partly from the guilty employee.

(2) Disagreements that have arisen between the employee and the employer in connection with the application of the first paragraph shall be considered in manner provided for the resolution of individual labor disputes (Articles 354 - 356).


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  336 Limits of an employee’s material responsibility

For the damage caused to the employer, the employee bears material responsibility within the limits of his average monthly salary, unless other is provided by this law or other regulatory enactments.


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  337 Full material responsibility of an employee

(1) Full material responsibility of an employee consists in his obligation to compensate for caused material damage in full.

(2) An employee may be brought to the full material responsibility for material damage caused only in the cases provided in Article 338.

(3) Employees under the age of eighteen shall bear full material responsibility only for intentional damage, as well as for material damage caused in a state of alcoholic, drug or toxic intoxication, established in accordance with the procedure provided in point k) of Article 76, or as a result of committing crimes.

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  338 Cases of full material responsibility of an employee

(1) An employee is in full amount financially responsible for damage caused through his fault to the employer in the following cases:

a) has been concluded an agreement between the employee and the employer about employee's full responsibility for failure to ensure the safety of property and other valuables transferred to him for storage or for other purposes (Article 339);

b) the employee received property and other valuables on the basis of a one-time power of attorney or other one-time documents;

c) the damage was caused as a result of deliberate culpable actions of the employee, established by the court decision;

d) the damage was caused by an employee in a state of alcoholic, narcotic or toxic intoxication, established in accordance with the procedure provided in point k) of Article 76;

e) damage was caused by the shortage, destruction or deliberate damage of materials, semi-finished products, products (production) including during their manufacture, as well as tools, measuring instruments, calculating equipment, protective equipment and other items issued to the employee for use by the enterprise;

f) the employee is entrusted, in accordance with the current legislation, with full material responsibility for damage caused by him to the employer in the performance of his labor duties;

g) the damage was caused not in the performance of the employee's work duties.

(2) Heads of the enterprises and their deputies, heads of the accounting services, chief accountants, heads of divisions and their deputies are materially responsible in the amount of damage caused through their fault, if this is a consequence of:

          a) illegal spending of material values ​​and money;

          b) expenditure (unjustified use) of investments, loans, grants, loans provided to the enterprise;

          c) improper accounting or improper storage of material values ​​and funds;

          d) other circumstances in cases stipulated by the current legislation.

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  339 Agreement on full material responsibility of an employee

(1) A written agreement on full liability may be concluded by an employer with an employee who has reached the age of eighteen and holds a position or performs work directly related to the storage, processing, sale (supply), transportation or use of the values ​​transferred to him in the labor process.

(2) The list of positions and jobs specified in the first paragraph, as well as the model of the agreement on full individual material liability, shall be approved by the Government.


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  340 Collective (brigade) material responsibility

(1) In case of common performance by employees of certain types of work related to the storage, processing, sale (supply), transportation or use in the labor process of the values ​​transferred to them, when it is impossible to delineate the material responsibility of each employee for causing damage and conclude an agreement with him on full individual material responsibility, collective (brigade) material liability can be introduced.

(2) Collective (brigade) material responsibility is established by the employer in agreement with the employees' representatives. A written agreement on collective (brigade) material responsibility is concluded between the employer and all members of the team (brigade).

(3) The list of works, of which performance collective (brigade) material responsibility can be established, the conditions for its application, as well as model of the agreement on collective (brigade) material responsibility, shall be approved by the Government.

(4) In case of voluntary compensation of material damage, the guilt degree of each member of the team (brigade) is determined by an agreement between all members of the team (brigade) and the employer. When establishing material damage by the court, the degree of guilt of each member of the team (brigade) is determined by the court.


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  341 Determination of the damage amount

(1) The amount of material damage caused to the employer is determined based on the actual losses calculated on the basis of accounting data.

(2) In cases of theft, loss, destruction or damage of the employer's property classified as fixed assets, the amount of material damage is calculated based on the book value (cost price) of material assets, taking into account the degree of wear and tear in accordance with the established norms.

(3) In cases of theft, shortage, destruction or deliberate damage of material assets, except the property specified in the second paragraph, the damage is established based on the in force prices of the relevant locality on the day the damage was caused according to statistical data.


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  342 Employer’s obligation to establish the material damage amount and reasons for its occurrence

(1) Prior to the issuance of an order (instruction, decision, resolution) on compensation for material damage by a specific employee, the employer is obliged to conduct an official investigation to establish caused damage amount and the reasons for its occurrence.

(2) In order to conduct an official investigation, the employer has the right to create, on the basis of an order (instruction, decision, resolution), a commission with participation of specialists in this field.

(3) Requesting an explanation from the employee in written form is mandatory in order to establish the causes of the damage. Refusal to provide an explanation is formalized by an act, which is signed by the employer's and employee's representatives.

(4) An employee has the right to familiarize with all materials collected in the course of an official investigation.


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  343 Voluntary compensation of material damage by an employee

(1) An employee who is guilty of causing material damage to an employer may voluntarily compensate it, fully or partly.

(2) By an agreement between the employee and the employer it’s allowed to compensate material damage by an installment payment. In such a case, the employee must submit to the employer a written undertaking about voluntary compensation of material damage, indicating specific payment terms. If the employee who made such an obligation terminated the employment relationship with the employer, the unpaid debt is compensated in the way prescribed by the current legislation.

(3) With the written consent of the employer, the employee may compensate caused material damage by an equivalent property or by repairing the damaged one.


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  344 Procedure of material damage compensation

(1) Withholding of caused material damage amount from a guilty employee, not exceeding his average monthly salary, is carried out on the basis of an order (instruction, decision, resolution) of the employer, which must be issued no later than one month from the damage amount determination date.

(2) If the withheld damage amount exceeds the employee’s average monthly salary or the monthly term for issuing the order provided in point 1 has been missed, the withholding is carried out by the court decision (determination).

(3) If the employer does not comply with the established material damage compensation procedure, the employee has the right to apply to the court (Section XII).

(4) In the event of a disagreement regarding the material damage compensation procedure, the parties have the right to apply the court within one year from the date of damage amount establishing (Section XII).


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  345 Compensation of the material damage caused to an enterprise through the fault of its head

(1) Material damage caused to an enterprise through the fault of its manager shall be compensated in compliance with the rules provided by this law and other applicable regulatory enactments.

(2) The owner of the enterprise decides whether it is necessary to compensate material damage by the head of the enterprise. The owner of the enterprise has the right to recover the amount of material damage caused by the head of the enterprise only on the basis of the court decision (determination).


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  346 Reduction of the material damage amount subject to compensation by the employee

(1) Taking into account the degree and form of the fault, the specific circumstances and the property status of the employee, the court may reduce material damage amount subject to compensation.

(2) The court has the right to approve an amicable agreement between the employee and the employer to reduce material damage amount subject to compensation.

(3) Reduction of the material damage amount subject to compensation by the employee or the head of the enterprise is not allowed if the damage was caused intentionally, which is confirmed in accordance with the established procedure.


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  347 Limitation of the retentions amount from wages in case of material damage compensation

Retentions from wages in case of material damage compensation caused by the employee are made in compliance with the provisions of Article 149 and other regulations.

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Title XII
Chapter I


  348 Subject of labor jurisdiction

The subject of labor jurisdiction is the resolution of individual labor disputes and collective labor conflicts on collective bargaining, conclusion, execution, modification, suspension or termination of collective and individual labor contracts, collective agreements provided by this law, as well as the resolution of collective conflicts arising in various levels between social partners and concerning the economic, social, professional and cultural interests of workers.


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  349 Parties of the individual labor disputes and collective labor disputes

The parties of the individual labor disputes and collective labor disputes may be:

a) employees, as well as any other persons holding certain rights and/or obligations, pursuant to this code;

b) employers natural and legal persons;

c) trade unions and other representatives of employees;

d) employers' associations (patronages);

e) central and local public authorities, as appropriate;

f) (repealed)

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  350 Principles of labor jurisdiction

The principles of labor jurisdiction are:

a) conciliation of the divergent interests of the parties, deriving from the relations provided in art.348;

b) the right of the employees to be defended by their representatives;

b.1) the right of the employers to be protected by the patronages;

c) exemption of the employees and their representatives from legal expenses;

d) efficiency in examining individual labor disputes and collective labor disputes.

e) (repealed)

f) (repealed)

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  351 Labor jurisdiction bodies

Labor jurisdiction bodies are:

a) conciliation commissions (extrajudicial bodies);

b) the courts.


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  352 Examination of individual labor disputes and collective labor disputes

(1) The request for settlement of the individual labor dispute or of the collective labor dispute (claims in the case of conciliation procedure) shall be submitted to the competent labor jurisdiction body by the interested party (art. 349) and shall be registered by it in the established manner. .

(2) In the process of examining the application, the parties have the right to explain their position and to present to the labor jurisdiction body all the evidence and justifications they consider necessary.

(3) The labor jurisdiction body assesses the evidence presented by the parties and takes decisions according to the legislation in force.


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  353 Exemption of the employees and their representatives from the payment of legal expenses

Employees or their representatives who apply to the courts with requests for settlement of disputes and disputes arising from the reports provided in art. 348 (including to challenge judgments and decisions regarding the litigations and conflicts concerned) are exempted from the payment of legal costs (state tax and costs related to the trial of the case).


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Chapter II


  354 Individual labor disputes

Individual labor disputes between the employee and the employer are considered regarding:

a) concluding the individual labor contract;

b) execution, modification and suspension of the individual labor contract;

c) termination and nullity, partial or total, of the individual labor contract;

d) compensations payment in case of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the obligations by one of the parties of the individual labor contract;

e) contest results;

f) annulment of the order (disposition, decision, resolution) for employment, issued according to art. 65, point (1);

g) (repealed)

h) other problems arising from the individual employment relationships.

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  355 Examination of the request regarding the settlement of the individual labor dispute

(1) The request regarding the settlement of the individual labor dispute shall be submitted to the court:

a) within 3 months from the date when the employee found out or had to find out about the violation of his right;

b) within 3 years from the date of appearance of employees respective right, in situation when the object of the litigation consists in payment of some salary or other rights, which belong to the employee.

(2) The requests submitted with the omission, for justified reasons, of terms provided in paragraph (1) may be submitted within the court.

(3) The court shall summon the parties of the dispute within 10 working days from the date of the application registration.

(4) The court shall examine the request for settlement of the individual labor dispute within a maximum of 30 working days from the date of its registration and shall issue a decision with the right to appeal according to the Code of Civil Procedure. 

(5) The court shall remit its decision to the parties within 3 working days from the date of issue.

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  356 Execution of decisions regarding the settlement of individual labor disputes

(1) The employer is obliged to execute immediately, according to the Code of Civil Procedure, the decision (resolution) of the court on the restoration of the employee's rights deriving from the labor relations and from other relations directly related to them.

(2) The non-execution of the judicial acts indicated in paragraph (1) attracts the effects provided by the Enforcement Code.

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Chapter III


  357 General notions

(1) Collective labor disputes mean unresolved differences between employees (their representatives) and employers (their representatives) regarding the establishment and modification of working conditions (including the salary), regarding the conduct of collective bargaining, the conclusion, modification and execution of collective bargaining agreements and collective agreements, regarding the employer's refusal to take into account the position of employees' representatives in the process of adopting, within the unit, legal acts containing norms of labor law, as well as divergences regarding the economic, social, professional and cultural interests of employees, appeared at different levels between the social partners.

(2) The moment of triggering the collective labor dispute represents the date on which the decision of the employer (its representatives at different levels) or, as the case may be, of the respective public authority regarding the refusal, totally or partially, to fulfill the demands of employees (their representatives) or the date on which the employer (his representatives) or the respective public authority had to respond to these claims, or the date of drawing up the report on the divergences within the collective bargaining.

(3) The conciliation procedure means the examination of the collective labor dispute, in order to resolve it, within a conciliation commission.


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  358 Submission of claims

(1) In all cases where in a unit there are the premises for initiating a collective labor dispute, the employees' representatives have the right to submit to the employer their claims regarding the establishment of new working conditions or modification of existing ones, collective bargaining, conclusion, modification and execution of the collective labor contract.

(2) The employees' claims are submitted to the employer (his representatives) in written form. They must be substantiated and contain concrete references to the infringed rules of the legislation in force.

(3) The employer is obliged to receive the submitted claims and to register them in the established manner.

(4) The copies of the claims may be handed over, as the case may be, to the hierarchically superior bodies of the unit, the employers' associations, the branch unions, the central and local public authorities.

(5) The employer is obliged in written form to respond to the employees' representatives within 5 working days from the date of claims registration.


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  359 Conciliation procedure

(1) The conciliation procedure takes place between the parties of the conflict, within a conciliation commission.

(2) The Conciliation Commission consists of an equal number of representatives from each of conflict parties, by the initiative of one of them.

(3) The conciliation commission is set up ad hoc, whenever a collective labor dispute arises.

(4) The order (disposition, decision, resolution) of the employer (his representatives) and the respective decision (disposition) of the employees' representatives shall serve as the basis for the establishment of the conciliation commission.

(5) The chairman of the conciliation commission is elected by the majority of votes of the commision members.

(6) The employer is obliged to create normal working conditions for the conciliation commission.

(7) The debates of the conciliation commission shall be recorded in a report drawn up in 2 or more copies, as the case may be, in which the general or partial measures for resolving the conflict, on which the parties have agreed, shall be indicated.

(8) The Commission shall reconcile the parties to the collective labor dispute within a maximum of 10 working days from the date of the commission establishment. This period may be extended once by an written agreement from commision members. If the members of the conciliation commission have reached an agreement on the claims submitted, the commission will adopt a binding decision for the parties to the conflict, which it will submit to them within 24 hours of adoption.

(9) If the members of the conciliation commission have not reached an agreement, the chairman of the commission informs conflict parties in written form within 24 hours.

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  360 Resolving collective labor disputes in court

(1) In case the parties to the conflict have not reached an agreement or do not agree with the decision of the conciliation commission, each of them, within 10 working days from the date of expiration of the term for conciliation of the collective labor dispute by the conciliation commission or, as the case may be, from the date of adopting the decision or receiving the respective information (art. 359 par. (8) and (9)), is entitled to submit a request for settlement of the conflict in the court.

(2) The court shall summon the parties to the dispute within 10 working days from the date of registration of the application.

(3) The court shall examine the request for settlement of the collective labor dispute within a maximum of 30 working days from the date of its registration and shall issue a decision with the right to appeal according to the Code of Civil Procedure.

(4) The court shall remit its decision to the parties within 3 calendar days from the date of issue.

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  361 Finding the nullity of the collective labor contract or the collective agreement and the legality of the strike

(1) The requests regarding the settlement of collective labor disputes regarding the finding of the nullity of the collective labor contract, of the collective agreement or of some clauses thereof may be submitted by the parties to the courts starting with the date of signing the collective labor contract or collective agreement.

(2) The requests regarding the settlement of the collective labor conflicts regarding the ascertainment of the legality of the strike may be submitted by the parties to the courts starting with the date of declaring the strike according to art. 362.

(3) The applications indicated in paragraphs (1) and (2) shall be examined according to art.360.


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Chapter IV


  362 Declaration of strike

(1) The strike represents the voluntary refusal of the employees to fulfill, totally or partially, their work obligations, in order to resolve the collective labor conflict triggered in accordance with the legislation in force.

(2) The strike may be declared in accordance with this law only for the purpose of defending the professional economic and social interests of the employees and may not pursue political purposes.

(3) The strike may be declared if all the ways of resolving the collective labor dispute within the conciliation procedure provided by this law have been exhausted.

(4) The decision regarding the declaration of the strike is taken by the employees' representatives and is notified to the employer 48 hours before the start of the strike.

(5) Copies of the decision on declaring the strike may be submitted, as the case may be, to the hierarchically superior bodies of the unit, employers' associations, trade unions, central and local public authorities.


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  363 Organization of the strike at unit level

(1) Before starting the strike in the unit, the observance of the conciliation procedure (art. 359) is obligatory.

(2) The employees' representatives express the interests of the striking employees in the relations with the employer, the employers' associations, the central and local public authorities, as well as in the courts, in the case of civil and criminal proceedings.

(3) The striking employees, together with the employer, have the obligation, during the strike, to protect the goods of the unit and to ensure the continuous operation of the equipment and installations whose stopping could endanger the life and health of people or cause damage irrecoverable to the unit.

(4) Participation in the strike is free. No one can be forced to go on strike.

(5) If the technological, safety and hygiene conditions of the work allow it, the employees who do not participate in the strike can continue their activity at their workplace.

(6) During the strike, the employer cannot be prevented from carrying out his activity by the striking employees.

(7) The employer may not hire persons to replace the striking employees.

(8) Participation in the strike or its organization in compliance with the provisions of this law does not constitute a violation of work obligations and may not have negative consequences for striking employees.

(9) During the strike, the employees maintain all the rights deriving from the individual and the collective labor contract, from the collective agreements, as well as from the present law, except for the salary rights.

(10) The remuneration of the employees work who do not participate in the strike and are stationed on the reason of its development shall be carried out according to the provisions of art. 80.


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  364 Organization of the strike at territorial level

(1) The right to declare and organize the strike at territorial level belongs to the territorial trade union body.

(2) The claims of the strike participants shall be examined by the territorial commissions for consultations and collective bargaining, at the request of the interested social partner.

(3) The strike shall be declared and carried out in accordance with this law and with the collective agreement concluded at territorial level.


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  365 Organization of the strike at branch level

(1) The right to declare and organize the strike at branch level belongs to the branch trade union body.

(2) The claims of the strike participants shall be examined by the branch commission for consultations and collective bargaining, at the request of the interested social partner.

(3) The strike shall be declared and carried out in accordance with this law and with the collective agreement concluded at branch level.


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  366 Organization of the strike at national level

(1) The right to declare and organize the strike at national level belongs to the respective national-inter-branch trade union body.

(2) The claims of the strike participants shall be examined by the National Commission for Consultations and Collective Bargaining, at the request of the social partner concerned.

(3) The strike shall be declared and carried out in accordance with this law and with the collective agreement concluded at national level.


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  367 Place of the strike

(1) The strike takes place, as a rule, at the permanent workplace of the employees.

(2) In case of non-satisfaction of the employees' claims for 15 calendar days, the strike may be carried out outside the unit.

(3) The public administration authorities, with the consent of the employees' representatives, shall establish the public places or, as the case may be, the rooms in which the strike will take place.

(4) The conduct of the strike outside the unit and in the public places shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the legislative acts regulating the organization and conduct of the meetings.


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  368 Suspension of the strike

(1) The employer may request the suspension of the strike, for a maximum period of 30 calendar days, if it could endanger the life and health of people or when he considers that the strike has been declared or is carried out in violation of the law in force.

(2) The request of the strike suspension shall be submitted to the court.

(3) The court establishes the term for the examination of the application, which cannot be longer than 3 working days, and orders the summoning of the parties.

(4) The court resolves the request within 2 working days and pronounces a decision by which, as the case may be:

a) rejects the employer's request;

b) admits the employer's request and orders the strike suspension.

(5) The court shall remit its decision to the parties within 48 hours from the moment of pronouncing.

(6) The decision of the court may be appealed according to the Code of Civil Procedure.


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  369 Limitation of the strike participation

(1) The strike is prohibited during the natural calamities, the outbreak of epidemics, pandemics, as well as during the state of emergency, siege or war.

(2) The following may not participate in the strike:

a) the medical-sanitary personnel from the hospitals and the urgent medical assistance services;

b) employees from energy and water supply systems;

c) employees in the telecommunications system;

d) employees of air traffic management services;

e) the persons in charge of the central public authorities;

f) the collaborators of the bodies that ensure the public order, the rule of law and the security of the state, the judges of the courts, the employees of the military units, the organizations or institutions of the Armed Forces;

g) employees from continuous flow units;

h) the employees from the units that manufacture production for the country's defense needs.

(3) The nomenclature of units, sectors and services, the employees of which may not participate in the strike according to point (2), shall be approved by the Government after consulting the employers' associations and trade unions.

(4) If the strike is prohibited according to the points (1) and (2), the collective labor disputes shall be resolved by the labor jurisdiction bodies, according to the present law.

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  370 Liability for organizing the illegal strike

(1) For declaring and organizing the illegal strike, the guilty persons shall bear disciplinary, material, administrative and criminal liability in accordance with the legislation in force.

(2) The court that found the illegality of the strike will oblige the guilty persons to repair the material and moral damage caused, according to the present law and other normative acts in force.


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Title XIII
Chapter I


  371 Supervisory and control bodies of the labor legislation observance and other normative acts containing norms of labor law

Supervision and control over the observance of legislative acts and other normative acts containing norms of labor law, collective agreements and collective labor agreements at all units are exercised by:

a) The State Labor Inspectorate;

b) (repealed)

c) trade unions.

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Chapter II


  372 State Labor Inspectorate

(1) The State Labor Inspectorate is an administrative authority, subordinated to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection, which exercises state control over the observance of legislative acts and other normative acts containing norms of the labor law, occupational safety and health, conventions of collective bargaining and collective bargaining agreements at all units, by individual employers, as well as in central and local public authorities.

(1.1) The manner, conditions and procedure for carrying out at units the control provided in point (1) shall be expressly established in law.

(2) The Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Secret and Security Service, the State Protection and Guard Service, the National Administration of Penitentiaries, the National Anticorruption Center organize labor inspection activities through their specialized services, which have competence only for subordinate structures.

(3) The regulation of the organization and functioning of the State Labor Inspectorate is approved by the Government.

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  373 Repealed


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  374 Repealed


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  375 Repealed


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  376 Repealed


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  377 Repealed


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  378 Repealed


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  379 Repealed


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  380 Repealed


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  381 Repealed


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  382 Repealed


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  383 State energy supervision

The state supervision over the implementation of the measures that ensure the safe operation of the electrical and district heating installations is exercised by the state energy supervision body within the limits, according to the requirements and procedure established by the law.

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  384 State sanitary-epidemiological surveillance

The state surveillance of the sanitary-hygienic and sanitary-anti-epidemic norms observance in all units is carried out by the State Sanitary-Epidemiological Service within the limits, according to the requirements and procedure established by the law.

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  385 State surveillance and control over nuclear and radiological activities

State supervision and control in the field of nuclear and radiological activities are exercised by the National Agency of the Nuclear and Radiological Activities Regulation.

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Chapter III


  386 The rights of the trade union bodies to control the labor legislation observance

(1) The trade union bodies have the right to carry out the control on the observance by the employers and their representatives of the labor legislation and of other normative acts containing norms of the labor law at all units, regardless of the departmental subordination or the branch affiliation.

(2) In order to control the labor legislation observance and other normative acts containing norms of labor law, trade unions or, as the case may be, their representatives are entitled:

a) to set up their own labor inspectorates, to appoint proxies for occupational safety and health, which operate on the basis of the respective regulations, approved by the national-branch or national-inter-branch trade union bodies;

b) to control the legislative and other normative acts observance regarding the work and rest time, payment, safety and health at work and other working conditions, as well as the execution of the collective labor contracts and the collective agreements;

c) to visit and inspect unhindered the units and their subdivisions where the union members work, in order to determine the compliance of the working conditions with the occupational safety and health norms, and to present to the employer executory proposals, indicating the possible ways to eliminate the detected deficiencies;

d) to carry out, independently, the expertise of the working conditions and ensuring of the security at the workplaces;

e) to request and receive from the employers information and legal acts at unit level necessary for the control;

f) to participate, in composition with commissions, in investigation of the work accidents and cases of contracting occupational diseases and to receive from the employers information about the state of safety and health at work, including work accidents and certified occupational diseases;

g) to defend the rights and interests of the trade union members in matters related to safety and health at work, the granting of facilities, compensation and other social guarantees in connection with the influence of harmful production and environmental factors on employees;

h) to participate as independent experts in composition with commissions for the reception in operation of the production objectives and equipment;

i) to contest, in the established way, the normative acts that harm the labor, professional, economic and social rights of the employees, provided by the legislation in force.

(3) When carrying out the control over the labor legislation observance and other normative acts that contain norms of the labor law, the trade unions may realize other rights provided by the legislation in force.

(4) By detecting in units the non-observance of the occupational safety and health requirements, the concealment of work accidents and cases of contracting occupational diseases or the non-objective investigation of these facts, trade unions are entitled to ask the heads of these units, public authorities and competent authorities to take urgent measures, including interruption of work and suspension of the employer's decisions that contravene the legislation on safety and health at work, prosecution of the guilty persons in accordance with the legislation in force, collective agreements and collective labor agreements.

(4.1) By detecting in units the cases of sex criterion discrimination and the conditions that favor them, the trade union bodies submit to the leaders of these units, to the competent public authorities, concrete recommendations for their elimination.

(5) The employers are obliged to examine, within 7 working days from the date of submission (registration), the requirements of the trade unions and to inform in written form the trade union body about the results of the examination and the measures taken to remove the detected violations.

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  387 Guarantees for persons elected to the trade union bodies and not released from the basic employment

(1) Persons elected to the trade union bodies of all levels and not released from the basic job may not be disciplined and/or transferred to another job without prior consultation of the trade union bodies of which they are members.

(2) The leaders of the primary trade union organizations not released from the basic work place cannot be disciplined without prior consultation of the hierarchically superior trade union body.

(3) The participants in the trade union assemblies, seminars, conferences and congresses convened by the trade unions, in the trade union education are released from the basic workplace, during their duration, with the maintenance of the average salary.

(4) The members of the elective trade union bodies not released from the basic workplace are granted free time during the working hours in order to realize their rights and fulfill their trade union obligations, while maintaining the average salary. The concrete duration of the working time reserved for this activity is established in the collective labor contract.

(5) The termination of the individual labor contract concluded with the persons elected in the trade union bodies and with the leaders of the trade union bodies not released from the basic work place shall be admitted in compliance with the provisions of the present law.

(6) The fulfillment of the obligations and realization of their rights by the persons indicated in points (1) - (5) may not serve for the employer as a ground for dismissal or application of other sanctions that would affect their rights and interests arising from the work relations.

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  388 Guarantees for persons elected to the trade union bodies and released from the basic employment

(1) Employees whose individual employment contract is suspended in connection with their election to the elective positions in trade union bodies, after the expiration of their term of office shall be granted the previous job, and in its absence - another equivalent job (position) or, with the consent of the employee, to another unit.

(2) If the granting of a previously employed job or an equivalent job is impossible due to the liquidation of the unit, its reorganization, the reduction of the number  or staffing, the respective employer shall pay to the persons indicated in paragraph (1) a severance pay equal to 6 average monthly salaries.

(3) The employees whose individual employment contracts have been suspended in connection with their election in the trade union bodies of the unit benefit from the same rights and facilities as the other employees of the respective unit.

(4) The dismissal of the employees who have been elected in the trade union bodies, regardless of whether or not they have been released from the basic job, is not allowed for 2 years after the expiration of the mandate, except in cases of of the unit liquidation or committing culpable actions by the respective employees, for which the legislation in force provides the possibility of dismissal. In such cases, the dismissal is based on general grounds.

(5) In the collective labor agreements and in the collective conventions may be provided other guarantees for the persons indicated in paragraphs (1), (3) and (4).


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  389 Protection of the rights and labor, professional, economic and social interests of the employees by the trade unions

The activity of the trade unions oriented towards the protection of the labor, professional, economic and social rights and interests of the employees members of the trade union is regulated by the present law, by the legislation regarding the trade unions and by their statutes.


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  390 Ensuring the conditions for the activity of the trade union body in the unit

(1) The employer has the obligation to provide free of charge to the trade union body in the unit rooms with all necessary inventory, ensuring the conditions and services necessary for its activity.

(2) The employer makes available to the trade union body, according to the collective labor contract, means of transport, telecommunications and information necessary for the fulfillment of the statutory tasks of the respective trade union body.

(3) The employer without payment carries out, in the manner established by the collective labor contract and/or by the collective conventions, the collection of the membership fees of the trade union and transfers them monthly to the settlement account of the respective trade union body. The employer is not entitled to withhold the transfer of the indicated means or to use them for other purposes.

(4) The work remuneration of the trade union body leader, whose individual employment contract has been suspended in connection with the election to the elective position, shall be made at the expense of the unit, the amount of his salary is established by negotiations and is indicated in the collective labor contract or in the collective convention (agreement).

(5) In the units in which a collective labor contract is concluded and/or on which the collective conventions have their effects, the employer, by the request of the employees who are not union members, deducts from their salary funds and transfers them monthly to the settlement of the trade union body, under the conditions and in the manner established by the collective labor contract and/or by the collective conventions (agreements).

(6) Additional measures to ensure the activity of the trade unions may be provided in the collective labor agreement and/or in the collective conventions (agreements).


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Title XIV


  391 (No title)

(1) This law enters into force on October 1, 2003, except for the provisions regarding the granting of partially paid leave for child care until reaching the age of 3 years from art.124, point (2) and art.127, point (1), which will enter into force on 1 January 2004.

(2) Upon the entry into force of this law, the following shall be repealed:

a) The Labor Law of the Republic of Moldova, approved by the Moldovan R.S.S. Law of May 25, 1973 (News of the Supreme Soviet and of the Moldovan R.S.S. Government, 1973, no. 5, art. 46), with subsequent amendments;

b) Law no. 1296-XII of February 24, 1993 for the settlement of the individual labor disputes (Monitor of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova, 1993, no. 4, art. 91), with subsequent amendments;

c) Law no. 1298-XII of February 24, 1993 for the settlement of the collective labor disputes (Monitor of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova, 1993, no. 4, art. 93), with subsequent amendments;

d) Law no. 1303-XII of February 25, 1993 on the collective labor contract (Monitor of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova, 1993, no. 5, art. 123), with subsequent amendments.

(3) The legislative acts and other normative acts in force that regulate the labor relations and other relations directly related to them shall be applied insofar as they do not contravene this law.

This is a translation. No guarantees!

See the original = Romanian


  392 (No title)

(1) It is proposed to the President of the Republic of Moldova to bring his normative acts in accordance with this law.

(2) The Government, within one year from the date of publication of this law:

a) presents to the Parliament proposals for bringing the legislation in force in accordance with the provisions of this law;

b) presents to the Parliament the draft legislative acts regulating labor relations and other relations directly related to them that will replace the normative acts of the U.R.S.S. and R.S.S.M. in force;

c) will bring its normative acts in accordance with the provisions of this law;

d) will adopt the normative acts necessary for the execution of the provisions of present law;

e) will ensure the revision and abrogation by the ministries and departments of their normative acts that contravene this law;

f) will undertake other measures for the implementation of this law, for the study and application of its provisions by the subjects of law.

(3) The regulation and settlement of the legal situations related to the application of the labor legislation, unregulated or unresolved at the date of entry into force of this law, shall be carried out according to its provisions.


This is a translation. No guarantees!

See the original = Romanian